平民教育,Mass Education
1)Mass Education平民教育
1.A Study on the Theory and Practice of Yan Yangchu' Mass Education晏阳初“平民教育”理论与实践研究
2.Among the varied education trends of thoughts,mass education is the most important one,which rose in the 1920s’.20世纪20年代,中国兴起了多种教育思潮,平民教育思潮是最重要的一种。
3.has started the many kinds of educations ideological trend, but the Mass education the ideological trend are influence very big one kind, the Chinese Mass education first commence a venture to Beijing and so on the big city, then gradually to national promotion.“五四”运动以后,随着民主思想在中国大地上的传播,中国兴起了多种教育思潮,而平民教育思潮是其中影响很大的一种,中国平民教育首先发轫于北京等大城市,然后逐步向全国推广。

1.Yan Yangchu s Thoughts on Grassroots-Level Education and the Formation of a Modern Nation-State of China;平民教育与中国现代民族国家——论晏阳初的平民教育思想
2.On Grassroots Education and Commoditization of Library Service in Universities论平民教育思想与高校图书馆平民化服务
3.Experimental Education of Common People in Ding County Before the War of Resistance Against Japan & Current Community Education;抗战前的定县平民教育实验与当今的社区教育
4.On the Thought of Common Civilian Education by Tao Xing-zhi and Village Community Education Today;陶行知平民教育思想与当今乡镇社区教育
5.The Commentary of Hunan Mass Education Movement;湖南平民教育运动述评(1912—1927年)
6.The Educational Problems among the Peasant-workers Children Challenge to Fair Education;农民工子女受教育困境挑战教育公平
7.On the Equality of Peasant-worker Childen s Education;教育平等:农民工子女受教育现状研究
8.Education Fair:the Dynamic Force of Carry out the Equality of Nationality Education Right;教育公平:实现民族教育权利平等的基础
9.OnEguality--the Princilpe of the Citizen s Opportunity in Eguality for Education;论平等——公民受教育机会平等原则
10.National Civic Education Programme for Democracy and Peace全国民主与和平公民教育方案
11.The civic republicanism:the ideal of the experiment on civic education by CNAMEM;公民共和主义:平教总会公民教育的思想特色
12.Enlightenment of Yan Yang-chu s Civilian Teaching Concept on Education of "Modern Farmers";晏阳初的平民教学思想及对“新农民”教育的启示
13.1. To realize the goal of education for all and constantly raise the level of education universalization.第一,实现全民教育目标,不断提高普及教育水平。
14.China s Preferential Policy to Minority Nationalities in Higher Education and Education Equality;中国高等教育的少数民族优惠政策与教育平等
15.Equality in Education for Ethnic Minorities and Educational Policy Alternative of the Government;少数民族教育平等问题及政府的教育政策选择
16.The balance of citizen education and specialized talent training education in college;我国大学公民教育与专门人才教育的平衡
17.Development of China s National Higher Education and Deng Xiaoping s Ideas About Education;民族高等教育的发展与邓小平教育思想的形成
18.Study on the Minority's Educational Preferential Policies from Educational Equity教育公平视角下的少数民族教育优惠政策

civilian education平民教育
1.In educational theory, civilian education rooted in progressive education such as life education theory brought forward by Tao Xingzhi.在五四新文化运动中发轫的平民教育,在理论层面上与大众教育、普及教育、公民教育等同构;在操作层面上,主要面向农村、难民、贫民等弱势群体;在教育理论上,凭借的主要是进步主义教育资源,如陶行知的生活教育理论。
2.Modern idea of civilian university succeeds and surpasses that of influential civilian education in the 1920s.当代"平民大学"的办学观传承并超越了20世纪20年代初中国那场极具影响的"平民教育"思想运动,二者在价值宗旨诉求、理论的实践展开与折射的示范效应等方面既有联系又有区别。
3.Yan Yangchu is the major initiator and practitioner of civilian education and rural construction campaign during 1920s-1930s in China.晏阳初是20世纪二三十年代中国平民教育和乡村建设的主要倡导者和积极实践者。
3)grassroots education平民教育
1.The realistic significance of the grassroots education revisited;重提“平民教育”的现实意义
2.A panorama of Yan Yangchu and his grassroots education and rural construction——Review on Song Enrong and Yan Yangchu and his grassroots education and rural construction;晏阳初及其平民教育和乡村建设运动的过去、现在与未来——评宋恩荣编著《晏阳初及其平民教育和乡村建设》
4)common people education平民教育
1.Yan Yangchu is a world-famous common people education theore tician and practitioner.晏阳初是世界著名的平民教育理论家和实践者, 20世纪二三十年代他在我国倡导和实施平民教育,取得了一定的成果,形成了一套适合当时中国国情的、完整而系统的平民教育理论,对我国当今成人教育教学具有借鉴意义。
5)mass education mission平民教育会
1.The mass education mission led by Yan Yang-chu is a classic model of Chinese nonprofit organization, which has carried on deep exploration in the social transition of Chinese countryside.晏阳初领导的平民教育会是中国非营利组织的一个典范,在中国农村的社会转型中进行过深入的探索。
6)mass education [= people's education]大众教育;平民教育
