1.Considering two kinds of production externality: efficiency advantage of the specialization and complementary advantage of job diversification,and based on principal-agent theory,the choosing problem of optimal task assignment when two kinds of externality exist is studied.考虑任务分配的两种生产外部性,即专业化分工的效率优势和任务多样化的互补优势,运用委托代理理论,研究两种生产外部性同时存在时企业最佳任务分配方式的选择问题。
2.By analyzing 208 representatives Ceramic and Household Appliances industry and 68 logistics enterprises in Foshan city,the paper concludes that enterprises can not only develop their core competence but also promote the effective growth of logistics demand after outsourcing non-main business and acting specialization,with the orderly situation of logistics supply,it is inev.物流成本居高不下、重复建设严重等问题已成为制约我国现代物流发展的重要因素,通过对佛山家电、陶瓷行业208家生产企业和68家物流企业的数据进行分析,得出的结论是企业将非主营的物流业务外包、实行专业化分工,不仅能提高企业自身竞争力,更能促进物流需求的有效增长。
3.Why are local industrial clusters still on the low level of trading and specialization? Why are they constrained to upgrade from OEM to OBM? What makes it hard for industrial clusters in Zhejiang province to upgrade both insid.本文认为,专业化分工和由此带来的规模报酬递增是产业集群产生和发展的主要动力之一。

1.The Vertical Specialization in Manufacture and China s Trade Status;制造业的垂直专业化分工及我国的分工地位
2.Empirical Analysis of the Affecting Factors of Chinese Industry's Participation in International Vertical Specialization中国工业参与国际垂直专业化分工的实证分析
3.International Vertical Specialization and Trade: A Survey;国际垂直专业化分工与贸易:研究综述
4.The Effect of Vertical Specialization on China s Industries and Corresponding Strategies;垂直专业化分工对我国产业的影响及对策分析
5.Specialized Division of Labor,Network Organization and the Analysis of Evolving Mechanism for Industrial Clusters;专业化分工、网络组织与产业集群演进机理分析
6.Study of Relation between Management Specialization and Operating Efficiency of Corporations in Minority Region;民族地区企业管理专业化分工与经营效益分析
7.Study on the Structural Upgrading of Processing Trade on the Basis of Vertical Specialization;基于垂直专业化分工的加工贸易结构升级研究
8.Research on Industrial Cluster and Vertical Specialization of China's Textile and Apparel Industry;中国纺织服装产业集群与垂直专业化分工研究
9.Research on the Evolution of Industrial Clusters from the Perspective of Division and Specialization;专业化分工视角下当代产业集群演进的研究
10.The Research of Industry Cluster Based on the Creative Path of Specialized Division of Labor;基于专业化分工的产业集群创新路径研究
11.Trust,Specialized Division and the Choice of the Family Enterprise Governance Mechanisms;信任、专业化分工与家族企业治理机制选择
12.An Empirical Analysis of Regional Logistics Specialization in China;中国区域间物流产业专业化分工实证研究
13.Clustered Development of Sports Industry in Visual Angle of Specialized Division of Labor专业化分工视角下的体育产业集群发展
14.Explain fractal and chaos phenomena of Yang Xiao-kai’s specialization解读杨小凯“专业化分工”中的分形和混沌现象
15.Analysis on the Technical Progress effect of Chinese Industry's Participation in International Vertical Specialization中国工业参与国际垂直专业化分工的技术进步效应分析
16.Scranton, Philip. Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925. 1997.1925专业分工的制造和美国工业化》1997.
17.University degree,Engineering or chemical or macromolecule specialty.本科学历,工程或化学或高分子专业。
18.Vertical Specialization,Patterns of Specialization and Trade and Welfare Effects;国际垂直专业化、贸易分工模式与福利

specialized division of labor专业化分工
1.Innovative drug R&D industry chain and specialized division of labor;创新药物研发产业链与专业化分工
2.Specialized Division of Labor,Network Organization and the Analysis of Evolving Mechanism for Industrial Clusters;专业化分工、网络组织与产业集群演进机理分析
3.This article analyzes the industrial cluster through the path of the specialized division of labor,which is the cluster s concrete innovation,because only has the enterprise in the cluster understanding and clearly knowing the importance of innovation and the path,it contributes to enhance the innovation ability of the whole cluster.本文是通过对产业集群专业化分工的路径研究集群的具体创新活动,因为只有群内企业认识和清楚自己的创新的重要性和路径,才有助于提高集群的整体创新能力。
3)specialized division of labour专业化分工
1.The article points out that the regional industrial added value rate varies with two main factors:department structure and specialized division of labour.文章认为 ,地区工业增加值率的高低往往会受到两大因素的影响 ,一是部门结构 ,二是专业化分工
4)division of labor专业化分工
1.The formation of local advantageous industries is the outcome of division of labor itself.文章由此对我国的地区分工水平、区域间贸易成本的变化以及地方优势的形成作了详尽的实证分析,认为随着市场经济的发展,我国区域经济一体化进程趋于加快,从而各地区的专业化分工水平有所上升,地方优势产业已初步形成。
5)Specialized Division专业化分工
1.Trust,Specialized Division and the Choice of the Family Enterprise Governance Mechanisms;信任、专业化分工与家族企业治理机制选择
6)Labor division and specialization分工专业化

建筑生产专业化和联合化  建筑生产社会化的两种组织形式。    建筑生产专业化是按专业组织建筑企业。在中国,它的基本组织形式有三种:①产品专业化,也称对象专业化,即按最终产品性质和用途组织企业,如冶金、水电、化工、煤炭、石油等建设公司属于工业建筑的专业化企业;市政工程公司、住宅公司等属于民用建筑的专业化企业。②工艺专业化,也称阶段专业化,即按建筑生产阶段和工种工程组织企业,如基础工程公司、结构工程公司、装修工程公司、机械化施工公司、筑炉工程公司等属于建筑工程的专业化企业;机电设备安装公司、电器设备安装公司等属于安装工程的专业化企业。③构配件生产专业化,即将标准化的构配件制作从施工现场分离出来,组成专门的生产企业,如混凝土制品加工厂、金属结构加工厂、钢木门窗加工厂、木材加工厂等。    建筑生产联合化是适应工程规模日益扩大的要求,把相关的专业化企业组成联合企业共同承担任务。建筑联合化的基本组织形式有三种:①区域联合化,将同一区域内的几个建筑企业,组成地区性联合企业(建筑总公司)。②生产过程联合化,将参与同类产品生产过程的设计单位和建筑企业联合起来,组成设计施工一体化联合企业。③综合利用联合化,将参与原材料加工和综合利用的企业联合起来,组成多种经营联合企业。    在发达的工业国家,建筑生产专业化和联合化程度较高。约占承包企业90%的中小型企业,多数是专业化企业;占企业总数比重较小的大型企业,多数是联合企业。在中国,进入20世纪80年代以后,一些大中型建筑公司开始按专业化、联合化原则进行改组,各地区陆续成立了联合企业,专业化、联合化程度正在逐步提高。