《太平广记》,Tai Ping Guang Ji
1)Tai Ping Guang Ji《太平广记》
1.The style of scholars traveled and begged in the Tang dynasty-One of life s state that the Tang dynasty scholars lived in the Tai Ping Guang Ji;唐代举子游丐之风——《太平广记》所见唐代举子生活态之一
2.Civil Ethnic Marriage in Tang Dynasty Reflected in Tai Ping Guang Ji;唐朝民间民族通婚在《太平广记》中的反映
3.Cultural Factors of the Compiling of Tai Ping Guang Ji;论《太平广记》纂修的文化因素

1.Research on the Category and Edit of Spiritual Novels in ;《太平广记》仙类小说类目及其编纂研究
2.From the "Peaceful Broadly Records" Study the Social Life of Shanxi in Tang Dynasty;从《太平广记》看唐代山西社会生活
3.Love and Marriage of Women in the Tang Dynasty From "Taipingguang Collection";《太平广记》所见唐代妇女的婚恋生活
4.China Ancient Forest Culture in <Taipingguangji>;《太平广记》反映的中国古代森林文化
5.On the Images of Hideous Monster in Widely Records in Tai Ping;从《太平广记》管窥“夜叉”形象的流变
6.The Research on Matrimonial Etiquettes and Customs of the Tang Dynasty from TaiPingGuangJi;《太平广记》中所见唐代婚礼、婚俗略考
7.Simple Terms Being Synonymous With Compound Ones in;《太平广记》中的简、复式同义表达
8.From the TaiPing Collection see Raytheon and Raytheon worship Ideas从《太平广记》看雷神及雷神崇拜思想
9.Businessmen in Late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties as Recorded in Taiping Guangji(or Extensive Records of the Era Taiping)从《太平广记》的记载看唐后期五代的商人
10.Literary Sketches and Mini-Stories--Take Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio, Records of the Taiping Era,Literary Sketches from Yuewei Cottage, for example;笔记小说与微篇小说——以《太平广记》、《聊斋志异》和《阅微草堂笔记》为例
11.Civil Ethnic Marriage in Tang Dynasty Reflected in Tai Ping Guang Ji唐朝民间民族通婚在《太平广记》中的反映
12.Heterodoxy and Belief--Studying Buddhism Culture of Tai Ping Guang Ji From the Perspective of the Bizarr Monks' Stories异端与信仰——从《太平广记》“异僧”小说看佛教文化
13.Discussion on the Female Monsters in "Taipingguangji" and National Minorities Culture--Taking foxes,tigers and wolves as example;《太平广记》中的唐代女性精怪与少数民族文化论考——以狐、虎、狼为例
14.The style of scholars traveled and begged in the Tang dynasty-One of life s state that the Tang dynasty scholars lived in the Tai Ping Guang Ji;唐代举子游丐之风——《太平广记》所见唐代举子生活态之一
15.The Documentational Values of Tai Ping Guang Ji Xiang Jie Conserved in The Republic of Korea;韩国所藏《太平广记详节》的文献价值
16.The Evolution Type on Foxes' Images in Taipingguangji从《太平广记·狐》看狐意象的演变类型
17.visiting Justices report book太平绅士探访记录簿
18.Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)亚洲太平洋广播联盟

1.The boat Images of TaiPingGuangJi;《太平广记》里的舟船意象
2.Study the Hu merchant culture in the <TaiPingGuangJi>;《太平广记》中的唐代胡商文化
3.Study on mysterous novels in TaiPingGuangJi;《太平广记》中的神异小说探研
3)Tai Ping Guang Ji太平广记
1.<Tai Ping Guang Ji> is repair a large official collection of novel in the early Song Dynasty.《太平广记》是宋初官修的一部大型小说总集,其内容丰富、分类详细,而且年代跨越比较大,因而保留了大量当时的社会史料,是研究自秦汉及宋的文化、社会生活、语言等的重要资料。
2.Tai Ping Guang Ji(《太平广记》), which was edited at the King s command by Li Fang(李昉) et al of the early Song Dynasty, collected lots of stories about anecdotes and unofficial history.《太平广记》是宋初李昉等人奉旨而编的大型类书,专门收集自秦汉至宋初一千多年的野史小说。
4)Tai Ping Guang Ji Xiang Jie《太平广记详节》
1.The Documentational Values of Tai Ping Guang Ji Xiang Jie Conserved in The Republic of Korea;韩国所藏《太平广记详节》的文献价值
5)Taiping Huanyuji《太平寰宇记》
1.Judging Achievements and Defects of Leshi s Works from Jiangxi Part of Taiping Huanyuji;从《太平寰宇记》中的江西部分看乐史撰著的成就与不足
2.Toponymic Contribution of Taiping Huanyuji compiled by Leshi;乐史《太平寰宇记》的地名学贡献
6)Taiping Huan Yu Ji太平寰宇记
