主体性价值,Subjective value
1)Subjective value主体性价值
1.It expresses the subjective value in the moral activities."仁"是人的一种内在的属性和品质,它具有成己成物的内在要求,"为仁由己"说明了行为主体"求诸己"的道德修养方法和道德自律意识以及对于道德义务和道德责任的自觉意识,表明了道德实践活动中主体性价值
2.Practice is also the ultimate means of realizing man s values, and man s objective and subjective values can only be realized through practical activities.实践是价值要素生成的基础,价值的基本要素都是在实践基础上生成的;实践是价值创造的源泉,只有实践活动才能创造出各种价值;实践还是实现人的价值的根本途径,人的客体性价值和主体性价值只有通过实践活动才能实现。

1.On the Value of Human Subjectivity in the Contradictory Relationship Between Virtuality and Reality;论虚拟与现实矛盾关系中人的主体性价值
2.Conformity, Subjectivity and the Retification of the Values in Moral Education;规范性、主体性与德育价值观的辩正
3.Subjectivity & Explore Its Value of Male Development主体性及其在男性发展中的价值探究
4.The Subject Construction Principles of the Socialism Core Value System;论社会主义核心价值体系的主体性建构原则
5.On human ontology,need,value and moral education;人的主体性、需要和价值意识与德育
6.To study the gradation of socialist nuclear value system;社会主义核心价值体系的层次性探析
7.On the Inclusiveness of the Socialist Core Value System;试论社会主义核心价值体系的包容性
8.On Subjectivity Regression of Educational Value of Patriotism Education Base;论爱国主义教育基地教育价值的主体性回归
9.Rationality and Purpose are the Starting Point of Value Emergence of the Kernel Values of Socialism;合理性与合目的性:社会主义核心价值体系价值生成的始点
10.The hidden value of establishment of principal status of senior students in physical education;体育教学中学生主体地位确立的隐蔽性价值
11.On Students' Subjectivity in Accepting Education of Core Value System大学生接受核心价值体系教育中的主体性
12.Starting from distinguishing subjectivity and objectivity of values, this paper discusses the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, monism and pluralism of values to the point.从厘清价值的主体性和客观性出发,扼要地探讨了价值的主体性和客观性、样化与一元化的统一。
13.Rationality of Subject’s Needs: the Criterion for Rationality of Value Judgment;主体需要的合理性是价值判断合理性的标准
14.Self"and Surpass: the Rational Self-examination of the Value Subject Principle;“自我”与超越:价值主体性原则的理性反思
15.On Consistency of the Contemporary Youth Values and Socialist Core Value System;论青年价值观与社会主义核心价值体系的一致性
16.On the Realistic-pointed Character of the Construction of Our Socialist Core Value System by the Background of Multiplication of Values;论价值观多元化背景下社会主义核心价值体系建构的现实针对性
17.Rational Thoughts on Educational Value Subject and Value Standard in a Well-off Society;全面建设小康社会时期教育价值主体及其价值尺度的理性思考
18.Study on the Main Body of Value of Management Effectiveness and Its Value Attitude管理有效性的价值主体及其价值态度研究——以高职教师管理为例

Value Subjectivity价值主体性
1.On Value Subjectivity Dimention of Economic Ethics:Reflection of China s Traditional Econoic Ethics Thinking;浅谈经济伦理中的价值主体性维度——对中国传统经济伦理思想的反思
3)subjective values主体性价值观
4)feminine principal value女性主体价值
1.Both Zhu Shu-zhen and Li Qing-zhao are outstanding writers of Song Dynasty,whose works represented the seeking for feminine principal value.朱淑真、李清照并为宋朝文坛的两大家,其作品表现了对女性主体价值的寻找,两人的出身、经历不同,寻找的方式也就不一样,李清照是用温柔敦厚的“融入主流”方式,朱淑真是用“女性本位”的方式,特征是刚烈凄厉,催人肠断,这也是男性中心社会里人们更称道李清照的创作,对朱淑真的作品不以为然的原因。
5)the value inter-subjectivity价值主体间性
1.The call of the value inter-subjectivity was directed at the confusion and limitation of subjectivity concept in the traditional philosophy.价值主体间性问题的提出是针对传统哲学中“主体性”这一概念所导致的困惑与局限提出来的。
6)value subject价值主体
1.From philosophical and journalistic theory we can see that besides transmission subject and acceptant subject,news value still has a third value subject-society,which is an independent one not belonging to the previou.关于新闻价值主体的构成与认定这一问题,学界一直以来对此存在一个理论缺陷,即完全忽略了把社会共同体作为新闻价值的主体的可能性和必要性,这一直影响着新闻业务的变革和新闻理论的创新。
2.With the development of golbaling and associate-practice and the emeraing of theory innovation in endlessly,we must re-orientate the value subject in order to push the course of global.在全球化和交往实践活动日益发展的情况下,在理论创新层出不穷的今天,我们必须对价值主体重新定位,以推动全球化进程和历史步伐的前进。
