《共产党宣言》,Communist Manifesto
1)Communist Manifesto《共产党宣言》
1.On the Progressiveness of the Party and the Communist Manifesto;论《共产党宣言》与党的先进性
2.A Special Case in Block—Printing History ——A Block—Printed Edition of Communist Manifesto;雕版印刷史上的一个特例——谈上海书画社刻本《共产党宣言》
3.Legal Ideology in Communist Manifesto and Its Contemporary Value;《共产党宣言》中的法学思想及其当代价值

1.On Constructive Functions of The Communist Manifesto:Celebrating the 160th Anniversary of The Communist Manifesto(1848);论《共产党宣言》的建设功能——纪念《共产党宣言》发表160周年
2.This is a very famous book called the Communist Manifesto.这是一本名著,叫作《共产党宣言》
3.Brief Analysis on Zhu Zhixin s Translation of Manifesto of the Communist Party;浅析朱执信对《共产党宣言》的译介
4.The Analysis of "The Manifesto of the Communist Party "About the Causes of Collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe;《共产党宣言》对苏东剧变原因的解读
5.On Civilization Concept of Manifesto of Communist Party and its Contemporary Significance;《共产党宣言》的文明观及其当代意义
6.On the Matter of Ownership in "The Communist Manifesto";简论《共产党宣言》中的所有制问题
7.Early diffusion of Manifesto of the Communist Party in China;《共产党宣言》在中国的早期传播探幽
8.The Globalization Theory in the Manifesto of the Communist Party and Its Realistic Meaning;《共产党宣言》的全球化思想及现实意义
9.Marx Theory on Globalization in Communist Manifesto;《共产党宣言》中马克思的全球化理论
10.The Interpretation of the Duality of Globalization via Communist Manifesto;用《共产党宣言》解读全球化的二重性
12.On Some Problems in Chinese Translated Version of Manifesto of the Communist Party;关于《共产党宣言》中译本的几个问题
13.Revelation of "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" on theory education;《共产党宣言》对当代理论教育的启示
14.On the Analysis of "Two Necessities" in The Announcement of CP;论《共产党宣言》对“两个必然”的论证
15.Communist Manifesto as a scripture of modernity;作为“现代性”理论经典的《共产党宣言》
16.The Concept of the "Three Represent s" and Manifesto of the Communist Party;“三个代表”思想与《共产党宣言》
17.Viewing Contemporary Capitalist Culture from the Communist Manifesto;读《共产党宣言》看当代资本主义文化
18.Practical Significance of the Manif esto of the Communist Party Under the Circumstances of Globalization;全球化条件下《共产党宣言》的现代意义

Manifesto of the Communist Party《共产党宣言》
1.The Globalization Theory in the Manifesto of the Communist Party and Its Realistic Meaning;《共产党宣言》的全球化思想及现实意义
2.On the Harmonious Spirit of the Manifesto of the Communist Party;《共产党宣言》的和谐理念
3.Brief Analysis on Zhu Zhixin s Translation of Manifesto of the Communist Party;浅析朱执信对《共产党宣言》的译介
3)the Manifesto of the Communist Party《共产党宣言》
1.The Ideas of Development in the Manifesto of the Communist Party and Its Application and Development in China—— In Commemoration of the 160th Anniversary of the Publication the Communist Manifesto and the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up in China;《共产党宣言》的发展思想及其在中国的运用和发展——纪念《共产党宣言》发表160周年暨中国改革开放30周年
2.The Inner Connection Between the Thought of “Three Representions” and the Manifesto of the Communist Party;“三个代表”思想与《共产党宣言》的内在联系
3.For Everyone s Free Development: Deep Analysis on the Fundamental Spirit of the Manifesto of the Communist Party;为了一切人的自由发展:《共产党宣言》基本精神的深层解读
4)Manifesto of Communist Party《共产党宣言》
1.On Civilization Concept of Manifesto of Communist Party and its Contemporary Significance;《共产党宣言》的文明观及其当代意义
2.Cognition as to the Ideology of ‘Two Thorough Ruptures’ in <Manifesto of Communist Party>;对《共产党宣言》中“两个彻底决裂”思想的几点认识
3.Theoretical Creativity and Principle Creativity——about Manifesto of Communist Party again;理论创新与制度创新──重读《共产党宣言》
5)The Communist Manifesto《共产党宣言》
1.Background,Essence and New Development: A Humanistic Perspective of The Communist Manifesto人本视野中的《共产党宣言》:背景、真谛及当代发展
2.CHEN Du-xiu and The Communist Manifesto陈独秀与《共产党宣言》
3.Construction,transcend and realization——Survey on value change of The Communist Manifesto from a technical path vision建构、超越与实现——从技术路径视阈审视《共产党宣言》的价值嬗变
6)Communist Manifesto共产党宣言
1.Communist Society Well-off Society in an All-round Way and People s Overall Development——Stressed "Communist Manifesto";共产主义社会、全面小康社会和人的全面发展——重读《共产党宣言》
2.On the Fundamental Thoughts of Communist Manifesto and Deng Xiaoping Theory;论《共产党宣言》的基本思想与邓小平理论──纪念《共产党宣言》发表150周年
3.On the Matter of Ownership in "The Communist Manifesto";简论《共产党宣言》中的所有制问题
