回避学习,avoidance learning
1)avoidance learning回避学习

1.Avoidant Learning Ability in Free Flying Housefly (Aldrichina grahami) by Electric Shock巨尾阿丽蝇在自由状态下的电击回避学习能力(英文)
2.An Experimental Study of The Impact of Personality on Avoidance Phenomenon;关于学习者性格对回避现象影响的实验研究
3.An Investigation of Avoidance of English Phrasal Verbs by Chinese Learners of English;英语学习者对英语短语动词的回避现象研究
4.Avoidance Strategy in the Chinese Learning Process of Foreigners;外国人汉语学习过程中的回避策略分析
5.Chinese EFL Learners Avoidance of English PV Structure;中国英语学习者回避使用英文短语性动词现象研究
6.The statistical methods used to analyze the data were Pearson correlation, point-biserial correlation, t-test, and two-way mixed design ANOVA.其次,欺骗动机实验情境仅在社会学习与避免尴尬等欺骗回馈,具有增强的实验效果。
7.To avoid giving a direct answer to.回避避免做直接回答
8.I'm going back to the university to study.我打算回大学继续学习。
9.Learn how to say “no.” Avoid over-commitment.学习说“不”,以避免过度的承诺。
10.You've got to stop running away, and learn to face your problems.你不得回避,要学会面对问题。
11.It avoids the intellectualism of Christian theology.它回避宗教神学的唯理智论。
12.An Analysis from the Social Relationships Visual Angle:the Assignment Evasion System in Qing Dynasty;清代任职回避制度的历史社会学分析
13.A Study of Avoidance Phenomenon in the English Classroom;大学英语课堂环境下的回避现象研究
14."By going to school, I fancy, and by studying," she answered.“我看是读书,学习,”她回答。
15.avoidant personality disorder逃避型人格障碍 回避
16.A virtuous man will shun evil companions and practices.有道德观念的人都会回避邪恶的伙伴与他们的习气。
17.He often cut recitation during his college days.他上大学时经常无故旷课,逃避背诵练习。
18.Review of Avoidance of Phrasal Verbs: The Case of Chinese Learners of English;《中国英语学习者短语动词规避》述评(英文)

instrumental avoidance learning工具式-回避学习
3)escape learning逃避学习
4)Avoidance conditioning逃避性学习记忆
5)academic help-seeking avoidance学业求助回避
6)To avoid;shun.避开;回避

回避学习回避学习avoidance learning  回避学习(avoidanee learning)使被试形成对某一厌恶性刺激进行回避反应的学习方式。在回避学习的研究中,经常使用一种叫做棱箱的实验装置,外形似两个连接在一起的笼子,中间用门隔开。实验时,将被试放在棱箱的某一端,先呈现灯光等信号刺激,然后呈现电击等能引起被试厌恶性情绪的刺激。如果被试跑向棱箱的另一端,厌恶性刺激就会停止。经过若一干次重复,被试能够学会灯光一出现、但电击尚未出现之时,就跑到棱箱的另一端,从而避开电击。在回避学习的过程,被试先学习某一先行刺激是将要出现的厌恶刺激的信号,再学习采取适当反应去回避厌恶性刺激。通过回避学习形成的回避反应很难消退,即使厌恶性刺激不再呈观,机体仍会长时间地进行回避反应。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)