1.Resear chon design and application of PPT in specialized courses for materials;材料专业课电子板书设计应用初探
2)Electronic book电子书
1.This paper introduces a implementation method of electronic book making system, which includes two parts.本文介绍了一种电子书制作系统的实现方法。

1.E-books certainly looked like the future of publishing.电子书籍似乎将成为出版行业的未来。
2.electronic library search电子式图书查找程序
3.The Development of Electronic Books and the Futurity of University Library电子图书的发展与高校图书馆的未来
4.digital library数字化图书馆,数字图书馆,[台]数字图书馆,电子图书馆,[港]数码图书馆
5.marine electronics certificate船舶电子仪器合格证书航海电器设备证书
6.Discussion on E-books and Network Publishing from Barnes &Noble. Com’s Exiting from the Market of E-book从巴诺撤兵电子图书销售看电子图书与网络出版
7.Discussion on How Electronic Library Serve the Readers--Take Zhejiang Zhoushan Ocean Electronic Library as the Example电子图书馆开展读者服务的思考——以浙江舟山海洋电子图书馆为例
8.A Review of the Electronic Libraries and Academic Libraries Development in the UK英国电子图书馆及大学图书馆发展概况与特点
9.Perfect Electronic Registration of Certificate and Normalize Diploma Administration of Colleges and Universities;完善学历证书电子注册 规范高校证书文凭管理
10.Digital Library and the Construction of Electronic Reading Room in University Libraries;数字化图书馆与高校图书馆电子阅览室建设
11.E-publications and the Book-keeping Construction of Library;论电子出版物的出现与图书馆藏书建设对策
12.The study and treatment to the charge from traditional libraries to electronic libraries;从传统图书馆到电子图书馆藏书建设的变化与对策研究
13.Send Your E-Mail Certificate To A Directory把电子邮件证书发送到一个目录
14.there will be libraries in the electronic world.在电子世界也仍会有图书馆。
15.This book is a must for students of electronics.这是学电子学的人的一本必读书。
16.This is a book on electronics.这是一本有关电子学的书。
17.A Discussion on the Influence of E-journal on Library Periodical Work谈电子期刊对图书馆期刊工作的影响
18.Application of E-mail in Library Circulation Service电子邮件在图书馆流通服务中的应用

Electronic book电子书
1.This paper introduces a implementation method of electronic book making system, which includes two parts.本文介绍了一种电子书制作系统的实现方法。
3)Electronic certificate电子证书
4)electronic books电子图书
1.Paper books and electronic books comparison and supplementary;纸质图书与电子图书的比较及互补
1.Hard to Say Love:On the E-books Development Bottlenecks and Solutions from the Low Utilization Rate of APABI E-books in Libraries;电子图书,想说爱你不容易——从APABI电子图书的利用率谈其在图书馆的发展瓶颈及解决对策
2.Talking about E-book and the Construction of Community Service Network of Public Library;谈电子图书与公共图书馆社区服务网络建设
1.On the status que and prospect of the development of e-books;电子图书发展现状及前景初探
2.Discussion on E-books and Network Publishing from Barnes &Noble. Com’s Exiting from the Market of E-book;从巴诺撤兵电子图书销售看电子图书与网络出版
3.This article describes the characteristics of the e-books and discusses how to cataloging the western e-books using USMARC.文章描述了电子图书的基本特征,结合实例分析了用USMARC格式著录的电子图书的有关字段,提出用USMARC格式著录西文电子型图书的可行性。
