1.Yelang Homeland—A Holly Land for Heroic Epic of Yi People;夜郎故国——彝族英雄史诗的圣地
2.The Position and Role of the Yelang Culture in the Yi People s Civilization;夜郎文化在彝族文明史中的地位和作用

1.Studies on the Yelang Kingdom and Ancient Music and Dance;夜郎夜郎文化及其古乐舞复原之我见
2.have [suffer from] a swelled head骄矜,自负,夜郎自大
3.The Yelang in Different Field of Vision--Simultaneously Discussing the Relations Between Yelang and Hezhang;不同视野下的夜郎——兼论赫章与夜郎的关系
4.The Commentary on Yelang and New View Points Qiannan as Its Central Location;夜郎研究述评及新主张——夜郎中心黔南说
5.M.de Mauves was an arrogant foo德基福先生是一个夜郎自大的傻瓜。
6.An investigation of the cliff inscription Yelonggudian (the suburbs of anciant Yelong kingdom)in Heba township Fenggang county;凤冈县何坝乡“夜郎古甸”摩崖考释
7.Thought of Developing Yelang Stone Forest of Jiucaiping in the Guizhou Ridge;贵州屋脊韭菜坪夜郎石林开发的构想
8.Observing the Relationship between the palace of the Third Son of Yelang And the Culture of Yelang;广西和里三王宫和夜郎文化关系探析
9.China cannot develop by closing its door, sticking to the beaten track and being self-complacent.关起门来,固步自封,夜郎自大,是发达不起来的。
10.Having limited outlook and being ignorantly boastful are common failings of the people in opposition to the reform.坐井观天,夜郎自大,是反对改革的人的通
11.A Discussion on Nanyi and Nanyi Culture--Part Three of Yelang Cultural Studies;浅论南夷与南夷文化——夜郎文化研究之三
12.An Archaeological Research on the Graves of "Zhongshui" Type Culture--Part Two of Yelang Culture Studies;“中水类型”文化墓葬试探——夜郎文化研究之二
13.The Investigation of Tang Meng Entering into Yelang Areas from the Pass of Fu--On the related tour route;唐蒙自符关入夜郎考——兼论相关的旅游线
14.The Position and Role of the Yelang Culture in the Yi People s Civilization;夜郎文化在彝族文明史中的地位和作用
15.Some Ideas about the Capital of the Ancient State of 夜郎 and Its Relationship with the States of 荆楚 and 巴蜀;浅论古夜郎都邑及其与荆楚、巴蜀之关系
16.A Research on the Characteristics of the "Bamboo King" of the Yelang Kingdom,the Bamboo Totem and the Lusheng Culture;夜郎竹王、竹图腾与芦笙文化本质特征研究
17.Stone Implement with Shoulder Is Not the Patent of Yue People;有段石器不是越人专利——论夜郎主体民族族属
18.Archaeological Studies on the Yelang Kingdom and the Burial Customs of Ancient Peoples;夜郎考古与古代民族葬俗区域文化研究

Yelang Culture夜郎文化
1.Both Yelang culture and Guizhou rock paintings are important cultural phenomena in Guizhou s history.夜郎文化和贵州岩画都是贵州历史上出现的重要文化现象 ,值夜郎研究正处于古渡迷津之际 ,若能证实贵州岩画是夜郎文化中的现象 ,这必将为夜郎研究提供全新资料 ,开拓一个新的领域。
2.The article discussed mainly about the different understanding and the concept of " Yelang Culture",regarded Yelang Culture from the different angle of view,distinguish between the local historical culture and the archaeology culture,and stressed to comprehensive three-dimensional research and analyze this culture from different disciplines and directions.本文主要讨论关于对"夜郎文化"的不同认识及概念,从不同的视角来看待夜郎文化,区分地方历史文化与考古学文化的异同,强调从不同的学科和方向全面立体地来研究分析该文化。
3)Yelang Kingdom夜郎国
1.as well as influence of traditional Confucian ideology and so on,this article compares social situation of ancient Yelang kingdom and that of times of Shuixi ethinc chief.本文针对《夜郎君法规》中 ,述及的阶级、等级关系 ,土地占有、使用和租税力役剥削 ,禁止民间藏书等规定 ,以及传统的儒家思想的影响等 ,通过对古夜郎国和水西土司时代社会状况的对比分析 ,认为《夜郎君法规》不可能是古夜郎时代的产物 ,不过是作者据水西土司统治时代社会状况 ,依托附会对统治者进行讽谏而已。
4)Yelang Valley夜郎谷
5)Yelang music and dance夜郎乐舞
1.Yelang music and dance were the landmark symbols of Yelang culture.通过历史背景、沿革,尤其是现存于夜郎故地各民族民间音乐文化的研究,夜郎乐舞似可界定为缘起于夜郎时期、夜郎故地上各族人民在各历史阶段创造、演绎、沿袭下来的以铜鼓、芦笙参与为标志,集歌、舞、乐为一体的传统乐舞。
6)The "Bamboo"King of the Yelang Kingdom夜郎竹王

夜郎  汉代西南夷中较大的一个部族。或称南夷。原居地为今贵州西部、北部、云南东北及四川南部部分地区。秦及汉初,夜郎已进入定居的农业社会。地多雨潦、少牲畜、无蚕桑,与巴、蜀、楚、南越均有经济联系。蜀地的枸酱等土产,常经夜郎运到南越。    西汉初,竹王多同兴起于遯水(今贵州北盘江),自立为侯。建元六年(前 135),武帝遣唐蒙入夜郎,招抚多同,并于元光四至五年(前131~前130)在其地置数县,属犍为南部都尉。汉对西南夷的经营从此开始。元光六年,汉在西南夷地区设置驿站,以便交通;同年,司马相如等又奉使宣抚。元鼎五年(前 112),武帝征南越,因夜郎等不听调遣,乃于翌年发兵平定西南夷之大半,在其地设牂柯郡(治今贵州关岭境)与夜郎等十余县,同时暂存夜郎国号,以王爵授夜郎王,诸部族豪酋亦受册封。西汉末,夜郎王兴与町王禹、漏卧侯俞连年攻战。河平二年(前27),牂柯太守陈立杀夜郎王兴,夜郎国灭。夜郎立国共三四百年。建夜郎国者究系何族,众说纷纭,主彝、苗、仡佬、布依等族先民者均有之。传世贵州古彝文经典《彝族世系》有"彝族天生子,多同来抚育","多同权威高,多同天宫主","祖宗变山竹,山竹即祖宗"等记载;传说多同亦称金竹公,可见彝族视多同为祖先。又据,今在威宁县出土的汉代陶器上有刻划符号四十多个,其中二十八个一般认为是古彝文,果然如此,则汉代贵州西部已住有彝族先民,并具较高文化,夜郎国或即为彝族所建,按夜郎及其附近诸部落自战国时代以来便与秦、楚、南越诸地有贸易关系,至西汉成为汉郡县后,日益受到汉文化影响,中原的钢铁制品、手工业品、生产工具与灌溉技术等都很快输入夜郎地区,近年考古工作者在这一带挖掘的很多汉墓中的遗存足资证明。但这些遗存同时证明一部分土著习俗文物也遗留了下来。