视叶,optic lobe
1)optic lobe视叶
1.Distribution of GABA-like immunoreactive neurons in the optic lobes of Hanmonia axyridis;异色瓢虫(Hanmonia axyridis)视叶中GABA阳性神经元的分布
2.Morphological structure of compound eye and optic lobein Pieris rapae and Vanessa cardui;菜粉蝶与蛱蝶复眼和视叶的形态学结构研究
3.Distribution of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the optic lobe neuropils of Camponotus japonicus;日本弓背蚁(Camponotus japonicus)视叶髓区GABA免疫阳性反应的初步研究

1.Study of Relations between Visual Adaptations of Insect Visual System and 5-HT Content in Optic Lobe;初探昆虫视觉适应和视叶中5-HT含量的关系
2.Juliet stared at the nurse.茱丽叶凝视着奶妈说道:
3.Johnsy gazed at it for a long time.蔷希注视着叶子良久。
4.Parietal Lobe Damage, Visual Neglect, and Cognitive Neuroscience of Visual Attention顶叶损伤、视觉忽视与注意的认知神经科学
5.Paris stared down at Juliet, horrified.巴利斯十分惊骇地低头凝视着茱丽叶。
6.Eugene Onegin in the Native Perspective本土视角观照下的叶甫盖尼·奥涅金
7.Video Semantic Annotated Automatically Based on Bayesian Inference;基于贝叶斯推理的视频语义自动标注
8.Research of Classification of Tea Quality by Computer Vision;茶叶品质的计算机视觉分级技术研究
9.Visualization of Flow Field Based on Clifford Fourier Transform;基于Clifford傅立叶变换的流场可视化
10.Design of Visualization of Interactive 3D Blades Based on OpenGL;基于OpenGL的液力变矩器叶片可视化设计
11.Research on Realism Leaves Modeling and Rendering in Virtual Botany虚拟植物叶片的可视化建模技术研究
12.Application of Octopus combined with perimetry in occipital lobe lesionOctopus联合视野检查在枕叶病变中的应用
13.You see brainwave activity spread from the sensory processing area of the occipital lobe, the bit at the back of the brain that processes visual signals, to the brain's frontal lobe.你知道,脑波的活动从枕叶——后脑勺加工视觉信号的地方,扩散到额叶。
14.Detecting Chlorophyll Content of Tomato Leaves with Technology of Computer Vision基于计算机视觉技术的番茄叶片叶绿素含量的检测
15.Lutein appears to have differential effects on different components of vision loss in the same patients.叶黄素对相同患者的不同视力指标的效果不同。
16.Lutein and zeaxanthin that help promote sharp and detailed eye vision.叶黄素和玉米黄质有助于促进敏锐的视觉。
17.I went slowly and looked out through the leaves.我小心翼翼地缓缓前进,并从树叶间隙中探视。
18.Abnormal shape of optic chiasm with encephalomalacia of the frontal lobe was found in 1 case of trauma.外伤 1例 ,表现为视交叉形态异常伴额叶软化灶 ;

optic lobe视叶;视神经叶
3)optic disc rudiment视叶原基
1.The results showed:At gastrula stage,the cells in front of the embryonic area gradually cleave to form optic disc rudiment.在原肠期,胚区前端的外胚层细胞增殖形成视叶原基。
4)ventriculus opticus视叶室
5)Occipital cortex枕叶视皮质
6)optic lobe (sensory area)视叶(感觉区)
