1.An Archeological Study on Trade between Hakata and Mingzhou in the Tang and Song;从考古发现看唐宋时期博多地区与明州间的贸易往来

1.West Virginia produces more coal than any other state except Wyoming.西弗吉尼亚州的产煤量仅次于怀俄明州
2.She also reportedly owns homes in Southern California; Jackson Hole, Wyo.; and Austin, Texas.据说布洛克在南加州、怀俄明州和得克萨斯州等地均有房产。
3.the capital and largest city of Wyoming; located in the southeastern corner of the state.怀俄明州首府和最大城市;位于怀俄明州的东南角。
4.Cheney was vacationing at his home in Wyoming.钱尼正在怀俄明州家乡度假。
5.On the Tea-horse Trode of Hezhou, Minzhou and Tao zhou in Ming Dynasty明代河州、岷州、洮州茶马贸易研究
6.Minnesota Regional Network明尼苏达州区域网络
7.Qingming Chemical Co., Ltd. Of Wenzhou温州清明化工有限公司
8.On the Development of Guizhou Academies in the Ming Dynasty and Their Influence on Guizhou Reginal Culture;论明代贵州书院发展及对贵州区域文化的影响
9.Cultural Quality of Jinshi In Suzhou&Huizhou and Cultural Interaction between Suzhou&Huizhou in Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清苏州、徽州进士的文化素质与文化互动
10.a member of the Siouan people formerly living in Iowa and Minnesota and Missouri.从前住在爱荷华州、明尼苏达州和密苏里州的苏族人。
11.Schools in Texas, Colorado and Minnesota have similar programs.德克萨斯州,科罗拉多州和明尼苏达州也有类似的计划。
12.The Interaction and Integration of the Customs of Suchou, Yangchou and Huichou in Ming and Oing Dynasty--Also on Su Yi, Yang Qi and Hui Pai;明清苏州、扬州、徽州三地风俗的互动互融——兼谈“苏意”、“扬气”与“徽派”
13.They are Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota.它们是明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯和圣保罗。
14.OPEN BOOK, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, USA, 2000“开卷”艺术中心,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州,美国
15.Research in the Relationship among Ming Dynasty,Korea and Jurchens of the Jianzhou in the Early Ming Dynasty;明前期建州女真与朝鲜、明朝的关系探析
16.Study on Historic Spanning from Industry Civilization to Zoology Civilization of Guizhou贵州从工业文明向生态文明的历史性跨越研究
17.You see, they don't count for much in the State.你们明白,他们在本州内算不上什么。
18.The Swedes settled in Minnesota.瑞典人在明尼苏达州定居。

Mingzhou Bridge明州大桥
1.Risk Control of BT Project Investment from Mingzhou Bridge in Ningbo;从宁波明州大桥看BT项目投资的风险控制
3)the Mingzhou Port明州港
4)The Wyoming state怀俄明州
5)Mingqing Quanzhou明清泉州
6)Suzhou during the Ming and Qing Dynasties明清苏州
1.This paper selected leisure space of Suzhou during the Ming and Qing Dynasties as the studying object.本文选取了明清时期苏州的休闲空间作为研究对象,将明清苏州的休闲空间分为私人休闲空间(园林)和公共休闲空间(寺观庙宇等宗教场所、旅游胜地、街巷河道交往空间、茶馆、会馆等社交场所)。
