1.Psychological Dynamic Stereotype and A New Interpretation of the "Madman" in Literary Works ──A Comparative Study of" Diary of A Madman" and "Tangram;心理动力定型与文学作品中的“狂人”新解──《狂人日记》《七巧板》的比较研究
2.Edna and Madman:Two Solitary Souls——An Analysis of the Awakening and the Madman s Diary;埃德娜与狂人:两个孤寂的灵魂——《觉醒》与《狂人日记》跨文化比较
3.Mad World of the Madman and Civilized World of Normal People——Viewing the Proposition of “Being Compelled to Enter the History” in China’s Modernity through Madman’s Diary;狂人疯癫世界与常人文明世界——从《狂人日记》看中国现代性的“逼入历史”的命题

1.A Study of a Madman s Internal World in A Madman s Diary;《狂人日记》中狂人内心世界的探究
2.A person regarded as strange, eccentric, or crazy.怪人;狂人被认为是奇怪的、怪异的或疯狂的人
3.Maniacs on the highway.高速公路上的狂人
4....the math-club madmen......数学俱乐部的那些狂人...
5.One that is violent, upset, or unrestrained.发狂的人狂暴的,混乱的或无节制的人
6.The number of lunatic is as finite as the number of lunatics.疯狂的书籍和疯狂的人一样数量有限.
7.an unnaturally frenzied or distraught woman.一个不同寻常的狂热的或发狂的女人。
8.someone regarded as eccentric or crazy.被认为古怪或狂热的人。
9.work sb into a rage, frenzy, etc使某人大怒、 发狂等
10.Cable Guy, The线鬼衰人/有线电视狂
11.a person seized by nympholepsy.被狂乱、迷魔占据的人。
12.The thought is maddening.这种想法叫人发狂。
13.The rampant clapping has been broken out of people.人们爆发了疯狂的掌声。
14.I am no more out of my mind than you are (out of your mind).你我两人都没有疯狂。
15.spurn sb.'s offers狂傲地拒绝某人的提议
16.a person afflicted with manic-depressive illness.遭受狂躁郁闷疾病的人。
17.Very loud noises can drive them mad.噪音太大会使人发狂。
18.She was a careless jade.她是个糊涂的轻狂女人。

1.Diary of a Maniac”displayed the maniac s sense of self-guilt, little short of despair, and brought to light the characteristic emotion of the Chinese intellectuals since the 20th century.《狂人日记》表现了狂人一种近乎绝望的自我罪感 ,从而揭示出 2 0世纪以来中国知识分子最富特征的情感 ,标示着中国文明史上一个罪感时代的到来。
2.6 and discusses the influence of Chekhov on Lu Xun in the latter\'s creation of the image "maniac".两位作家具有代表性的作品《狂人日记》和《第六病室》十分具有相通之处,而正是由于东西方传统文化的不同和主体意识的不同又造成了鲁迅笔下"狂人"形象的变异。
3)human rabies人狂犬病
1.Objective To explore the application of immunofluorescence and sandwich ELISA with double-antibodies in detection of human rabies.目的探讨免疫荧光和双抗体夹心ELISA在人狂犬病检测中的应用。
2.In order to analyze the epidemical characteristics of 105 cases of human rabies during the last 20 years in Zhongshan city and provide scientific basis for making effective measures,the results as demonstrated in collexting the individual case,Epidata for data input and using SPSS11.24%;本市人狂犬病病例传染源以家犬为主,占93。
4)The Diary of a Madman狂人日记
1.A Decipher on "The Diary of A Madman;《狂人日记》的另一种读法
2.This paper presents a comparatively survey on the same name novel ‘The Diary of a Madman’ by the two different authors as Nikolay Gogol from Russia and Lu Xun from China.本文通过狂人形象诞生、狂人特点和狂人形象意义三方面来比较研究,具体分析两篇《狂人日记》,虽然鲁迅在体裁、故事情节发展等方面都借鉴了果戈理的同名小说,但是,由于果戈理的《狂人日记》只是简单地通过"狂人"的遭遇表现当时沙俄社会的腐朽和丑恶,因此没有鲁迅运用象征的手法在其作品中将具有几千年历史的"仁义道德"概括为"吃人"以及对"吃人者"遍布在社会各处的认识等内容"忧愤深广",更兼之鲁迅是站在启蒙人的角度对封建宗法制度进行彻底否定并表现出复杂的内涵,这更使果戈理的《狂人日记》与之相比而显得缺乏那种磅礴大气和厚重感。
5)Diary of a Madman《狂人日记》
1.A Painful Century Journey of the Theme of "Man-Eating"——From Diary of a Madman written by Lu Xun to Wine Land written by Mo Yan;“吃人”命题的世纪苦旅——从鲁迅《狂人日记》到莫言《酒国》
2.The Historical Origin of Lu Xun s Diary of a Madman: Another Interpretation of Its Creative Value;试论鲁迅《狂人日记》的历史渊源——对其创新所在的别一种理解
3.Why May 4th Movement? Why Diary of a Madman?——Study of the Modernity of Chinese Literature;为什么是“五四”?为什么是《狂人日记》?——对中国文学现代性的考辩
6)the figure of the Madman狂人形象
1.A restudy of the figure of the Madman in the Diary by the Madman;《狂人日记》中狂人形象的再探讨
