非生产劳动,non-productive labor
1)non-productive labor非生产劳动
1.Analyzing the quality and quantity of non-productive labor, we can have a better understanding of its significance and complexity, which is helpful for us to not only understand its limits, nature and function, but also understand Marxist theory of labor value in the new situation, to establish and control the current policy of allotment in our country.对非生产劳动的质和量加以分析,充分认识非生产劳动的重要性和复杂性,这有助于我们理解非生产劳动的范围、性质和作用,有助于我们在新形势下理解马克思的劳动价值论,也有利于我们对现行分配政策的制定和把握。
2.Marx thought only the labor which could produce material wealth and surplus value for the society can be regarded as productive labor,or it would be considered as non-productive labor based on the exposition in Capital.根据马克思在《资本论》各卷中的论述,认为只有那些既能为社会生产物质财富,又能为社会生产剩余价值的劳动才是生产劳动,否则就是非生产劳动

1.productive labour and unproductive labour undercapitalism资本主义的生产劳动与非生产劳动
2.New Recognition of Production and Non-production Labor;关于生产劳动与非生产劳动的新认识
3.productive labour and unproductive labour under socialistsystem社会主义制度下的生产劳动与非生产劳动
4.Chapter 3 Unproductive Labour第三章 论非生产性劳动
5.Re-recognition of Productive and Non-Productive Labors;对生产性劳动与非生产性劳动的重新认识
6.The tailor who makes a coat for a man who produces nothing, is a productive labourer;为非生产人员做上衣的裁缝是生产性 劳动者;
7.Labour has accordingly been distinguished into Productive and Unproductive.劳动因此而被分成生产性的和非生产性的。
8.Analysis of Affecting Factors on Alteration of Labour Productivity in Unequilibrium Labour Market;非均衡劳动力市场条件下劳动生产率变动的影响因素分析
9.3. Labour productivity;(三)劳动生产率;
10.The Labor Theory of Value and the Distribution System for Non-labor Essential Production Factors According to Contribution;劳动价值论与非劳动生产要素按贡献参与分配制度
11.But though society grows no richer by unproductive labour, the individual may.但是,虽然社会不能靠非生产性劳动变富,个人却能靠非生产性 劳动变富。
12.Seven Issues that Need to Be Profoundly Discussed on Labor of Immaterial Production;非物质生产劳动之价值与报酬性质辨析
13.The Convergence or Divergence of Regional Labor Productivity in China A Non-rametric Analysis;中国区域劳动生产率趋同或趋异的非参数分析
14.Contribution of Non-labor Productive Elements in the Forming of Value;试论非劳动生产要素在价值形成中的贡献
15.On the Function of Non-Labor Production Factor in the Formation of Value;论非劳动生产要素在商品价值量中形成的作用
16.Productive labour means labour productive of wealth.生产性劳动意味着生产财富的劳动。
17.1. Labour is indispensable to production, but has not always production for its effect.第一节 劳动对于生产来说是必不可少的,但并非总是以生产为目的。
18.Marx s Productive Labor and Its Practical Significance in the Field of Immaterial Production;马克思论非物质生产领域的生产劳动及现实意义

non-production labor非生产劳动
3)Productive and non-productive work生产劳动和非生产劳动
4)Non-productive Labor非生产性劳动
1.Scientificallyrealizing the essence of Labor and the function of the Non-productive Labor in the forming process of Commodity Value is ex-tremely important, as this is theoretically and practically significant for fully understanding the true source of commodity value,maintaining the principle of .科学认识劳动的实质和非生产性劳动在商品价值形成中的重要作用,对于全面理解商品价值的真正来源、贯彻按劳分配原则和促进全体劳动者的平等与团结具有理论和现实意义。
2.Labor can be classified into productive labor and non-productive labor,according to the relation between it and capital or income.劳动可分为生产性劳动与非生产性劳动、创造价值的劳动与不创造价值的劳动、活劳动与物化劳动。
5)non-labor essential factors of production非劳动生产要素
1.The theoretical basis of the distribution system for non-labor essential factors of production according to contribution is firstly the contribution of the non-labor essential factors of production to the formation of the value and use value of commodity,which is the value basis and criterion of the distribution system for non-labor essential factors of production according to contribution.非劳动生产要素按贡献参与分配制度的理论依据,首先是非劳动生产要素在商品使用价值和价值形成中的贡献,这是非劳动生产要素按贡献参与分配的价值基础和尺度;在此基础上形成的生产资料所有制及其产权关系和商品经济原则,是非劳动生产要素的贡献在现实经济关系和法律上的体现,是非劳动生产要素按贡献参与分配的直接原因。
6)productive labour and unproductive labour under capitalism资本主义的生产劳动与非生产劳动
