药用昆虫,medical insect
1)medical insect药用昆虫

1.Effects of medicinal insect,Catharsius molossus on biosynthesis of polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum in submerged culture药用昆虫蜣螂对灵芝多糖生物合成的影响
2.Intervening action of medicinal insect,Catharsius molossus on biosynthesis and in vitro anti-tumor activity of triterpenoids from Ganoderma lucidum in submerged culture药用昆虫蜣螂对灵芝三萜的合成和抑癌活性的干预作用
3.Studies on Developmental Biology and Reproductive Physiology of Officinal Insect-Eupolyphage Sinensis Walker;药用昆虫中华真地鳖发育生物学和生殖生理研究
4.Study on Nutritional Physiology and Effective Components of Officinal Insect-Eupolyphage Sinensis Walker;药用昆虫中华真地鳖营养生理及其活性物质研究
5.Effects of medicinal insect Catharsius molossus on submerged fermentation and in vivo anti-hepatoma activity of Ganoderma lucidum药用昆虫蜣螂对灵芝发酵和抗小鼠肝癌活性的影响
6.a chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects).用于杀死害虫(如啮齿虫或昆虫)的化学药品。
7.a chemical used to kill insects.一种用于杀灭昆虫的化学药品。
8.Construction and Application of an Insecticide Resistance-Associated DNA Microarray;昆虫抗药性相关基因芯片的研制及其应用
9.The insects have become resistant to the pesticide.这些昆虫已经对杀虫剂有抗药性了。
10.Biological Activity of Medicinal Plants on Plant Virus and Three Vector Insects;两种药用植物对植物病毒及三种介体昆虫的生物活性
11.insects that have become resistant to DDT对滴滴涕已有抗药性的昆虫
12.Some insects develop cross - resistance to insecticides.通过某些昆虫使交叉抗药性发展成为杀虫剂
13.Spraying the area around buildings with an insecticide also prevents insect build up.建筑物周围洒布杀虫药也能防止昆虫孳生。
14.Fungi also can be used to control insect pests.真菌也能用来抑制昆虫类害虫
15.Affect on Natural Enemy Insect during Control Insect Pest in Forest天敌昆虫在林木病虫害防治中的作用
16.any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects.各种微小的昆虫,其幼虫寄生在其它昆虫的卵和幼体中;许多小蜂对消灭有害的昆虫有用。
17.hallucinated sensation that insects or snakes are crawling over the skin; a common side-effect of extensive use of cocaine or amphetamines.昆虫或蛇在皮肤上爬行的幻觉:服用可卡因或安非他明等药物的一个常见副作用。
18.The neuter caste in social insects.群居昆虫中的无性昆虫

medicinal insects药用昆虫
1.Studies and applications of Taishan medicinal insects;泰山药用昆虫的研究及应用
2.We studied the effects of several medicinal insects on biosynthesis of polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum in submerged culture.采用液体深层发酵方式,研究了几种药用昆虫对灵芝多糖生物合成的影响。
3)medicinal insect药用昆虫
1.Another abundant insect resource in Xinjiang is medicinal insect.对新疆食用和药用昆虫的初步调查结果表明,新疆蝗虫种类160种左右,种群数量大,是天然草场的重要害虫,但又是一类可供食用或饲用的昆虫资源,对其进行开发与利用,可转害为益,新疆具有丰富的药用昆虫资源,记载了105种药用昆虫,它们分别属于缨尾目、蜻蜓目、蜚蠊目、螳螂目、直翅目、同翅目、脉翅目、鞘翅目、鳞翅目、双翅目和膜翅目。
2.Blaps rynchopetera Fairmaire is a kind of national medicinal insects with important value,and is widely used as medicine in Yunnan.对云南省15个地区26个县(市、区)的调查表明,喙尾琵琶甲在云南民间广泛利用,是一种具有重大利用价值的民族药用昆虫;喙尾琵琶甲在云南省均有分布,其中滇中、滇东高原分布较为集中,适生区年均气温为13~19℃,年均降水量为750~1 100 mm,海拔为1 500~2 100 mm。
3.The ootheca mantids can be used as medicine and Mantodea has been one of the most famous medicinal insects for many years,and Mantodea is one of the most important natural enemies for many pests.螳螂Mantodea因其卵鞘———桑螵蛸可入药,而成为我国中医史上知名的药用昆虫之一;螳螂还是重要的天敌昆虫,在农林害虫的生物防治方面具有较大的开发应用价值。
4)officinal insect药用昆虫
1.7 orders,16 families and 32 species officinal insect are found in the Qilian Mountains.初步查明祁连山自然保护区的药用昆虫有32种,分属7目16科。
2.84 species of officinal insects were generalized and belong to 13 orders and 37 families in Guangdong based on reading lots of literature,suggestions on protection and the exploiture of officinal insects were proposed.经过查阅相关文献资料,汇总出分布于广东省地区的药用昆虫有84种,隶属于13目37科,并针对广东省药用昆虫资源的保护、开发和利用提出建议。
5)pharmaceutical insects药用昆虫
1.Research and resource development on pharmaceutical insects in Shandong Province;山东省药用昆虫资源及其研究开发
2.The species and distribution of the pharmaceutical insects were researched from 1992 to 2003 in Yanan area.通过1992—2003年野外调查和结合文献资料,对延安地区药用昆虫的种类、分布进行了研究。
6)Medical insect resources药用昆虫资源

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学