1.Archaeology Materials and Studies on Baiyue Nation s History;利用考古学资料研究百越民族史的相关问题
2.On the Aart of Tattoo of Baiyue and Its Descendent Ethnic in the Ancient Times;论古代百越及其后裔民族的纹身艺术

1.The Paddy Rice, Floating Rice and the Legend of "Bird Field" among the Ancient Baiyue People: A New Explanation百越民族的水稻、浮稻与“鸟田”传说新解
2.On the Aart of Tattoo of Baiyue and Its Descendent Ethnic in the Ancient Times;论古代百越及其后裔民族的纹身艺术
3.A Tentative Study of the Paddy-Cultivation Myths of the Baiyue Ethnic Groups--Focused on the Zhuang People;百越族系稻作神话初探——以壮族为中心
4.It is probable, therefore, that at least some of Hong Kong's prehistoric inhabitants belonged to the 'Hundred Yue', as this diverse group of peoples was often called.因此,本港史前的先民有部分很可能是"百越人"(各类越人的统称)。
5.A Preliminary Comment on the Relationship among Kam-Tai Family,Baiyue and Austronesian Family侗台语民族、百越及南岛语民族关系刍论
6.Archaeology Materials and Studies on Baiyue Nation s History;利用考古学资料研究百越民族史的相关问题
7.On the Important Place of Bai Yue Tribe in the Development of Chinese Nation;试论百越在中华民族发展史上的重要地位
8.A New Research into the Myth of Rice Origin of Baiyue People and the Five-Ram Legend about Guangzhou;百越民族稻谷起源神话与广州五羊传说新解
9.Located in the South of the Chu Dynasty,Yongzhou s Customs Have Certain Characteristics of the States Around:A Study of Liu Zongyuan and the Customs in Yongzhou City;此州地极三湘,俗参百越——柳宗元与永州风俗
10.Preliminary Probe into Musical Thoughts of 100-year Shaoxing Opera-On the 100~(th) Anniversary of Shaoxing Opera;百年越剧音乐思想初探——写在越剧华诞百年之际
11.Comment on Through Shen-Kan:the Account of the Clark Expedition in North China,1908-09百年前的穿越与现时的回归——《穿越陕甘》漫谈
12.The one hundred and first meridian was passed.现在已经越过了经线一百零一度了。
13.In a million years, a nodule can cross its ocean.在一百万年中,一个金属核能跨海越洋。
14.The Great Wall runs 6700 kilometers across five provinces.长城跨越五省,共计六千七百公里。
15.Deng: Vietnam has said that at least a hundred times.邓:越南这种表示至少有一百次了。
16.About four hundred daylight sorties were made overseas yesterday.昨天就越海进行昼间袭击约四百架次。
17.Life is not a 100-yard dash, but more a cross-country run.生活不是百米冲刺,而是越野长跑。
18.Three Hundred and Sixty Years Having Passed By-- the Association of 1644;穿越三百六十年时空——甲申年联想

Wuyue and Baiyue吴越和百越
1.A Study on the Bronze Wares of Zhou Dynasty in the Regions of Wuyue and Baiyue;吴越和百越地区周代青铜器研究
3)Baiyue nationalities百越各族
4)Baiyue culture百越文化
5)Baiyue race百越族群
1.There were many ethnic groups such as Baiyue race,Pu people and Bo people living in the ancient Dian kingdom.古代滇国境内生活着许多民族,既有属于百越族群的居民,也有濮人、僰人等族。
6)Bai-Yue Culture百越境界

百越1.亦作"百粤"。 2.我国古代南方越人的总称。分布在今浙﹑闽﹑粤﹑桂等地﹐因部落众多﹐故总称百越。亦指百越居住的地方。