1.On Feudalization of Immigrant Hu during the Period of Sixteen Kingdoms in Short;简论十六国时期内迁胡族封建化
2.The main reasons of the prompt feudalization of the leaders group of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom lie in the mistakes they made in the following aspects:ideological and moral construct,religion,systems.太平天国领袖集团在建都后迅速滑向封建化,主要原因是他们在思想道德建设、宗教和制度建设方面存在严重问题,教训是很深刻的。
3.This article probes mainly into the characteristics and cause for feudalization of Hehuang areas in Han Dyasty,and deems that carrying out the leap from the late period of primitive society to the feudal society in Hehuang areas in Han Dynasty depends on the special historical conditions and geographical circumstances at that time.文章主要对汉代河湟地区封建化的原因和特点进行了分析 ,认为汉代河湟地区之所以实现了从原始社会晚期跨入封建社会的飞跃 ,主要取决于当时这一地区所处的特殊历史条件和地理环境。

1.On the Prompt Feudalization of the Leaders Group of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom;太平天国领袖集团迅速封建化原因探析
2.A Brief Analysis on the Cause for Feudalization of Hehuang Areas in Han Dynasty and its Characteristics;浅析汉代河湟地区封建化的原因及特征
3.Study of Cultural Construction of Feudal Thought in Early Period of the Qing Dynasty;顺、康、雍、乾时期封建文化建设初探
4.The Evolution of Prison System in the Early Stage of Feudal Society in China;中国封建社会前期监狱制度演化探究
5.Probing the Feudal Clan s Culture of the Guilds During the Time of Ming-Qing Dynasty;明清商人会馆中的封建宗族文化探微
6.A Trial Comment on the Criticism of the Feudal Culture Made during the Revolution of 1911;试论辛亥革命时期对封建文化的批判
7.A Reflection on Construction of Harmonious Society from Feudalistic Political Culture;从封建政治文化反思当代和谐社会的构建
8.Feudal Legalized Ethics and Moralized Law and Their Significance;封建伦理法律化与法律伦理化及其借鉴意义
9.The Gene of the Roman legal culture in the Western European feudal legal culture in Middle Ages;中古西欧封建法律文化的罗马法律文化基因
10.The bourgeoisie both destroyed the feudal monarchy and cleaned up the culture of Confucian school, which served the feudal monarchy.辛亥革命创建民国 ,资产阶级既摧垮了封建帝制 ,也涤荡了为封建帝制服务的儒家文化。
11.The feudal clan's culture of the guilds originated from the merchant and the patriarchal clan system in Ming? Qing dynasty which is the specific cultural carrier.明清商人会馆中的封建宗族文化传统起源于商帮的封建宗法性,具有特定的文化载体。
12.I have written him a letter and suggested his sending it to the Ministry of Culture.我给他写了一封信,建议他把它寄给文化部。
13.A splendid old culture was created during the long period of Chinese feudal society.中国的长期封建社会中,创造了灿烂的古代文化。
14.But, left eparchies and left counties vanish gradually from the Liang Dynasty, which symbols the feudal system goes further in these areas.左郡左县的消失,标志着封建统治的深化。
15.Studies on Weathering and Durability of Building Sealants;建筑密封材料的老化试验与耐久性研究
16.Deconstructing & Reconstructing History:Generalization of "Feudalism" as a Historical Term;历史的解构与重构:泛化“封建”的话语分析
17.Discussion on Political Relationship Between Cities and Seigniors of Western Europe in Middle Ages;论西欧中世纪城市与封建主政治关系的变化

1.Through the research of The Laws of Alfred,we may get a glimpse of the feudalism of the Anglo-Saxon people,and better understand the scientific exposition of Marx and Engles on feudal social state.通过阿尔弗雷德法典的研究,既可以明晰这一时期盎格鲁—撒克森人封建化的基本情况,同时可以进一步说明马克思、恩格斯关于封建社会形态的科学论断。
2.After the six towns Xianbei went south,the dynasty had been changed, and feudalism,Chinese localization,and national integration process had been stalled,and the process of reunification had also been slowed down.六镇鲜卑南下,王朝更迭,封建化和民族融合进程受阻,也迟滞了统一进程。
3)feudal power of education封建教化
1.Ruling of the rural society resorts to such powers as the political power entrusted by the Bao-Jia System,the clan power principally based on blood relationship,the gentry power derved from the monopoly of intelligence in rural society,and the feudal power of education originated from the royal power,all of which squeeze and depress civil rights and constitute the royal power,all of which sque.清代乡村的治理主要依靠这样几种权力和权威:以保甲制为载体的官权、基于血缘关系的族权、以对乡村知识的垄断而形成的绅权和源于皇权的封建教化权。
4)feudal culture封建文化
1.The three females who belong to the different layers of the society complement one another and share among themselves the similar shadow and stratifiedly show the deep introspection of the man-eating essence of the feudal culture and sigh over the tragedy of self-sacrifice to the society.她们这3个分属不同社会阶层的人物互为补充,互为影子,层递式地表现出对封建文化吃人本质的深沉反思和对女性自我祭献于男权社会的悲剧性叹息。
2.The significance of the Revolution of 1911, in terms of ideology and culture, is manifested in the criticism of the inherent feudal culture and the pursuit of western bourgeois culture.辛亥革命的意义体现在思想文化方面 ,是对固有封建文化的批判和对西方资产阶级文化的追求。
5)To make feudal.使封建化

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理