王符,Wang Fu
1)Wang Fu王符
1.The Dilemma of the Scholar-bureaucrat in the Later Stage of Han Dynasty ——a Study on the Trendency of Wang Fu s Thought;东汉后期士人的两难境地——王符思想趋向探析

1.An Analysis on Wang Fu s Epistemology of "Rendao Yuewei";王符“人道曰为”的认识论思想论析
2.On the Difference of the Edition of A Treatise on the Latent and Wang Fu s Thought on Dao and Qi;《潜夫论》的版本分歧与王符的道气思想
3.Wang Fu's People-Based Thinking and Its Revaluation Value王符民本思想的再发现及其价值重估
4.The Dilemma of the Scholar-bureaucrat in the Later Stage of Han Dynasty --a Study on the Trendency of Wang Fu s Thought;东汉后期士人的两难境地——王符思想趋向探析
5.A Brief Discussion of Economy Thought And Its Contemporary Enlightenment of Wang Fu s “On Hermit”;略论王符《潜夫论》之经济思想及其当代启示
6.To survey the thinking and policy of industry and commerce management in the East Han Dynasty;东汉时期工商管理政策与王符的工商管理思想
7.A Simple Discussion on the Wangfu s Ideas of "Silie"and "Zhishixing";略论王符的“四列”与志氏姓思想——整合社会和国家秩序的又一路径
8.The Major is to Circulate Usual Commodities,the Minor is to Sell the Unusual通货为本 鬻奇为末——王符《潜夫论》中商之本末说论析
9.It's properly due to the royal quality of the parties of the first part.要符合男方王室家族的身份。
10.Truth telling is not compatible with the defense of the realm.宣告真理与保卫这个王国是不相符合的两件事。
11.The Multiplicity and Profound Significance of Metaphor--interpretation of the semiotics in "Lord of the Flies";隐喻的多重性和深远意义——对《蝇王》的符号学解读
12.Analysis of Characteristics of Punctuations in WANG Meng s Series of Novels on Seasons;王蒙季节系列小说标点符号用法特征分析
13.An Analysis of Wangwei s Mountains-and-Waters Poems in the View of Symbolic Aesthetics and Psychological Aesthetics;王维山水诗的符号美学与心理美学解析
14.Construction of the Semiotic Kingdom:Linguistic Transcendence and Transcendental Language --A Study in Semiotics of Bakhtin and Lotman;符号学王国的构建:语言的超越与超越的语言——巴赫金与洛特曼的符号学理论研究
15.It signifies that this young person is eligible to assume the crown.它表明我们的这位年轻人符合了继承王位的条件.
16.fairy story: princess under an evil spell who could be awakened only by a prince's kiss.神话故事;被邪恶的符咒控制只有被王子的吻才能救醒。
17.Image Narration: A Restudy of the King Ajatasattu's Theme in the Western Regions' Cave Paintings作为典籍符号的图像叙事——西域石窟壁画阿阇世王题材再探讨
18.A Thought of the Concave Arc Trace on the Jade Cong King关于玉琮王“凹弧痕”的思考——试探早已泯灭无闻的玉卜兆与玉契符

WANG Fu's Ideas王符思想
3)The New viewpoint about the economic thought of Wang Fu王符经济思想论
4)Wang Fu s Thoughts on Borderland Administration王符的治边思想
5)Discussing the Moral Spirit of Wang Fu论王符的道德精神
6)A Probe into WangFu's People-centered Thought王符民本思想研究
