知识创新能力,Knowledge Innovation Ability
1)Knowledge Innovation Ability知识创新能力
1.The Research on the Regional Differentiation of Knowledge Innovation Ability on basis of BP Artificial Neural Network;基于BP人工神经网络的知识创新能力的区域差异研究

1.Evaluation of Enterprise Employees′ Knowledge Creation Capability Based on Knowledge Transformation Theory;知识转化理论下企业员工知识创新能力评价
2.Research on the Evaluation of Knowledge Innovation Ability of Enterprise Based on Knowledge Management基于知识管理的企业知识创新能力评价研究
3.The Study on Fuzzy Judgement System of Knowledge Innovation Ability of Enterprise;企业知识创新能力模糊评价体系研究
4.Pondering on Newly Greation Capacity to Cultivate Students;关于培养大学生知识创新能力的思考
5.The Creative Study of Physical Education Majors and the Training of the Creativity in Knowledge;体育大学生的创造性学习与知识创新能力培养
6.A: First,the ability to generate and use knowledge to innovate.答:创新指创造新 知识和运用新知识的能力。
7.A: In the KBE, the ability is to generate and use knowledge.答:“知识经济”中创新指创造新知识和运用新知识的能力。
8.Strengthening knowledge innovation to improve competitive ability of enterprises in China;大力开展知识创新 提高企业竞争能力
9.The Research on Improving Enterprise Innovation Ability Based on Knowledge Management;基于知识管理提升企业创新能力研究
10.The Research of Ability of Technical Innovation Based on the Dynamic Knowledge Conception;基于动态知识观的技术创新能力研究
11.On Cultivating University Students′ Ability of Knowleadge Innovating and Scientific Researching;高校学生知识创新和科研能力的培养
12.Analysis on the Relations between Teacher s Information the Ability and the Knowledge Innovation;浅析教师信息能力与知识创新之关联
13.An Embedded Knowledge Sharing Platform to Improve the Capability of Innovation;嵌入知识共享平台 提升组织创新能力
14.Implementing Knowledge Management and Realizing Enterprise s Sustainable Development;实施知识管理 增强企业持续创新能力
15.On the Development of Qualified People sInnovative Ability in Knowledge - Based Economy Time;谈知识经济时代人才创新能力的培养
16.Improvement of Innovation Ability in the Ages of Knowledge Economy;论知识经济时代民族创新能力的提高
17.Strengthening the Ability of Sci-tech Innovation,Acceptiong the Challenge of Knowledge Economy;增强科技创新能力,迎接知识经济挑战
18.Research on Innovation Capabilities of Knowledge-Intensive Business Serivce Industry中国知识密集型服务业创新能力研究

3)comprehensive knowledge and innovative abilities综合知识与创新能力
1.On the training of college students comprehensive knowledge and innovative abilities——the theme of talented student cultivation in the new era;综合知识与创新能力的培养是新时期人才培养的主题
4)capability of especial knowledge innovation特异性知识创新能力
1.In the knowledge-based economy ages,the corporation core capability is the capability of especial knowledge innovation established on knowledge.在知识经济时代,企业的核心能力就是建立在知识资源基础之上的特异性知识创新能力
5)independent knowledge-created ability自主创新知识能力
6)Knovledge Renovation Ability论知识创新的能力

领导者创新能力领导者创新能力leader's creative capability  领导者创新能力(leader’5 ereative eapa-bilitv)领导者在各种领导活动中,善于捕捉新事物的萌芽,提出新的设想、新的方案,创造性地进行工作的能力。创造是领导活动的根本属性,一个称职的领导者,应当是创造新世界的先锋和组织者。勇于开拓创新是现代领导者的基本特征。富有创新能力的领导者具有如下特征:(l)兴趣广泛,能从平凡中发现奇特,从人人习以为常的现象中找到“异常”之处。(2)具有敏锐的洞察力,能及时找出实际存在和理想模式之间的差距,能察觉到别人未注意到的情况,不断地发现人们的需要和本部门的潜力。(3)善于创造性地思维,敢于怀疑,不墨守成规,善于运用与众不同的原则和方法使问题得到圆满地解决。(4)对事物具有深思熟虑,严密推敲的科学态度。(5)处理问题灵活多变,对于党的路线、方针和政策,上级的指示,不是消极地、被动地“照章办事”,而是善于从实际情况出发,灵活地加以贯彻执行。(6)意志坚强,在各种困难面前不动摇,有坚定的信心和信念。 (黄志机撰王树茂审)