1.Some Spade Coins of Xinmang Period Unearthed at Muxuwa Cemetery in Xingyang;荥阳苜蓿洼墓地出土新莽布币
2.Strategies of Xingyang-Shangjie s Integrative Development;荥阳—上街一体化发展对策研究

1.2005 Excavation on the Xuecun Site in Xingyang City,Henan;河南荥阳市薛村遗址2005年度发掘简报
2.Configuration and Countermeasure of Development of Circulatory Economy in Xingyang City of Henan Province;荥阳市循环经济发展规划构想与对策
3.A Summary of the Archaeological Discoveries on the Site at the Lord Guan Temple in Xingyang,Henan河南荥阳关帝庙遗址考古发现与认识
4.At first Hsiang Yu captured Hsingyang and Chengkao and Liu Pang's troops were almost routed.当时项羽接连攻下荥阳、成皋,刘邦几乎溃不成军。
5.Family Ethics in the Tang Dynasty:A Case Study of The Zheng Family in Xingyang,Henan Province;唐代家庭伦理关系探微——以荥阳郑氏为例的考察
6.The Cultual Investigation about the Couple s Burial Custom in Tang Dynasty;唐代夫妻葬俗的文化考察——以荥阳郑氏为中心
7.The Study on the Circular Economy Development Countermeasures in the County Regional Agriculture--The City of Xingyang as An Example;县域农业循环经济发展对策研究——以荥阳市为例
8.Calculation of Water Yield and Analyses the Condition of Water Filling in Wanghe Coal Mine in Xingyang City荥阳王河煤矿充水条件分析与涌水量预测
9.On Marriages of the Gentry Class to the Imperial Family in Tang Dynasty--Focusing on the Zheng Clan in Xingyang Prefecture唐代士族的“国婚”问题——以山东荥阳郑氏为例
10.An Excavation of Cemetery of Late Shang Dynasty at Xisima Site,Xingyang,Henan Province河南荥阳西司马遗址晚商墓地发掘简报
11.Heyin Xingyang Pomegranate (Punica granatum Linn.) Varieties Resources to investigate and Cultivation Technology荥阳市河阴石榴品种资源调查及栽培技术研究
12.The ancient town of Chengkao, in the northwest of the present Chengkao County, Honan Province, was of great military importance.成皋故城在今河南省荥阳县西北部,为古代军事重地。
13.Application of Transient Electromagnetic Method to Coalmine Damage Control--Taking the Wanghe Coal Mine in Xingyang,Henan Province for example瞬变电磁法在矿井水害防治中的应用——以河南省荥阳市王河煤矿为例
14.Discovery and significance of buried paleoearthquake of the early Shang Dynasty(1260-1520 BC) in Xuecun,Xingyang,Henan Province,China河南荥阳薛村商代前期(公元前1500~1260年)埋藏古地震遗迹的发现及其意义
15.Analyse of Gushan Coal Mine in Xinggong Coalfield Coalbed Methane Accumulation Process of Integration荥巩煤田谷山井田煤层气富集成藏过程分析
16.Give Free Rein to Superiority of Mineral Resources,Optimize the Arrangement of Mining Market,Vitalize the Economy of Yingjing County;发挥矿产资源优势,优化矿权市场配置,振兴荥经县级经济
17.Hosting Pattern and Influencing Factors of CBM in No.Ⅱ-1 Coal Seam,Xinggong Coalfield荥巩煤田二_1煤层煤层气赋存规律及影响因素研究
18.That wouldn't be common sense.“管它太阳不太阳!

Xingyang City荥阳市
1.Configuration and Countermeasure of Development of Circulatory Economy in Xingyang City of Henan Province;荥阳市循环经济发展规划构想与对策
2.Henan Provincial Instrtute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,in cooperating with the construction of the Mid-Line Project of South to North Water Diversion,excavated the Xuecun site in Xingyang city from April to December of 2005.2005年4~12月,河南省文物考古研究所配合南水北调中线工程,发掘了荥阳市薛村遗址,发现了二里头文化晚期至二里岗上层时期聚落一处及其大量的相关遗迹。
3.In order to cooperate with the conservation work of cultural heritage in the Project of Water Diversion from South to North,Xingyang Municipal Office for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage excavated the wells dating to the Jin and Yuan Dynasties at north Xindian village,Wangcun town in Xingyang city,and recovered a number of various porcelain vessels.2006年,为配合南水北调中线工程,荥阳市文物保护管理所对位于荥阳市王村镇新店村以北的金元时期水井遗迹进行了发掘清理,出土各类瓷器多件,为研究当时的社会生活提供了新的资料。
3)Huaixi village in Xingyang荥阳槐西
1.In April,2008,a painting tomb of Song dynasty is excavated at Huaixi village in Xingyang by Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.2008年4月,为配合荥阳槐西希格玛欧洲产业基地一期工程建设,郑州市文物考古研究院在其一期基建工地范围内共清理魏晋、宋、金、明各个时期墓葬共36座,其中宋墓壁画保存基本完整,墓室西壁绘制的僧侣作法事图是以前从未发现过的壁画题材,它的发现为郑州地区宋金壁画墓的研究增添了新的资料。
4)Zheng Clan in Xingyang荥阳郑氏
1.So , the author of this paper focus his attention on the Zheng clan in Xingyang in central Henan province so as to.因此,我选择了衰亡期的世家大族之一荥阳郑氏作为我硕士论文的研究题目。
5)Xing Yangsheng荥阳生
1.On the Prototype Significance of Xing Yangsheng as an Image in Biography of LiWa——Concurrent Analyzing on the Love Plots Mode between Scholar and Prostitute in China s Ancient Novels;论《李娃传》中荥阳生形象的原型意义——兼析中国古代小说中文人与妓女的爱情情节模式
6)Xingyang Dialect荥阳方言
