李世民,Li Shimin
1)Li Shimin李世民
1.Probe into the development of royal lyrics of Zhenguan period——Centered by Li Shimin;贞观诗坛宫廷诗格律的发展探察——以李世民为中心
2.A study of the newly discovered tomb epitaph of the female guard of Li Shimin Qin Wang of the Tang;唐秦王李世民女侍卫墓志初考
3.Overall Comments Li Shimin s Poems;成功的帝王与不成功的诗人——李世民诗歌综论

1.one was Xiao Yan, Emperor Liangwu of Liang of the Southern Dynasties (420-589), and the other was Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.一个是南朝梁武帝萧衍,一个是唐太宗李世民
2.Li Shimin regarded Wang's calligraphy work as perfect.李世民对王羲之书法认为已经达到了"尽善尽美"。
3.From a "murderer" to a "great emperor" Psychological analysis of "riddle of Li Shimin";从“悖逆凶徒”到“千古一帝”——“李世民之谜”的心理分析
4.Overall Comments Li Shimin s Poems;成功的帝王与不成功的诗人——李世民诗歌综论
5.It is said that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) treasured the work and had it buried in his tomb.传说唐太宗李世民对《兰亭序》十分珍爱,死时将其殉葬。
6.as mentioned earlier, Li Shimin apparently asked his officials to get the original copy of the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection by Wang Xizhi and have it buried in his own tomb.李世民曾经派御史萧翼骗取来《兰亭序》真迹,死的时候,用它陪了葬。
7.Probe into the development of royal lyrics of Zhenguan period--Centered by Li Shimin;贞观诗坛宫廷诗格律的发展探察——以李世民为中心
8.Ah, all the world is in turmoil r The silk houses are not going to open, I tell you!—十八路反王早已下凡,李世民还没出世;世界不太平!今年茧厂关门,不做生意
9.Li Shi Min s Talented Person Stimulates a Problem to Study to Were Stimulating Mechanism in the Ancient Times for Categorical Tracing Back and with Examination;李世民的人才激励问题研究—以古代正激励机制为范畴的溯及和考察
10.Zemin Jiang, Peng Li send telegraph of condolences on the passing of Nixon江泽民李鹏电唁尼克松逝世
11.The Patriarchal Activities of Li s Shi Rong Ancestral Hall During the End of Qing Dynasty and Early of the Republic of China--Based on Li Bangfu,an Imperial College Student s Jottings and Manuscripts;清末民初祁门西乡云村李氏世荣堂的宗族活动——以捐监生李邦福杂记手稿为中心
12.Head for the Reality, Head for the Common Custom -The simple discussion of townsperson Comsciousness and aesthetics thought by LiZhi;走向真实、走向世俗——李贽的市民意识及其美学思想简论
13.Zemin Jiang, president of the People's Republic of China, and Peng Li, premier of the State Council, sent a telegraph of condolences on the 23rd on the passing of former US President, Richard Nixon.中华人民共和国主席江泽民和国务院总理李鹏23日电唁美国前总统理查德·尼克松逝世。
14.After Li Bai passed away, he was first buried at the foot of Dragon Hill.李白逝世后,先葬于龙山。
15.Li Jian-nong: A Great Historian on World Level--Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Li Jiannong s Death;李剑农:世界级大史学家——纪念李剑农逝世40周年
16.Li: We have talked so far mainly on China's side, while for the Americans, what will they benefit?李:我们主要从中国方面谈了入世,而对美国人民来说,他们有什么收益吗?
17.The Patriotism of the Princes and Nobles Is Not Equal to That of the Intellectuals and Common People;不能把诸侯贵族的爱国思想和平民与士的爱国精神画等号──答李增林和龚世俊二同志
18.dark red plum-like fruit of Old World buckthorn trees.暗红色李子状的古老世界鼠李科树木的果实。

LI Shi-min李世民
1.On LI Shi-min s Cultural and Aesthetic Psychology;李世民文化审美心理探赜
2.Re-discussion on Li Shi-min s "nationality";再论李世民的“民族成分”
3)riddle of Li Shimin李世民之谜
1.From a "murderer" to a "great emperor" Psychological analysis of "riddle of Li Shimin";从“悖逆凶徒”到“千古一帝”——“李世民之谜”的心理分析
4)"Li Shimin, prince Qin of Tang"秦王李世民
5)Tangtaizong Li Shimin唐太宗李世民(598~649)
6)Li Shimin and the Early Tang s Calligraphy李世民与初唐书法
