私人资本主义,private capitalism
1)private capitalism私人资本主义
1.A Study of Mao Zedong s Thought on Private Capitalism Round about the Founding of the People s Republic of China;建国前后毛泽东关于私人资本主义思想的研究
2.Mao Zedong holds an analytical outlook of materialist dialectics, draws on and absorbs Lenin s thought in the utilization of capitalism, and on the basis of social and theoretical explanation of new democracy, achieves a series of new innovative ideas about the connotation, nature, position and function of private capitalism.毛泽东坚持唯物辩证的分析观,借鉴和吸收列宁利用资本主义的思想,并在对新民主主义社会理论阐释的基础上,形成了对私人资本主义的内涵、性质、地位和作用的一系列创新认识。
3.As an important member of the first leading collective of the Communist Party of China, through his deeply thinking about Chinese reality, Liu Shaoqi gruadually produced the thought of using private capitalism during the course of leading Chinese revolution and construction. 刘少奇作为中国共产党第一代领导集体的重要成员,在领导中国革命和建设的过程中,经过对中国现实的深邃思考,逐步形成了利用私人资本主义的思想。

1.Review on Transition from Private Capitalism to Social Capitalism;论私人资本主义向社会资本主义的转变——对当代资本主义的分析
2.Study of Mao Ze-dong and Problems of China's Private Capitalism;毛泽东与中国私人资本主义问题研究
3.A Study of the Party s Policies Towards Private Capitalism from 1949 to 1956;1949-1956年党对私人资本主义政策研究
4.Mao Zedong s Theory Innovation in Private Capitalism;毛泽东对私人资本主义观的理论创新
5.Discussions of Private Capitalist Theory Established by the Communist Party of China s;中共私人资本主义理论若干问题探讨
6.A Tentative Study of Mao Ze-dong s Thought of Developing Private Capitalism;试论毛泽东发展私人资本主义的思想
7.On Mao Zedong's private capitalist view and realistic significance论毛泽东的私人资本主义观及其现实意义
8.On the Meaning and Enlightenment of Our Party s Policy on Private Capitalism from 1949 to 1956;论1949—1956年党对私人资本主义政策的意义和启示
9.Liu Shaoqi s Thought of Using Private Capitalism and Its Practical Significance;刘少奇利用私人资本主义的思想及其现实意义
10.A Study of Mao Zedong s Thought on Private Capitalism Round about the Founding of the People s Republic of China;建国前后毛泽东关于私人资本主义思想的研究
11.The Private Capitalism Policy Study During the PRC Initial Period (1949-1953);建国初期的私人资本主义政策研究(1949-1953年)
12.Mao Zedong s Understanding of Private Capitalism;对毛泽东私人资本主义认识变化的再评价
13.A Modest Discussion on the Party’s Basis of Private Capitalistic Economic Policy During the Early Period of New China;建国初期党对私人资本主义经济政策依据刍议
14.Mao Tse-tung s View on Chinese Private Capitalist Economy and Its Inspiration;毛泽东对中国私人资本主义的认识轨迹探析
15.Why Did Mao Zedong Advocate Developing Private Capitalism in the Middle and the Later of the War Against Japan;抗战中后期毛泽东为何提倡发展私人资本主义
16.On the Zhang Wen-tian s Private Capitalistic Economy Thought;试论张闻天关于私人资本主义经济的思想
17.On Mao Zedong s Individually-run Capitalist Economy Thought around Establishment of China;论建国前后毛泽东的私人资本主义经济思想
18.An inspectation on how the Chinese Communist Party recognize private capitalism;中国共产党对私人资本主义认识的历史考察

Private capitalist theory私人资本主义理论
3)private capitalist economy私人资本主义经济
1.In the rehabilitation period of China s national economy from 1949 to 1952 there ex- isted four kinds of capitalist economies consisting of bureaucrat-capital economy,foreign capitalist economy,private capitalist economy and state capitalist economy.1949~1952年国民经济恢复时期,中国大陆存在四种资本主义经济,即官僚资本经济、外国资本主义经济、私人资本主义经济和国家资本主义经济。
4)policies on private capitalism私人资本主义政策
1.Our Party has stipulated and implemented the relative policies on private capitalism from 1949 to 1956, which possessed great meanings in theory and practice.1949—1956年党对私人资本主义政策的制定和实施,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义,它丰富和发展了科学社会主义理论,是国际共产主义运动史上的伟大创举,是新时期党关于资本主义和私营经济思想的理论先导。
5)private of capitalist economy资本主义经济私人性
6)China's private capitalism中国私人资本主义
1.In view of Mao's whole revolutionary career, his contributions to the Chinese revolution and construction is closely related to his recognition and practice on the problems concerning China's private capitalism, wheras the long term "leftist" mistakes of his late .本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,详细地考察和分析了在中国共产党的历史上毛泽东在中国私人资本主义问题上的成功经验和失误教训。
