理论与政策,theory and policy
1)theory and policy理论与政策
1.The first is the relation between theory and policy;the second is about the relation between strategy and countermeasures;the third relation is between ends and means;the forth point is the relation between macro-control and allocation of market resource;the last one lies in the relation between justice and efficiency.之一,理论与政策的关系。
2.In DengXiaoping s theory and policy of developing all undertakings of ethnic minorities and national regions, he clearly put forward that all undertakings of ethnic minorities and national regions such as education, culture, hygiene, science and technology should be developed with great efforts.邓小平关于发展少数民族和民族地区各项社会事业的理论与政策,明确提出了大力发展少数民族和民族地区的教育事业、文化和卫生事业及科学技术,提出要使用和发展民族语言文字,尊重少数民族的风俗习惯等。
3.At present, the research of society distribution theory and policy has a lack of holistic and systemic since the Sixteenth National People\'s Congress of CCP, so to strengthen the research on this question has important theoretical significance and practical value.对此,十六大以来的新一届党中央制定了一系列社会分配理论与政策,为我们正确解决分配问题指明了方向。

1.On CCPC s Theory And Policy Towards Intellectuals Before Liberation;建国前中共知识分子理论与政策略论
2.The Cure of SBC in China:theories and Policies;我国软预算约束的治理:理论与政策
3.Research on the Demand Management Theories and Policies of Irrigation Water农用水资源需求管理理论与政策研究
4.Theories and Policies on Finance Support to AgroIndustrialization in Shaanxi Province;论财政支持陕西农业产业化的理论与政策
5.American "International Education": History, Theory and Policy美国“国际教育”:历史、理论与政策
6.The Theoretical and Policy Research on Circular Economy Industry in China;我国循环经济产业的理论与政策分析
7.Researching of Theory and Practice on Estabishing "Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Area";构建“成渝经济区”的理论与政策研究
8.Theory,Practice and Policy Adjusting about Carrying out an Active Fiscal Policy积极财政政策:理论、实践与政策调整
9.On the Relationship between Government and Social Security;政府与社会保障:理论分析与政策建议
10.Theory and Reality of Public Policy--On Public Policy Conflicts from the Perspective of Basic Theory of Public Policy;公共政策的理论与现实——从公共政策的基础理论看公共政策冲突
11.Theory, Practice about Carrying Out an Expanding Fiscal Policy and Policy Choice in China;扩张性财政政策的理论、实践与我国的政策取向
12.Poverty Reduction in Public Finance:An Analysis of Theories and Strategies;公共财政减贫的理论分析与政策思路
13.The Relationships between the Fiscal Policies of Local Governments and Equity Financing of Enterprises in China: Theory and Evidence;地方政府财政政策与企业股权融资:理论与实证
14.Theoretical Analysis and Policy Implications on Land Policy under the Macro-control;土地政策参与宏观调控的理论分析及政策含义
15.The Theoretical Foundation of Criminal Policy: Nation,Power and Public Policy;刑事政策的理论预设:国家、权力与公共政策
16.The Theoretical Foundations of the Economics ofSocial Policy and the Effects of Social Policy;社会政策经济学的理论基础与社会政策效应
17.On the Construction of the System of Policy Evaluation of the Public Participation in Local Government--From the Perspective of the Policy Network Theory论公民参与地方政府政策评估制度建设——以政策网络理论为视角
18.On the Theoretical and Empirical Research about Full Employment Growth Rate and Fiscal Policy;必要增长率与财政政策的理论与实证研究

theory and policy of nationalities民族理论与政策
3)theory and policy analysis理论与政策分析
4)research on the theory and policy理论与政策研究
5)incentive theory and policy激励理论与政策
6)policy theory政策理论
1.First,policy theory does not p resent its supervision for specific policy making.在国内的政策理论工作者、特定政策的制定者和研究者之间,没有形成围绕制定高价值政策这一共同目标相互支撑、优势互补的机制和方法论,这是制约政策价值的瓶颈。

保护贸易政策理论保护贸易政策理论  保护贸易政策理论主张国家采取各种措施奖励出口,限制进口,保护本国市场免受外国商品的竞争,促进国内生产发展的理论。保护贸易是各国经济发展不平衡、国际市场竞争加剧以及国家干预经济的必然结果口该理论源于15~16世纪重商主义时期,到了18~19世纪,随着产业革命的完成和自由竞争的加强,渐为自由贸易理论及政策所取代。19世纪末20世纪初,美、德等后起国家,为了保护新兴的民族工业,抵制英国的竞争,曾大力推行保护贸易的政策主张。自此以后,自由与限制这两种贸易政策的理论始终互为对抗和补充。需要指出的是,战后保护贸易政策理论侧重研究赞同保护贸易的各种理由是否成立,实施保护的政策工具种类及其付诸使用时的利弊所在,对各种新、旧贸易保护主义观点进行了反思和评判。