1.Difference of Design Idea of Plow Share between Chinese and West European;从的工作部件看中国和西欧设计思想的差异
2.Intelligent CAD System of Plow Based on PDM;基于PDM的智能CAD设计系统
3.Inverse Seeking Analysis and Design of the Shape of Position Limiter for Reversible Plow;翻转限位块形状的反求分析与设计

1.furrow slice块(被起的泥块)
2.Wang Ping: "Pa" refers to creeping on the ground and the "Li" refers to the plough used by the farmers.王平:爬在地上的爬,是农民地的
3.The flat side of a plow opposite the furrow.侧板与沟相对的扁平的那侧
4.The ploughmen were ploughing on my back; long were the wounds they made.如同扶的在我背上扶而耕,耕的沟甚长。
5.The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their furrows.诗129:3如同扶的、我背上扶而耕.的沟甚长。
6.Halfway across the field, the farmer ploughed out some ancient coins.那个农民到一半的时候,出了一些古币。
7.rakes, hoes, and other implements.钯,和其它工具。
8.The main horizontal bar on a plow to which the share, colter, and handles are attached.车辕、上主要的横棍,用以固定铧、刀和柄
9.it is certainly more effective to till land with a double-spade plow than with a one-blade plow.双铧耕地的效率当然要比单铧高。
10.To work(soil)with a disk harrow.用圆盘耙耙(地),用圆盘(地)
11.To break and turn over(earth) with a plow.用翻(土)用来挖开并翻动(土壤)
12.the curved part of the steel plow blade that turns the furrow.翻沟的钢片的弯曲部分。
13.The plough dug a series of furrows across the field.穿过田地时挖出了一道道的沟。
14.To form(a furrow, for example) with a plow.用挖(畦)用一个挖出(如一条槽沟)
15.To break and turn up earth with a plow.田用来开垦和翻动土地
16.The curved plate of a plow that turns over the soil.铧式翻转土壤的曲面铁板
17.A long, narrow, shallow trench made in the ground by a plow.在地面划出的窄而浅的长沟
18.The Endless World of Sun Li--Review and Expectation of the Study on Sun Li;说不尽的孙——孙研究的回顾与期待

1.On Parametric Design of Horizontal Straight Generatrix Plough Body Surface;水平直元线体曲面参数化设计
2.Research on the Technology System Evolution of the Plough Based on TRIZ and Bionics;基于TRIZ理论和仿生原理的技术进化的研究
3.Combining the working principle of plough and harrow in agriculture that can realize to mix and comminute all kinds of material.将农业用的耙工作原理结合到一起,可同时实现对多种物料的搅拌和粉碎。
3)moldboard plow犁板犁
4)plough beam犁梁,犁柄
5)plough tail犁尾,犁柄
1.Geological characteristics of the Bogutusayi gold deposit and its enrichment in Yili,Xinjiang;新疆伊博古图萨依金矿床地质特征及富集规律
2.Protection and Development of Yili Area Mountainous Region's Natural Forest Resources.;浅谈伊地区山地天然林资源的保护和发展
3.Resources of Grass Family Germplasm in Yili Prefecture of Xinjiang and Their Evaluation;新疆伊地区禾本科植物种质资源及其评价
