扩展秩序,expanding order
1)expanding order扩展秩序
1.Based on Hayek’s view on social development, the core theme is the expanding order of human cooperation, which can be reduced to the spontaneous order composed of three basic elements: freedom, competition and rules.在哈耶克的社会发展观中,中心论题是人类合作之扩展秩序,这个秩序又被归结为自生自发秩序,而自生自发秩序由三个基本要素构成:自由、竞争和规则,其基本含义就是在一般性规则之下通过社会主体之间的自由竞争以推进社会秩序的演化。
2.Starting from the idea of “incomplete ration” by Hayek,the article explains why the spontaneous“expanding order”of market,not man-made plan is needed,and clarifies the internal significance of construction of economic ethics based on finite ration.从哈耶克的“不完全理性”的思想出发,说明了为什么我们需要市场这种自发的“扩展秩序”而不能依赖于人为的计划,以及在有限理性的基础上建立经济伦理的内在意义。
3.Hayek thinks "liberalist expanding order" as the key paradigm of cultural theory denies historical materialism and criticizes "constructing rationalism".在20世纪,以哈耶克为代表的自由主义文化理论,一直是唯物史观文化理论的主要批评力量,他以"自由扩展秩序"作为文化理论的核心范畴,否定唯物史观文化理论,以"反唯理主义"的文化姿态,批评"建构论理性主义"。

1.Materialist Conception of History and "Expanding Order":Two Theories of Cultural Development唯物史观与“扩展秩序”:两种文化发展理论
2.The Trinity of the Expanding Order of Human Cooperation--Review on the Spontaneous Order Principle by F.A.Hayek;三位一体的人类合作之扩展秩序——哈耶克的自生自发秩序原理之述评
3.We customarily entitle "capitalism" is a extent order of humanity co-operation.我们通常叫做“资本主义”的东西 ,其本质是“人类合作的扩展秩序”。
4.Policy Process,Order Expansion and Change in Institutions of Social Business Provision;政策过程、秩序扩展与社会事业供给制度变迁
5.The Increase of Salary Degrees during the Warring States,the Qin and the Western Han Dynasties;从《秩律》论战国秦汉间禄秩序列的纵向伸展
6.Extender : Specifies Enterprise Frameworks extender扩展程序:指定企业版框架扩展程序
7.Registers an Extender Provider for a specific Extender category.为特定的扩展程序类别注册扩展程序提供程序。
8.The Extender Provider failed to return an Extender for this object.扩展程序提供程序未能为该对象返回扩展程序。
9.New international human order: moral aspects of development国际人类新秩序:发展的道德问题
10.On the Realization of the Scientific Conception of Development in Economic Legal System;论科学发展观在经济法秩序中的实现
11.The Relations between Social Order, Liberation of Social Main Body and Social Development;试论社会秩序与主体解放和社会发展
12.Evolution of World Order: Mechanisms and Rules;世界秩序发展的内在机制与一般规律
13.The Mode for Political Development from the Perspective of Natural Order自生秩序视角下政治发展的模式选择
14.New International Order, World Order and New World Order;国际新秩序、世界秩序与世界新秩序
15.generalized programming extended扩展的通用程序设计
16.tensions (MSS extensions)海量存储系统扩展程序
17.Extender Names : Specifies Enterprise Frameworks extender names扩展程序名称:指定企业版框架扩展程序名称
18.It is not the social order that needs to expand so as to avoid redundancy and entropy but the market itself.需要扩大以避免僵化及滥竽充数的并不是社会秩序,而是市场本身。

order expansion秩序扩展
3)the system of "spantaneous expansion"自发扩展秩序
4)market order expansion市场秩序扩展
5)spontaneous order of Confucianism cause儒家事业扩展秩序
6)extended order of human cooperation人类合作的扩展秩序
1.From a perspective of both the Hayekian conception of the extended order of human cooperation and the role of the legal property system in formation of capital and in function of a modern market economy, this .如果从人类合作的扩展秩序自发生成和不断扩展的视角研究经济增长的斯密动力,就会发现,"布罗代尔钟罩"原来是那些阻碍"斯密动力"形成和发挥的社会安排和社会机制。
