德育思想,moral education thought
1)moral education thought德育思想
1.Based on the traditional Confucian moral education thoughts,Liu Zongyuan made some innovation and breakthrough in this aspect and proposed some penetrating and original viewpoints on this issue.柳宗元在继承传统的儒家德育思想同时,又有所创新和突破,其德育思想有很多精辟而独到的见解。
2.The gist of Dewey s moral education thought is induced and analyzed.归纳分析了杜威德育思想的要点,提出杜威的德育思想对当前道德建设的启示:道德建设要从儿童抓起,兼及所有社会成员;充分发挥学校道德教育主渠道作用,构建学校、家庭、社会三位一体的道德教育体系;充分发挥个体内部动因,注意寓教于乐。
3.The main connotation of TAO Xing-zhi s moral education thought maily is expressed in knowledge-practice-in-one, and the life moral education theory.陶行知德育思想的内涵主要体现在知行合一、生活德育论两个方面,其特点则体现为德育目标的进步性、德育内容的人民性、德育途径的实践性。

1.On the Referential Significance of Confucian Moral Thoughts to Modern Moral Education;儒家德育思想对当前德育的借鉴意义
2.Analysis of Aristotle s Thoughts in Moral Culture and the Revelation;试析亚里士多德的德育思想及其启示
3.On the Modern Value of Confucian Theory of Moral Education儒家德育课程思想对现代思想道德教育的价值
4.Govern the nation by morality,the intruction of ideological and ethical education in institutions of higher learning;用“以德治国”思想指导高校思想道德教育
5.On Goodlad s Reform and Thought of Teacher Education;古德莱德的师范教育改革与思想研究
6.Freedom and Autonomy: Kant s Moral Education Ideology;自由与自律:康德道德教育思想研究
7.The Modern Merit of Confucian Subjectivity Moral Thought of Consciousness in Moral Education;儒家道德主体自觉论思想的德育价值
8.On Innovation of the Moral Education of University Students;“以德治国”与大学生思想道德教育创新
9.Moral Practice:the Enlightment of Humanism to Current Moral Education;道德实践:人学思想对当前德育的启示
10.A Tentative Discussion about Moral Decline and Moral Education;浅议思想道德教育中的道德失范问题
11.Strengthening College Moral Education by Studying the Ideology of "Running a Country by Moral Education;学习“以德治国”思想 加强高校德育工作
12.Searching for A Scientific Way of Moral Education from Moral Structure;从思想品德结构探寻德育科学化途径
13.All-round Education and Moral Cultivation :the Foundation and the Guidance--Personal viewpoints on ideological and moral education for college students;育人为本 德育为先——大学生思想道德教育之我见
14.Interpretation of the Mortal Education Thoughts of Plato's Utopia柏拉图《理想国》道德教育思想阐释
15.About the Construction of Ideological and Moral Education System;构建大学生思想道德教育体系的思考
16.About the Education in Ideology and Morality to Minor College Students;对未成年大学生思想道德教育的思考
17.The New Thoughtway for The Ideological and Moral Education of University Students;积极探索大学生思想道德教育新思路
18.Opinions on Moral Character Education in Colleges During New Periods;关于新时期高校思想品德教育的思考

moral education德育思想
1.Wang Yangming epitomized the thought about moral education of subjective idealism in feudul period of China,while L.王阳明是中国封建社会主观唯心主义德育思想的集大成者,科尔伯格是当代西方道德认知发展理论体系的创立者。
2.The content of the thought of KONG Z;’s moral education is very plentiful,relating to a lot of aspects,such as the position,target,content and characters,and becoming a school of his own.孔子的德育思想内容十分丰富,涉及到德育的地位、目标、内容、特点等多个方面,并自成体系。
3.He took the theory of original evil of human nature which was the successor of teaching from Confucian as the basis for his moral education.荀子作为先秦著名的教育家,唯物思想的集大成者,他以性恶论为基础的德育思想,既师承孔子,又立足于社会现实,进行了创造性的发展;荀子的德育思想不仅对当世也对后世产生了深远的影响。
3)thought of moral education德育思想
1.Whereas the two Chengs belonged to Yi Luo School according to their thought of moral education and they were basically consistent in their ideological orientation and theoretical frame,their personal experiences and personality,.程颢与程颐创造性地建立了理学德育体系,一改宋以前儒家缺乏哲学本体论的依据,使中国德育思想趋于精致,也更具思辨性。
2.There are three major backgrounds about the form of Kongzi’s thought of moral education: background of families,background of culture and background of society.他的德育思想形成的背景主要有三个:家庭背景、文化背景和社会背景。
4)moral ideology德育思想
1.In this article the author introduces the current meanings of Confucian moral ideology from four parts:Firstly the"being determined" confirms with paying close attention to mental world.孔子德育思想对今天的社会仍然有着重要的影响。
5)thoughts of moral education德育思想
1.This paper focuses on the Confucian ideas and thoughts of moral education.本文介绍了孔子的德育思想,包括孔子的德育内容、德育方法论的论述;孔子德育思想的现实意义:从社会道德教化、人的精神境界的提升以及人际关系的协调三个方面考察孔子德育思想的现实意义。
2.Tao Shengzhi s thoughts of moral education,always regarded as the precious wealth with rich spirit of the times and the Chinese characteristics,whose core,whose goal and whose method have been surely remaining practical significance and inspiring function. 陶行知的德育思想是我国教育史上的宝贵财富,富有浓郁的时代气息和民族特色,对当代大学生德育具有重要的启示作用。
6)moral education思想品德教育
1.Refection on the moral education in colleges and universities;高校体育教学中思想品德教育途径探析
2.Combination of Aesthetic Education with Moral Education of Modern University Students;略论思想教育工作艺术化——关于当代大学生思想品德教育与美育结合的探析
3.Instructiveness is the common rule in college teaching, and the moral education plays the special role in the college chemical teaching, so the teacher should fully exert the moral educational factors of the teaching materials and properly take the advantage of moral education in chemical teaching so as to further the overall development of college students.教学中的教育性是大学教学的普遍规律;高校化学教学中具有思想品德教育的特殊作用;教师应充分挖掘教材中的思想教育因素,捕捉化学教学中思想品德教育的时机,促进大学生主体性发展。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j