1.An Analysis and Thinking of the Researches in the Sikuquanshu in the Past 30 Years;近三十年来《四库全书》研究现状与思考
2.A Brief Comment on Problems in Some Catalogues of Sikuquanshu;略论《四库全书》对部分书名著录存在的问题
3.The Study of Authorized Books in Henan Provinceduring the Compilation of SiKuQuanShu;清修《四库全书》河南采进本研究

1.The Discussion of the Works about the Four Books in the Ming Dynasty included in the Si Ku Quan Shu;论《四库全书》收录的明代《四书》著作
2.The Compiling of Siku Quan Shu s Impact on the Book Storage in Qing Dynasty;《四库全书》纂修对清代藏书的影响
3.Organization and Operation of the Institution for Si Ku Quan Shu:An Investigation Based on the Staff Lists;《四库全书》馆的机构与运作——以《四库全书》职名表为中心的考察
4.The Literature Value Of Huzeng s Yongshi Poetry Included in the Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature;《四库全书》本胡曾《咏史诗》的文献价值
5.Comparison between the Compilation of "Yong Le Da Dian" and "Si Ku Quan Shu";《永乐大典》与《四库全书》编纂的比较
6.A Study on the Zashi of the Sung Dynasty;《四库全书存目丛书》宋代杂史研究
7.Error-correcting to the Section of Personal Collections of "Wensuge Sikuquanshutiyao";《文溯阁四库全书提要》别集类辨证
8.The Historical Value of XUXIU SIKUQUANSHU TIYAO;论《续修四库全书提要》的史学价值
9.Legend and the Novel Classification of "Bibliography of the Imperial Four Libraries";“传奇”与《四库全书总目》小说分类
10.Three Issues of Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu and Er Ya;《四库全书总目·小学类·尔雅》三题
11.Discussing of "Discussion on ‘Complete Collection of Four Treasuries "Written by Mr. WANG Chong-min;王重民先生《论〈四库全书总目〉》商榷
12.Shitong in the history part of the Annotated Catalog of The Emperor s Four Treasuries;《四库全书总目》“史部”中的《史通》
13.A Comment on the Research of Zuozhuan in Early Qing Dynasty on the Basis of The Comprehensive Table of Contens of Sikuquanshu;从《四库全书总目》看清初的《左传》研究
14.Brief Introduction to the Compiling Origin of Comprehensive Table of Content of Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature and Its Classification Style;《四库全书总目》的纂修缘起与分类体例
15.The Traditional Conception of Novel and the Analysis of The General Catalogue for Complete Collection of Four Treasuries;《四库全书总目》的小说观及其原因探析
16.The Synopses of Ten Collections of Qing Poetry Included in the General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu: Their Supplement and Correction;《四库全书总目》十种清诗总集提要补正
17.The Critic to Monk-poets Extra Corpora in Sikuguanshuzongmu;《四库全书总目》中的诗僧别集批评
18.A Reparation the Textless Catalogue of Superorder of Complete library in the Four Branches of Literature·Zi Radical·Miscellaneous Scholars;《四库全书总目·子部·杂家类》存目补正

Si Ku Quan Shu《四库全书》
1.A Research of Works Written by Fujianese in the Song Dynasty in the Series of Si Ku Quan Shu;《四库全书》中的宋代闽人著作考述
2.Organization and Operation of the Institution for Si Ku Quan Shu:An Investigation Based on the Staff Lists;《四库全书》馆的机构与运作——以《四库全书》职名表为中心的考察
3.Emperor Qianlong and the Compilation of Si Ku Quan Shu;乾隆皇帝与《四库全书》的纂修
3)Siku Quanshu《四库全书》
1.The Overview of Authorized Books and Banned Books in Fujian Province during the Compilation of Siku Quanshu;清修《四库全书》过程中福建采进本与禁毁书概述
2.Siku Quanshu was compiled under Emperor Qianlong leading in middle times of the reign of Emperor Qianlong for strengthening civil administration and lasting political stability, which is the biggest comprehensive series in history in China.《四库全书》是在乾隆年间中期,为了加强文治、长治久安,由乾隆帝亲自指挥主持纂修的,中国历史上最大一部综合性丛书。
3.Qian Long , the 4th emperor of Qing Dynasty , decreed the compilation of Siku quanshu , hence there was a nation-wide campaign of book collecting and banning from 1772 to 1793.乾隆敕修《四库全书》,从乾隆三十七年(1772)起在全国范围内征集图书到乾隆五十八年(1793)十月二十四日禁书运动基本结束,福建一直与这场运动相始终。
4)Complete Library in Four Divisions四库全书
1.Problems about the Regional Characters of Locality Collections of Complete Library in Four Divisions;四库全书地方采进本的地域性问题
2.The problems include the mistakes of "Complete Library in Four Divisions","Poyang Wujia Collection"and "Fangzhou Collection",the carelessness of the editor,and the mistakes of the original.其中包括整理时因工作底本(《四库全书·鄱阳五家集·芳洲集》)之误,点校者不察,沿袭底本之误而误者,如"铜狄摩"误作"铜狄磨"等,大多属音形相同或相似而误。
5)imperial collection of four四库全书
6)the edition compiled in Si Ku Quan Shu四库全书本
