知识特性,knowledge characteristics
1)knowledge characteristics知识特性
1.This paper puts the influential factors to knowledge sharing into four aspects,which are knowledge characteristics,organizational facts,personal facts and technological facts,and analysis the mechanism of each fact on knowledge sharing.本文将影响组织成员知识分享的因素归纳为四方面:知识特性因素、组织因素、个体因素和技术因素,提出知识分享的整合模式,并分析各因素对知识分享的不同作用机理。

1.Study of knowledge management and innovation based on the nature of knowledge;基于知识特性的知识管理与创新研究
2.Effects of knowledge traits and mechanism to knowledge transfer within transnational corporations:An empirical study;跨国公司知识转移:知识特性与转移工具研究
3.A Structural Analysis of Knowledge Characteristics' Effect on Knowledge Transfer Efficiency知识特性对知识转移效率影响效应的结构分析
4.Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer: The Influence of Knowledge Characteristics and Internal Knowledge Market;知识转移的效率:知识特性和内部知识市场的影响
5.Organization Networking and its Management Based on the Nature of Knowledge;基于知识特性的组织网络化及其管理
6.Characteristics of Technological,Capabilities of Knowledge Integration and results of Knowledge Integration:a New Theoretical Framework;技术知识特性、知识整合能力和效果的关系——一个新的理论框架
7.It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it.凡真正渴求知识者,每能得之,这是知识的特性。
8.Studies on Organizational Attribution and Knowledge Flow in Knowledge Innovation of Enterprises;企业知识创新的组织属性及知识流特征研究
9.Construction of Intellectual Tactics Pattern of Disciplines in the Light of Particularity of Knowledge;从知识的特质论学科知识性策略模式的建构
10.Discussion on the Characteristics of the Intellectual Property and Public Products of Local Standards;试论地方标准的知识产权特性与公共产品特性
11.Michael Oakeshott: The Critics of Modernity from the Perspective of Epistemology;欧克肖特:知识论视野中的现代性批判
12.On the knowledge foundation of university s loosely-coupled system;论大学松散结合组织特性的知识根源
14.A View of KnowlegeBaed Technology and the Knowledge Innovation in the Technological Innovation;知识技术观和技术创新的非线性特征
15.The Relationship between Properties of Knowledge, Network Topology and Corporation Innovation Performance知识属性、网络特征与企业创新绩效
16.A Case Study on the Characteristics of Pre-school Teachers' Practical Knowledge幼儿教师实践性知识特征的个案研究
17.Tacit knowledge:Implication,Features and Acquisition Route隐性知识:涵义、特征及其获取途径
18.On Ideological Characters of Curriculum and its Objectivity;试析课程知识的意识形态特征与客观性

knowledge trait知识特性
1.Effects of knowledge traits and mechanism to knowledge transfer within transnational corporations:An empirical study;跨国公司知识转移:知识特性与转移工具研究
3)technological knowledge characteristics技术知识特性
1.This paper,through studying how technological knowledge characteristics(mainly including path dependence、complexity、 variability、explicitness) influenced the technological innovation management,offers some feasible suggestions for technological innovation management of enterprises,to improve the efficiency of technological innovation managemen.本文通过研究技术知识特性(主要包括技术知识的路径依赖性、复杂程度、变动程度、隐性和显性程度)对技术创新管理的影响,为企业的技术创新管理提供一些可行的建议,以提高技术创新管理的效率。
4)economic characteristics of knowledge知识的经济特性
5)knowledge sourcing characteristics知识来源方特性
1.Theoretical research establishes degree of knowledge in the head and the degree of knowledge protec-tion as the key factors of knowledge sourcing characteristics,and measure knowledge transfer efficiency from the aspects of knowledge acquirement,knowledge usage,satisfaction and convenience.基于结构分析方法,在排除其他相关因素作用的前提下,就知识来源方特性对于知识转移效率所产生的效应进行了分析。
6)epistemic knowledge识性知识
1.Episteme is a strict logic epistemic knowledge with certain relative truth which people acquire when they know the world.学是人认识世界万物而得到的,逻辑严密的,具有某种相对真理性的识性知识;是学者运用相关技术,在既有研究前提下,在观察基础上,通过理论思维而建构起来的。

3D特性翻译为:AlphaBlending(α混合)  简单地说这是一种让3D物件产生透明感的技术。屏幕上显示的3D物件,每个像素中有红、绿、蓝三组数值。若3D环境中允许像素能拥有一组α值,我们就称它拥有一个α通道。α值的内容,是记载像素的透明度。这样一来使得每一个物件都可以拥有不同的透明程度。比如说,玻璃会拥有很高的透明度,而一块木头可能就没什么透明度可言。α混合这个功能,就是处理两个物件在萤幕画面上叠加的时候,还会将α值列入考虑,使其呈现接近真实物件的效果。