知识老化,knowledge aging
1)knowledge aging知识老化

1.Game Analysis of Strategic Alliance Based on Knowledge Spillover and Knowledge Deterioration基于知识溢出和知识老化效应的战略联盟博弈
2.Intellectuals were labeled during the cultural Revolution(1966-1976)as"the Stinking Ninth Category"of class enemies next to landlords,reactionaries and even spies,etc.文化大革命期间,知识分子是“臭老九”
3.Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.少时有知识,老来有智慧
4.The New Changes of Knowledge Transmission among Generations and Their Influence on the Aging Society;试论代际知识传承的新变化及其对老龄化社会的影响
5.The old people should be encouraged to learn science and culture, give full scope to their potentials participating into the social life, and cultivate independence and self-assistance.鼓励老年人学习科学文化知识,发挥老年人参与社会生活的潜力,倡导和鼓励老年人自主、自助。
6.Economy Trending to Knowledge 、Knowledge Trending to Power and Law Trending to Knowledge;经济的知识化、知识的权力化与法律的知识化
7.On“knowledge out of ignorance” --My fresh idea on Laozi s theory of knowledge;论“无知之知”——老子认识论思想新探
8.The influence to red-cell s SOD of middle-aged or old-aged intellectural women and the ralation to decrepitude of dancing;跳舞活动对中老年知识妇女红细胞中超氧化物歧化酶的影响及其与衰老关系的探析
9.Target Knowledge,Internalized Knowledge and Mechanism of Knowledge Migration;目标知识、内化知识和学习的知识迁移机制
10.Mild cognitive impairment is the stage between normal ageing and dementia, with symptoms including mild memory or mental problems but no significant disability.轻度认知障碍介于正常老化和老年性痴呆状况之间,有轻度意识或精神问题,但是没有严重致残。
11.lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture.缺少教化、知识或者文化。
12.The scientific systematization of knowledge.知识体系论知识的科学系统化
13.Some are of cultural knowledge, others of linguistics.其中有许多文化知识,也有语言学知识。
14.Research on Personalized Knowledge Retrieval in Knowledge Management System;知识管理系统中个性化知识检索研究
15.Promoting Industrialization of Intellectual Fruits through Intellectual Property Right Financing;以知识产权融资促进知识成果产业化
16.Knowledge Exploitation & Exploration: A Learning View of Diversification;知识利用与知识开发:多角化的学习观
17.Groundwork of Knowledge Management:Knowledge Management and Organization Culture;知识管理的基点:知识管理与组织文化
18.Knowledge bank--the bridge to the knowledgeable enterprise;企业实现知识化发展的“鹊桥”——知识“银行”

the intelligentsia elderly知识老年
3)Population Aging and Knowledge Economy老龄化与知识经济
4)Cognitive aging认知老化
1.At present, many subjects, such as psychology, biology, sociology, etc, focus their attention on cognitive aging.目前,心理学、生物学、社会学等多个学科都在关注认知老化。
2.The second objective is to find cognitive aging effects on user performance by comparing young and senior participants’ data.认知老化导致老年人交互绩效显著低于年轻人,执行任务的时间更长,错误次数更多。
5)the middle-old-aged intellectuals中老年知识分子
1.The investigation and analysis on the body building consciousness and health situation of the middle-old-aged intellectuals in western of Hunan;湘西地区中老年知识分子健身意识与健康现状的调查与分析
6)the old intellectuals老年知识分子
1.Today, the old intellectuals’ mental demands become striking.文章从当前我国养老中精神慰藉凸现的现实出发 ,通过对具有典型意义的K大学离退休教师的调查 ,分析了老年知识分子精神慰藉问题尤为突出的主要原因 ,提出了从个人、家庭、社区、社会等多方面入手 ,满足老年知识分子的精神需求 ,实现其精神慰藉的基本对
