晚期资本主义,late capitalism
1)late capitalism晚期资本主义
1.On Jameson s Culture Theory of Late Capitalism;詹姆逊“晚期资本主义”文化理论研究
2.The cultural logic of late capitalism influenced greatly the existence,prosperity and features of the popular culture.晚期资本主义文化逻辑对大众文化的生存、兴盛及其特征产生了重大影响。
3.Jameson’s postmodernism theory, which studied and discussed periodic questions and the reasoning of postmodernism , can be taken as Marxist postmodern theory; which refered and researched postmodernism or the cultural logic of late capitalism, can also be respected as the postmodern theory of culture.詹明信的后现代主义理论由于研讨“分期问题与后现代主义的成因”,因而可作为马克思主义的后现代理论;由于探究“后现代主义,或晚期资本主义的文化逻辑”,因而可作为文化的后现代理论。

1.Comment on Later Period Capitalism Culture Ideology of Significance;论晚期资本主义文化的意识形态意义
2.On Jameson s Culture Theory of Late Capitalism;詹姆逊“晚期资本主义”文化理论研究
3.Review of Habermas Later Theory of Capitalism Crisis;哈贝马斯晚期资本主义危机理论述评
4.Habermas Theory Critique of the Later Period Capitalism;哈贝马斯对晚期资本主义的理论批判
5.A Tentative Dis Discussion on "Post-modernism the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism";浅析《后现代主义——晚期资本主义的文化逻辑》
6.The Review about Habermas s Thoughts on Legitimacy Crisis of Organized Capitalism;哈贝马斯晚期资本主义合法化危机思想述评
7.Revelation of Habermas Theory of the Later Period Capitalism;哈贝马斯晚期资本主义经济危机理论的启示
8.[Fredric Janmeson. The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Chen Qingqiao translates. Beijing: San Lien Book Store. 1997.詹明信(1997).晚期资本主义的文化逻辑.(陈清乔等编译).北京:三联书店.
9.The Relation between Rural Laborers and the Origin of Capitalism in the Later Medieval England;英国农村雇佣劳动力的发展与中世纪晚期资本主义的兴起
10.Jameson's thought of post-modernist aesthetics as the late-capitalist culture reflects both a main stream of culture and a popular style of aesthetics.詹姆逊把后现代主义视为晚期资本主义的文化逻辑,它既是一种主导文化,也是一种美学风格。
11.The System Economics Analysis of Failure of the Modern Capitalism in the End of Qing Dynasty;晚清现代资本主义幻灭的制度经济学分析
12.On Sun Yat -sen s Seeking for the Non-Capitalist Development in China;晚年孙中山对中国非资本主义发展道路的探索
13.Hu Qiaomu and his meditations of socialism versus capitalism;胡乔木晚年对社会主义与资本主义关系问题的理性思考
14.Talk about the Capitalism Economic Policy of the Socialism Reformation Period Party;论社会主义改造时期党的资本主义经济政策
15.Opinion of Deng Xiaoping s on the Relationship between Socialism and Capitalism in New Period;新时期邓小平论社会主义与资本主义关系
16.Deng Xiaoping s view on the relationship between socialism and capitalism in the new period;邓小平论新时期社会主义与资本主义的关系
17.cyclical fluctuations of capitalist reproduction资本主义再生产的周期性
18.cyclical crisis of capitalist economy in 19th century资本主义周期性经济危机(19世纪)

the later period capitalism晚期资本主义
1.Habermas theory of the later period capitalism analyzes profoundly the inconsistency of market economy of capitalism and the root of economic crisis.哈贝马斯"晚期资本主义"经济危机的理论深刻地分析了资本主义市场经济固有的矛盾以及经济危机爆发的根源,认为现代资本主义社会存在着经济危机、合理性危机、合法化危机和动因危机。
2.Jurgen Habenmas thought the later period capitalism was one kind of new form of society.尤尔根哈贝马斯认为晚期资本主义是一种新的社会形态,其特有的危机趋势有经济危机、政治危机和意识形态危机。
3)Late Capitalist Production晚期资本主义生产
4)the Culture of the Late Capitalism晚期资本主义文化
5)Late Capitalist Culture晚资本主义文化
1.Analysis on Deng Xiaoping s Application of Capitalism;浅析邓小平利用和借鉴资本主义的思想
2.Idea and understanding for developing capitalism of the 7th National Congress of CPC;中共七大对发展资本主义的思想认识
3.The destiny of contemporary capitalism as viewed from economic globalization;从经济全球化透视当代资本主义的命运
