贫困缓解,poverty alleviation
1)poverty alleviation贫困缓解
1.Land Reforms and Poverty Alleviation:A Series of Academic Controversy Surrounding Redistributive Land Reforms;土地改革与贫困缓解——围绕再分配土地改革的一系列学术争议
2.Economic Growth,Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation——Evidence from Rural China:1985~2003;经济增长、收入分配与贫困缓解——基于中国农村贫困变动的实证分析
3.In recent years, tourism development has been an effective means for poverty alleviation in ethnic areas of Guangxi.旅游业的发展已成为广西民族地区缓解贫困的有效途径,但旅游扶贫功效的发挥必须保障机制,发挥政府主导作用、构建社区旅游扶贫开发模式、选择利于贫困人口发展的旅游方式、协调旅游开发与自然环境保护以及提高贫困人口人文素质,方能有利于广西民族地区贫困缓解的旅游发展战略。

1.Economic Growth,Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation--Evidence from Rural China:1985~2003;经济增长、收入分配与贫困缓解——基于中国农村贫困变动的实证分析
2.Rational Choice and Poverty Alleviation--Analysis on the Educational Poverty Alleviation of International NGOs;理性选择与贫困缓解——基于国际NGO教育扶贫行为的分析
3.Social Transformation,Social Capital and Poverty Alleviation in the Cities:An Empirical Study of the Poor Residents in Guangzhou and Lanzhou市场转型、社会资本与城市居民的贫困缓解:以广州和兰州的贫困居民为例
4.Land Reforms and Poverty Alleviation:A Series of Academic Controversy Surrounding Redistributive Land Reforms;土地改革与贫困缓解——围绕再分配土地改革的一系列学术争议
5.Advances In the Relationship between Payments for Environmental Services and Poverty Reduction Research生态补偿与缓解贫困关系的研究进展
6.The Rural Labour Flowing and Relieving the Poverty;农村劳动力流动与缓解贫困——基于甘肃省贫困地区的实证分析
7.In this way, reform of the system became the main way to alleviate poverty.因此,制度的变革就成为缓解贫困的主要途径。
8.Study on "Reconverting Cultivated Land into Forest and Grassland" and Alleviating Poverty in the Western Area of China;我国西部地区“一退两还”与缓解贫困问题研究
9.Education s meaning to poverty alleviation based on different perspectives;不同发展视角下教育对缓解贫困的意义
10.The Ampirical Analysis on the Mobility of Rural Labors to Poverty Alleviation;农村劳动力流动对缓解贫困的实证分析
11.A Study on Effectiveness of Civilian Credit in Anti-poverty in China Rural Area;中国农村民间信用缓解贫困的有效性分析
12.Application of Employment Guidance Course in Relieving Employment Anxiety of Poverty-Stricken College Students就业指导课在缓解贫困生就业焦虑中的作用
14.Effects of "Three incentives and one subsidy"policy in alleviate finace diffculities“三奖一补”政策对缓解财政困难效用的思考——以贵州省贫困县乡为例
15.Alleviating and eliminating poverty remains a long-term historical task for China.缓解和消除贫困仍然是中国今后一项长期的历史任务。
16.A Study on the Intervention of Group Counseling of Self-acceptance to Alleviate the Impoverished Undergraduates Mental Stress;自我接纳团体辅导对缓解贫困大学生心理压力的干预研究
17.The Vulnerability Framework of the Resource Property──A Re-vealuation of the Tactics for Relieving Poverty in Urban Areas;资源财产易受损害性框架:重新估价城市缓解贫困的策略
18.The Effects of the Village Organizations Capability on Rural Poverty Alleviation村基层组织的能力禀赋对缓解农村贫困的贡献分析

Poverty alleviation缓解贫困
1.Using the data which is obtained from 10 sample villages in Gansu province and probit model,the paper analysis the function of labor migration in the poverty alleviation based on the summary of giving the fundamental reason for poverty in poor areas.研究结果表明,家庭劳动力数量、外出劳动力数量、流动者年龄及受教育程度、流动时间的长短、流动的稳定性、流动区域等因素对缓解家庭贫困具有十分积极的作用,外出打工已成为农村缓解贫困的主要途径。
2.This article analyses the representative viewpoint of current discus sion about China poverty alleviation strategy combined with the practice since 1 985.“开发式扶贫”战略对缓解西部地区贫困仍有决定作用,保持国民经济的持续、健康 、稳定发展对缓解贫困有重要意义。
3)poverty reduction缓解贫困
4)Poverty Reduction减缓贫困
1.The dissertation is an empirical study on the impact of rural road program upon poverty reduction.本文属于社会科学领域、农业经济管理范畴内的有关贫困问题的研究,是一项关于农村道路项目对减缓贫困影响的实证研究。
2.The number of rural poor of China has decreased since the adopting of a national poverty reduction program by the central government of China.因此,研究农村公路基础设施对减缓贫困的影响,对于探讨将农村公路基础设施建设与减缓贫困目标有效结合起来有着重要意义。
5)Poverty Decomposition贫困分解
6)ease one's embarrassment缓解某人的困窘

缓解缓解 指疾病的症状逐渐减轻。