1.Shifting of State: Dramatic Restructuring of the Yihetuan Incident;舞台的转移:义和团事件的戏剧性解构

1.An Overview of the Academic Seminar for the Boxers Movement and War义和团运动与义和团战争学术论证会综述
2.Viewing Chinese Nationalism in Modern Times from the Perspective of Yi Ho Tuan从义和团观 看中国近代的民族主义
3.Viewing Chinese Nationalism in Modern Times from the Perspective of Yi Ho Tuan;从义和团观 看中国近代的民族主义
4.The Online of the Boxers Movement and the Patriotism of the Modern China;义和团运动与近代中国爱国主义论纲
5.The Boxers, Christians and Gods --Viewing the Boxer Movement of 1900 in the Light of a Religious War;义和团、基督徒和神——从宗教战争角度看1900年的义和团斗争
6.Rite and Text: Publicizing Media of the Boxer Movement仪式和文本:义和团运动的宣传媒体
7.The third part studies the compilation and publication of the file historical data on the Boxer and the Boxer Movement.第三部分为义和团档案史料的编纂出版与义和团运动史研究。
8.The Yihetuan Movement was one of the important events in the history of the later Ch'ing dynasty.义和团运动是晚清史上一大重要事件。
9.In the last years of the Qing dynasty, the Yihetuan had an influence on people in north China.清末, 义和团在我国北方有很大影响。
10.He is telling me about the situation of the uprising held by the Yihetuan in those days.他在给我讲当年义和团举事时的情形。
11.Folk Customs and the Rise of the Yihetuan Movement in Zhili民风民俗与直隶义和团运动的兴起
12.The Great Victory of Langfang--The Mark of the Upsurge of the Yihetuan Movement廊坊大捷——义和团运动高潮的标志
13.On the Boxers Movement and the Termination of "Chinese Learning for Substance义和团运动与“中学为体”的终结
14.The Resisting Struggle of Zhili Masses in Late Stage of Boxers Movement;义和团运动后期直隶军民的反抗斗争
15.Three Revolutinary Slogans and the Historic Location of the Boxer Uprising;义和团的三大革命口号及其历史定位
16.Shifting of State: Dramatic Restructuring of the Yihetuan Incident;舞台的转移:义和团事件的戏剧性解构
18.Context, politics and History:──The Fifty Years Controversies on the Boxer Morement;语境、政治与历史:义和团运动评价50年

the Boxer Movement义和团
1.Historic Connotation of the Religious “Doom” of the Boxer Movement;义和团劫运观的历史内涵
2.Rite and Text: Publicizing Media of the Boxer Movement仪式和文本:义和团运动的宣传媒体
1.The Resisting Struggle of Zhili Masses in Late Stage of Boxers Movement;义和团运动后期直隶军民的反抗斗争
4)the Yihetuan Movement义和团
1.The differences of academic traditions, resources and methods result in different approaches to the Yihetuan movement both at home and abroad.国内外学术界对义和团运动的研究由于不同的学术传统、理论方法、学术资源等诸多因素的差异而体现出诸多的不同。
2.Most cases harrened from 1894 to 1901 were caused by the Broadsword Socities on Boxing Organizations and finally made West Shandong to become the birthplace of the yihetuan Movement.从甲午到庚子年间发生的大量教案 ,也多由刀会拳社组织所发动 ,并最终使鲁西成了义和团的发源地。
5)Yi He Tuan义和团
1.On the Limitation of Peasants and the Fate of Peasant Wars——Lessons from the Failure of Tai Ping Tian Guo and Yi He Tuan Movement;农民战争的命运和农民的局限性——太平天国及义和团运动失败的教训
2.Yi he tuan appeared during the struggle against the Western missionaries building churches,doing missionary work in China.义和团在反对西方传教士在中国建教堂、传教以适应列强侵略需要的斗争中兴起。
6)the viewpoints on"Yihetuan"义和团观

《东北义和团档案史料》  中国档案汇编。东北文史丛书的一种。辽宁省档案馆、辽宁社会科学院历史研究所合编,辽宁人民出版社1981年出版。平装,53万字。该书辑录了辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省档案馆所藏有关义和团的档案,绝大多数属于清代地方官员形成的文书,系首次公布。起自1899年,迄于1909年。其中1900年的文件占一半以上。采用地区结合时间的编排体例,分奉天、吉林、黑龙江三大部分,一般按具文时间排列,有些文件则通过组合标题结为文件组后再按具文时间排列。编者对收录的文件进行了校勘,书末附有东北义和团活动大事记、本书主要人名索引、农历和公历年月日对照表。内容反映了东北义和团运动的源流、背景及活动,清廷对东北义和团策略的具体变化,义和团及清兵对沙俄侵略者的作战,沙俄侵略者的暴行,清统治者勾结沙俄对义和团的镇压及清廷屈辱求和等史实。