认知理性,Cognitive rationality
1)Cognitive rationality认知理性
1.Teacher’s teaching rationality should contain‘faith rationality’,‘cognitive rationality’, and‘reflective rationality’.教育是理性的事业,教师需要形成合理的教学理性以保证教育教学活动合乎理性地展开,健全、合理的教学理性应当同时涵具“信仰理性”、“认知理性”、“反思理性”,单一的“信仰理性”或者“认知理性”都不足以实现教育教学的理性要求。
2.Distinguishing cognitive rationality from practical rationality is the prerequisite of explaining theoretical foundation of Confucious moral education and explaining the principles of Confucious moral education.区分认知理性与实践理性是解读儒家道德教育思想基础的前提,也是解读儒家道德教育原则的前提;"道之以德"是儒家道德教育的核心原则,是其它具体教育原则的基础,"道之以德"教育原则具有十分重要的现实意义。
2)cognitive reason认知理性
1.Mohism, by contrast, characterized by a spirit of cognitive reason, demonstrates its potentials of approaching to democracy and science.但儒道两家都是内圣之学 ,强调实践理性而忽视认知理性 ,因而发展不出现代意义上的民主与科学。
3)rational cognition理性认知
1.Listening training techniques refer not only to skill training,but also more essentially to the rational cognition and innovative training for listening capability.语言听力训练不仅要训练听的技能,更要注意对听能的理性认知,以及训练方法的创新。
2.From the perspectives of rational cognition of music and its a esthetic evaluation, this paper aims to reveal the fact that the cultivation of rational cognition is important in music comprehension and appreciation.从音乐鉴赏的理性认知与审美评价两方面来看,理性认知是形成审美评价的重要依据。

1.Irrational Perceived Risk and Market Perceived Risk of Securities Investment;证券投资的非理性认知风险与市场认知风险
2.Young People Irrational Cognition Questionnaire Establishment and Verification;青少年非理性认知问卷的编制与验证
3.A Research on Influences of Undergraduate Non-rational Cognition on Suicide;大学生非理性认知对自杀的影响研究
4.A Cognitive Pattern of Irrational Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights;知识产权非理性扩张的一种认知模式
5.Rationality: A Necessary Way to Moral Cognition --The Enlightenment from the Theory of Moral Development;理性:道德认知的必要途径——由道德认知发展的分阶理论获得的启示
6.Moderate Balance of Female Directors Between Self-recognition and Social Identity;高校女性管理者的自我认知与社会认同
7.Oaksford M., &Chater, N. (Eds) (1998). Rational Models of Cognition. Oxford University Press.《认知的理性模型》.牛津大学出版社.
8.§2 The cognitive assumption of the relevance-theoretic communication view--relevance§2 关联理论交际观的认知假设——关联性
9.Tangible Streaming Media Basic on Cognitive Psychology;基于认知心理学的可触性流媒体设计
10.Accessibility & Mental Spaces: A Cognitive Interpretation of "the";可及性和心理空间—the的认知阐释
11.Cognitive Study on Polysemy in Terms of Prototypical Category Theory;多义性在原型范畴理论上的认知研究
12.The Influence of Psychological Gender in Face Recognition;心理性别对人脸认知加工的影响研究
13.A Functional Approach to Poetic Metaphor and Its Cognitive Motivation;诗歌隐喻的功能性解读及其认知理据
14.Effects of chronic psychological stress on cognitive function in military personnel;军人慢性心理应激对认知功能的影响
15.On Features and Cognitive Mechanism Nominal Indirect Anaphora;名词性间接回指的特点及其认知推理
16.Complementarity Analysis on Cognitive Linguistics and Relevance Theory;试论认知语言学与关联理论的互补性
17.On the Motivation of Network Language from Perspective of Cognition;从认知视角看网络语言的生成理据性
18.Information Status and Cognitive Motivations of Presentational There-Construction in English;呈现性there-构式的信息状态与认知理据

cognitive reason认知理性
1.Mohism, by contrast, characterized by a spirit of cognitive reason, demonstrates its potentials of approaching to democracy and science.但儒道两家都是内圣之学 ,强调实践理性而忽视认知理性 ,因而发展不出现代意义上的民主与科学。
3)rational cognition理性认知
1.Listening training techniques refer not only to skill training,but also more essentially to the rational cognition and innovative training for listening capability.语言听力训练不仅要训练听的技能,更要注意对听能的理性认知,以及训练方法的创新。
2.From the perspectives of rational cognition of music and its a esthetic evaluation, this paper aims to reveal the fact that the cultivation of rational cognition is important in music comprehension and appreciation.从音乐鉴赏的理性认知与审美评价两方面来看,理性认知是形成审美评价的重要依据。
4)unreasonable cognition非理性认知
1.Their unreasonable cognition towards schoolmate relation, love relation and so on spurs them to form the unreasonable faith; thus it causes some college students to form strong senses of inferiority, depression and setbucks, .大学生自杀的根本原因在于其认知出现了严重偏差,对同学关系、恋爱关系等事件的非理性认知促使他们形成非理性信念,使得大学生产生强烈的自卑、抑郁和挫折感,从而否定自己的存在价值,走向自杀。
5)comprehensive recognition理解性认知
6)concept of rational cognition理性认知理念
