个人捐赠,Individual donations
1)Individual donations个人捐赠

1.About half this amount comes from individual donors and bequests.这笔钱大约有一半来自个人捐赠及遗赠。
2.Paying Attention to Personal Donations,Promoting Sustainable Development of Charitable Cause;重视个人捐赠,促进慈善事业可持续发展
3.Research on the Effects of Nonprofit's Perceptual Attributes on Individual Donors' Giving Behavior非营利组织感知特性对个人捐赠行为影响研究
4.One that contributes something, such as money, to a cause or fund.捐赠者赠送钱等物品给一个基金会的人
5.Funds or property donated to an institution, an individual, or a group as a source of income.捐赠基金捐赠给机构、个人或团体作为收入来源的基金或财产
6.the act by a donor that terminates the right of a person to inherit.捐赠人的一种行为可以废除一个人的继承权。
7.Endows a fund bearing the donor's name and provides general support to the program.捐赠一个冠有捐献人名的基金,并提供该计划的一般性支援。
8.The rich businessman endowed the hospital with half his fortune这个富商把人的一半财产捐赠给了医院。
9.A wealthy sponsor come to our rescue with a generous donation有个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们
10.Standard Form of Receipt for Donations to Individual Candidate on the Geographical Constituency List捐赠地方选区个别名单候选人划一收据
11.A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.有个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们.
12.The Effect of Tax Incentive on Private Donations: Policy Considerations;个人慈善捐赠的税收激励分析与政策思考
13.a letter of intent furnished by the donor indicating his/her willingness to make the donation (including the amount of the donation and its intended uses);捐赠人提供的自愿捐赠的意愿书(内容包括捐赠金额及用途);
14.He gives freely to the poor.他对穷人慷慨捐赠。
15.Characterized by, constituting, or subject to donation.捐赠的捐赠性的、构成捐赠的或受捐赠的
16.that help victims of earthquakes and wars or about celebrities who make big donations to charity.帮助在地震或战争中牺牲的人,或者是明星做了一个大捐赠的故事。
17.For weeks, Jane stayed up late every night, writing personal thank-you notes to contributors.一连几个星期,简忙于给捐赠人写感谢信,每天晚上很晚才睡。
18.When so inquired, the recipient should respond truthfully.对于捐赠人的查询,受赠人应当如实答复。

Individual giving intention个人捐赠意愿
3)Individual giving behavior个人捐赠行为
4)donating legal person捐赠法人
6)the rights of the donor捐赠人权利
