信息伦理教育,information ethics education
1)information ethics education信息伦理教育
1.Comparing information ethics education(IEE)in China and America in terms of ‘importance & objective’,‘contents’ and ‘practice’,we can find that,we should attach more importance to IEE in moral education field; the content of IEE should be more specific and subdivided.对我国与美国信息伦理教育"地位与目标"、"内容"和"实施"三个维度进行比较,可以发现,我国道德教育领域需要更加重视信息伦理教育;信息伦理教育内容需要更加具体化和细化;在实施上亟待专门化,更多地开设独立的信息伦理教育课程,并且要注意信息伦理教育与普通道德教育相比的特殊性。
2.Within the perspective of information ethics theory, information ethics education is a key issue of the information society.在信息伦理学理论观照下,担负着传承、弘扬传统伦理文化,进而培育未来理想公民信息伦理素养的信息伦理教育成为在信息社会中思考的一个重要课题。
3.With the development of information society in recent years,traditional moral education is facing the great impact and challenges,so information ethics education has gained increasing attention in the academic field.近年来随着信息社会的发展,传统道德教育面临着巨大的冲击和挑战,信息伦理教育逐渐成为学术界关注的焦点之一。

1.Information Ethic Education of Adolescent in Information Age论信息化时代的青少年信息伦理教育
2.A Study on the Information Ethics Education of Schools in the Perspective of Information Society信息社会视阈中的学校信息伦理教育研究
3.Research on information ethics education based on the theory of value clarification;基于价值澄清理论的信息伦理教育研究
4.Investigation on Information Ethics Education of High School & University in China;我国学校信息伦理教育现状的调查研究
5.A Study on Information Ethics Education from the Perspective of the Theory of Cognitive Moral Development Education道德认知发展教育理论观照下的信息伦理教育研究
6.The Information Ethics Anomie of University Students and the Information Literacy Education;大学生信息伦理失范与信息素养教育
7.On Network Ethics Information Morals Education of University Students;网络伦理与大学生信息道德教育探微
8.The Analysis on the Moral Education in Teaching IT in Elementary and High Schools;浅析中小学信息技术教学中的伦理道德教育
9.The Information Ethical Education Among College Students in Internet Era;浅谈网络时代大学生的信息伦理道德教育
10.The Study of Undergraduate s Informational Ethics Education in Unversity;高等院校对大学生进行信息伦理学教育的研究
11.The Education of Information Ethical Morals to College Students in the Network Era;论网络时代大学生的信息伦理道德教育
12.The Reflection on Moral Education and Legal Education in College in the Information Times;信息时代加强大学生伦理道德与法制教育的重要性及对策
13.Ethics thinking on efficiency of honesty and credit education for college students;大学生诚信教育有效性的伦理学思考
14.Education Information Management and Education Policy in Colleges and Universities;高等学校的教育信息管理与教育决策
15.On Enhancing the Vocational Education of Information Management and Management Information System;论强化信息管理与管理信息系统专业教育
16.On Information Ethics;信息伦理学:应用伦理学研究的新领域
17.Research on Integrated Information Flow of College Education and Teaching Management;高校教育教学管理信息流的集成研究
18.The Application of Matlab in Teaching of "Education Information Processing";Matlab在《教育信息处理》课堂教学中的应用

information ethics moral education信息伦理道德教育
1.Finally,author proposed solutions of information ethics moral education.文章简述了何为网络环境的信息伦理,指出了当今信息(网络)伦理道德的严重失范,提出了建构网络环境下信息伦理道德教育的对策。
3)Information ethics信息伦理
1.In reference to traditional library ethics,the meaning of information ethics for librarians and users in the network environment has changed a great deal.与传统图书馆伦理相比,网络环境下图书馆信息伦理的内涵和特点均有了很大变化。
2.Through analyzing the influences of Internet on the information ethics of university students, this paper probes into the measures for strengthening the information literacy and information moral of university students.通过分析互联网对大学生信息伦理所带来的影响,探讨了加强大学生信息素养、信息道德的措施。
4)information ethic信息伦理
1.The Study of Archives Information Ethic Construction and Social Transformation;社会转型期档案信息伦理建设研究
2.Higher schools should strengthen the contents enforcement methods and measures of information ethical morals education.分析了网络文化的特点及网络信息对大学生伦理道德方面的正负面影响 ,探讨了高校加强大学生信息伦理道德教育的主要内容、实施方式和途
5)ethical education伦理教育
1.Conservation culture is the higher level of human culture,which has offered us new horizon on ethical education.在建设生态文明与和谐社会的今天,面对我国高校伦理教育中生态观的缺失这一现状,我们更应注重大学生的生态文明观念和生态道德情感的培养,优化大学生的生态伦理行为,树立一种良好的生态发展世界观和道德观。
2.The essay starts from the attribute of the law education,analyzing the shortage and serious outcome of the professional ethical education present in country s law education.从法科教育的属性谈起,分析当前我国法学本科教育中职业伦理教育的缺失及其严重后果。
3.In The Ideal Kingdom,Plato elaborates the objective concept,content concept and method concept of his ethical education thought.柏拉图在《理想国》中阐述了其伦理教育的目的观、内容观和方法观,反映了其在当时社会变革时期对理想社会的追求。
6)ethics education伦理教育
1.The explore on ethics education in physical education major体育教育专业伦理教育探究
2.Influence of Ethics Education on Ethical Beliefs of Dual Relationship of Trainees Attending Training of Psychological Consultation行业伦理教育对报考心理咨询师人员双重关系伦理意识的影响
3.The theory of foreign ethics education of computer has formed a complete system.国外计算机伦理教育已形成了一个完整的体系,从教学层次、教学内容到教学形式都有很多值得我们借鉴的地方。
