1.Study on the longevity and fecundity of Tetrastichus incertus (Ratzeburg),a parasite of the alfalfa weevil Hypera postica(Gyllenhal);苜蓿叶象啮小蜂寿命及产卵量的研究
2.Effect of Steinernema carpocapsae BJ with the Different Concentrations on Fecundity of Full Blood Female Dermacentor silvarum;斯氏线虫S.carpocapsae BJ对森林革蜱饱血雌蜱产卵量的影响
3.Effects of Multiple Mating on Quantitative Depletion of Spermatozoa, Fecundity and Hatchability in Monochamus alternatus;多次交配对松褐天牛精子数量消耗、产卵量和孵化率的影响

1.Estimation of Egg Number and Oviposting Phase of Hyphantria Cummea Drury预测预报的美国白蛾产卵量与卵期研究
3.An observation on fecundity of Ceracris kiangsu Tsai at Taojiang County in Hunan湖南桃江黄脊竹蝗产卵量观察与研究
4.The relationships between yeast-like symbiotes and ovarian development and reproduction of the small brown planthopper,Laodelphax striatellus类酵母共生菌与灰飞虱卵巢发育和产卵量的关系
5.Studies on Fitting Method For Increasing Curve of Egg-Mass of Asian Corn Borer亚洲玉米螟产卵量增长曲线拟合方法之探讨
6.The fecundity of female adults on M. AAA Group Cavendish Hongxiangjiao was the lowest (324.5 granules) while that on M. AA Group Pisong mas was the highest (1 319.2 granules).产卵量以红香蕉最低(324.5粒),贡蕉最高(1319.2粒);
7.Effect of Wolbachia on the Number of Egg-laying and Mortality Rate of Immature Stages in Encarsia formosa沃尔巴克氏体对丽蚜小蜂产卵量及成虫前死亡率的影响
8.spawning stock biomass per recruit单位补充产卵群生物量
9.Production of yolk in the egg supplies the necessary fuel for the first few rounds of division of the zygote.为了合子头几次分裂的需要,卵的卵黄产物提供必要的能量。
10.The effecting about Exceeding ovulation and ovum culling on the milk yield and breeding capability of the cow subjects;超数排卵与采卵对供体牛产奶量及繁殖性能影响的实验研究
11.Biochemical components and energy density of muscle and ovary of Coilia mystus in the estuary of Yangtze River长江口凤鲚产卵群体肌肉及卵巢生化组成和能量密度
12.Chinese sturgeon spawning ground horizontal mean vorticity computation and analysis中华鲟产卵场平面平均涡量计算与分析
13.The copepods abundance impact on the abundance distribution of fish eggs, larvae.长江径流量变动对鱼卵仔鱼数量和分布产生一定的影响。
14.Effect of Growth Stage of Sweet Corn on Development of the Asian Corn Borer(Ostrinia Furnacalis(Gun (?))) and Its Oviposition Behavior and Damage on Yield Losses on Sweet Corn;甜玉米上亚洲玉米螟生长发育、产卵习性及产量损失研究
15.apoor, good, etc layer产卵少、 多...的鸡.
16.To lay or deposit eggs in.Used of certain insects.昆虫产卵使某些昆虫产卵
17.To lay eggs, especially by means of an ovipositor.产卵生蛋,尤指通过产卵器
18.These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.这些捕捞船捕捞大量的鱼类,根本不让它们有产卵的时间。

Egg production产卵量
1.A comparison of egg production between spring generation and autumn generation in the Longnan population of Colaphellus bowringi;大猿叶虫龙南种群春季世代与秋季世代成虫产卵量的比较
2.The results showed that there was no significant difference in egg hatching,larval and pupal survival rates,pupal weight,female-adult longevity and egg production when the legume pod borers were fed on different food-plants,though .结果表明:豆野螟取食不同寄主后的卵孵化率、幼虫存活率、蛹存活率、蛹重、成虫寿命和产卵量均无显著差异,但均以取食四季豆为最低;豆野螟取食四季豆、豇豆和扁豆的幼虫发育历期分别为9。
3.In the present study,the egg production between the adults with a diapause duration of 3 months and the adults with a diapause duration of 9 months were compared at 20℃ LD12:12.本试验在20℃LD12︰12条件下,详细比较了大猿叶虫山东种群滞育持续时间9个月和3个月成虫产卵量
3)ovipositing amount产卵量
1.Forecast on the fourth and fifthgeneration ovipositing amount and pupal stage of Semiothisa conerearia Bremer et Grey;槐尺蛾第4、5代产卵量与蛹期的预测预报
2.From the end of 2001 to May of 2002,length,width,length and width product,weight and ovipositing amount,feeding in various condition,and constant temperature were studied in Hefei,the results showed that there were relations between ovipositing amount and length,width,length and width produc.经过2001年底至2002年5月的研究试验,得出产卵量与体长、肩宽、体长和肩宽的积的相关方程式分别为:y1=-122。
3.In 1997,by studying on weight,length ovipositing amount of the latter and feeding in condition of various and constant temperature in Hefei,results were as follows:the mean weight x1 =0.通过1997年5月对产卵末期雌虫体质量、体长及产卵量的测定与室内变温、恒温饲养研究,其平均虫体质量x1=0。
1.Effects of Alternative Stress on Oviposition and Egg Hatch of Anoplophora glabripennis;交变应力对杨树光肩星天牛产卵量及孵化率的影响
2.The effects of different diets on the development period, survial rate and oviposition of Chilo suppressalis;不同食料对人工饲养的二化螟生长发育和产卵量的影响
3.The influence of gradient temperature on survival and oviposition of the over-wintering female adults of Crisicoccus pini,egg incubation and worm development was studied and some conclusions were drawn as follows:The survival rate of the female adults dropped as the temperature rose within a certain temperature range,and the female adults could not survive for a long period under 2935 .研究了9个梯度变温对松白粉蚧越冬代成虫和第一代卵的影响,结果表明:松白粉蚧雌成虫存活率随温度升高逐渐下降,高温对成虫产卵有一定的抑制作用,持续较高温度处理成虫,其产卵量显著减少;松白粉蚧成虫生长发育的最适温度为19~24℃,卵孵化和发育的最适变温组合为21~26℃;在21~26℃以上的温度波动对卵的发育速率有增效作用,而在21~26℃以下的温度波动对卵的发育速率则有减速作用。
5)Oviposition amount产卵量
1.The results indicated that the temperature significantly affected the mortality of the overwintering adults,oviposition amount and hatchability.结果表明:温度对松白粉蚧越冬代成虫死亡率、产卵量、卵孵化率有显著影响。
2.The weight,length and oviposition amount of adults in the late stage of oviposition were measured and adults were bred in 1999 at the constant temperatures and varied temperatures in lab in Hefei.1999年 5月对产卵末期虫体重、体长及产卵量的测定和室内恒温、变温饲养的研究表明产卵量与体重、体长相关方程式分别为 :Y1=- 2 0 0 7 6 782 + 76 85 1 3738X1,Y2 =- 12 4 2 6 0 813+ 2 6 99 16 6 4X2 ,卵发育起点温度C =13 5 1± 0 5 0℃或C =13 2 1± 0 0 9℃ ;有效积温K =187 4 7±8 79DD或K =192 4 8± 1 5 9DD。
6)egg laying amount产卵量

成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系  【成交且、未平仓合约,与价格的关系】成交量和未平仓合约量的变化会对期货价格产生影响,期货价格变化也会引起成交t和未平仓量的变化。因此,分析三者的变化,有利于正确预测期货价格走势。 1.成交t、未平仓合约里增加,价格上升,表示新买方正大t收购,近期内价格还可能继续上涨。 2.成交t、未平仓合约t减少,价格上升,表示卖空者大t补货平仓,价格短期内向上,但不久将可能回落。 3.成交t增加,价格上升,但未平仓合的t减少,说明卖空者和买空者都在大t平仓,价格马上*下映。 4.成交t、未平仓t增加,价格下肤,农明卖空者大t出咨合的,短期内价格还可能下跌,但如抛省过度,反可能使价格上升。 5.成交t、未平仓t减少,价格下肤,农明大t买空者急于卖货平仓,姐期内价格将峨续下降。 6.成交量增加、未平仓量和价格下跌,表明卖空者利用买空者卖货平仓导致价格下跌之际陆续补货平仓获利,价格可能转为回升。 从上分析可见,在一般情况下,如果成交量、未平仓量与价格同向小幅变化,则其价格趋势可继续维持一段时间;如两者与价格反向变化时,价格走势可能转向。当然,这还需结合不同的价格形态作进一步的具体分析。