学术论著,Academic works
1)Academic works学术论著

1.Establish the Academic Value Judging System of the Science and Research Fruits and Learned Works;建立科研成果和学术论著的学术价值评判体系
2.Library Practical Strategies on Increasing Impact of Scholarly Articles图书馆对提高学术论著影响的实践指导
3.On Language Characteristics of Fu Xuancong s Academic Works;意气骏爽 篇体光华——论傅璇琮先生学术论著的语言特色
4.His is a prominent master of Kung Fu.著有百万余字的武术论著和文章,是中国著名的武学大师。
5.On the Copyright Protection of Folk Literature论民间文学艺术作品的著作权保护
6.The Study of Co-authorship on Management of Science and Technology in China;中国科学技术管理论文合著现象研究
7.Scientific Crisis of Literary Theory and Academic Creation;文学理论的学科危机与学术创新——兼评董学文著《文学理论学导论》
8.About Reference Recording in Higher Learning Institutions Social Sciences Journals;关于高校社科学报学术论文参考文献著录问题
9.The present paper introduced Arabic mathematician As-samawal and his algebra book "the Al-Bahir".系统介绍12世纪阿拉伯著名数学家萨玛尔的代数论著《算术珍本》。
10.Pursuing the True Meaning of Academic Writing--The Afterthoughts of Prof. Tao Fuyuan s Panorama of Academic Writing;追寻学术论文写作的真谛——读陶富源教授所著《学术论文写作通鉴》
11.Our university has seen about X papers and X Books by its faculty published我校发表学术论文X和出版专著X余部
12.And has published more than30 academic papers was compiler member for3 books.在国内外发表论文30余篇,参编学术专著3部。
13.Yu Qiuyu is a famous scholar in China, artistic theoretician and essay writer.中国著名文化学者,艺术理论家和散文作家。
14.Wilson is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.他曾主编四种国际学术会议论文集,又出版专著。
15.The Nominal Behavior from the Perspective of Copyright: Referring to the Case of Academic Paper;从学术论文谈著作权视野下的挂名行为
16.Achievements of famous writers and artists in Liaoning province in Liao Dynasty;论辽宁地区辽代著名文学艺术家的成就
17.Discussion on the Copyright Protection of Minority Folklore;论民族民间文学艺术作品的著作权保护
18.On the Restriction of 《Pawer Law of Works》 to Learned Periodical Edition Conduct;论《著作权法》对学术期刊编辑主体行为的制约

3)papers and works of mathematics数学论著
4)writings on Ci Poetry词学论著
1.There were many poets and scholars in Nanshe, and they wrote many writings on Ci Poetry.仅就词学研究而言,南社诸子中有不少词人及从事词学研究者,留下了相当丰富的词学论著。
5)Sinology Works汉学论著
6)academic book学术著作
1.A common defect in Chinese academic books:the lack of index;从中英文书后索引比较看中文学术著作的一个常见结构缺陷

《董汲医学论著三种》《董汲医学论著三种》 《董汲医学论著三种》   医学丛书。系宋代董汲所撰《脚气治法总要》、《小儿斑疹备急方论》、《旅舍备要方》三书的合刊本。现有1958年商务印书馆排印本。