刘晏,Liu Yan
1)Liu Yan刘晏
1.Brief Discussion of the Economic Views and Financial Reform Measurements of Liu Yan;试论刘晏的经济思想与财政改革措施
2.Finanical Reformation Carried out by LIU Yan and the Development of Commodity Economy during the Middle-late Tang Dynasty;刘晏的财政改革与唐后期商品经济的发展
3.Liu Yan s Laws and Regulations to Monopolize Salt and the Trans formation of Business Policies in Ancient China;刘晏榷盐法与中国古代商业政策之转型

1.Brief Discussion of the Economic Views and Financial Reform Measurements of Liu Yan;试论刘晏的经济思想与财政改革措施
2.Talking about state-operated and Private Policy in Chinese History from Liu Yan’s Reforming;“刘晏模式”与中国历史上的工商经营
3.An Analysis of the Property Rights in the Cooperation between the Government and Businessmen during the Salt Reformation of Liu Yan;刘晏盐法下政府与商人合作的产权意义
4.Finanical Reformation Carried out by LIU Yan and the Development of Commodity Economy during the Middle-late Tang Dynasty;刘晏的财政改革与唐后期商品经济的发展
5.Liu Yan s Laws and Regulations to Monopolize Salt and the Trans formation of Business Policies in Ancient China;刘晏榷盐法与中国古代商业政策之转型
6.The economic views of Liu Yan fully reflect the concept of reign from the view of "human-centered" and "always put the demos first".刘晏的经济思想充分体现了“以人为本”、“爱民为先”的执政理念。
7.Analyzing Dreams by Way of "Lizhi(Ruling by Way of Rites)"--Yanzi s Dream Analysis Art in Yanzi Chunqiu;据礼释梦——《晏子春秋》中晏子的释梦艺术
8.Kanyan from Beautiful Lands来自美丽之地的卡斯晏
9.Go quickly, before it's too late!"你快去,免得太晏了。”
10."Taxes were light and regular then, And I could sleep soundly and late in the morning-"井税有常期, 日晏犹得眠。
11.A New Opinion of Yan Jidao s Political Thought--Also Discussion on the Relation between Yan Jidao and the New Party;晏几道政治思想异议——兼论晏几道与新党的关系
12.Dissuasion for People -the Image of Yan Zi in Yan Zi Chun Qiu;百般谏诤皆为民——晏婴在《晏子春秋》中的谏诤形象
13.Virtue for stabilizing the State,Broad-mindedness for tolerating the people--According to Yanzi chunqiu,The Inside Discourse(jian shang &jian xia),On Yanzi s thoughts of remonstrating with the king;德厚足以安世,行广足以容众——从《晏子春秋》谏上、谏下论晏子谏君思想
14.Much lamentation followed the death of the old king.老国王晏驾, 人们悲恸不已.
15.Tremors were felt in Beijing when a great earthquake rocked Tangshan in 1976.晏粕酱蟮卣鸬氖焙虮本┒几械秸鸬础
16.The mole, s, mouse’s and moose’s math is worse.晏鼠,骡子,老鼠和麋鹿的数学越来越差。
17.Dr Yanover's bill came due again.晏诺华医生的帐单又到期了。
18.Need we take a farewell party for him?我们需要为他举办一个送别晚晏吗?

Liu Yan salt method刘晏盐法
3)Management ideology of LIU Yan刘晏的管理思想
1.Study on Synthesize Control Desertification in Haiyan;海晏县荒漠综合治理研究
2.Ecology Environment Status Quo and Control Ways in Haiyan County;海晏县生态现状及治理途径
6)Yan Shu晏殊
1.Swallow s Returning and Faded Flower s Falling Pull the Heart String——Analysis on the composition style of Yan Shu s poems;燕归花落总关情——浅析晏殊词的创作特色
2.The Thought Fuses the Sentiment Through the Felicity Sentence——with example of Yan Shu s ci to discuss Ye Jiaying s studies of ci;思致融情传好句——以晏殊词为例谈叶嘉莹的词学研究
3.On the Differences between the Lyrics of YAN Shu and OU Yang-xiu;试论欧阳修与晏殊词的差异
