1.Subversion of Scientism: A Brief Survery on Scientific Nature of Modern "Anti-Science";对唯科学主义的反动——略论现代“反科学”的科学性
2.The produce of "Anti-Science" phenomenon and its mode in the world have many sources.反科学思潮及其在当今世界的表现具有多方面根源。
3.But there are different criterions and methods in defining false-science,and to define it clearly is no easy job because people often relate it to the non-science,pseudoscience and anti-science.因为人们往往把它和"反科学、非科学和假科学"相纠葛;加上鉴定何为"反科学、非科学和假科学"也十分困难,这就更需要人们在否定"伪科学"的时候,慎重小心,以免扼杀科学的雏形。

1.Subversion of Scientism: A Brief Survery on Scientific Nature of Modern "Anti-Science";对唯科学主义的反动——略论现代“反科学”的科学性
2.The Function of Philosophy of Science in Counter Attack the Receding of Anti-Science;科学哲学在与反科学的论战中的作用
3.They inveighed against the unscientific procedures他们强烈反对违反科学的程序。
4.It also helps struggle against anti-science and pseudoscience during SC.这将有助于在科学传播的实践中与反科学和伪科学等作斗争。
5.If not,the spirit of science will be lack in science education.反之,科学教育中就不具备科学精神。
6.Recongsider the Strong Program of the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学之“强纲领”的哲学反思
7.Reflection on the Pedagogical Position in Dialogue with Philosophy and Science;立场反思:教育学与哲学和科学的对话
8.The Study of the Strategy for Delieving Image of Authentic Science upon the Perspective of the Philosophy of Science科学哲学视域下反映真实科学的理科教学策略研究
9.Is Science still Worth Believing:Reconsideration of the Statement "Science is a Double-Edged Sword科学还值得信赖吗?——对“科学是把双刃剑”的再反思
10.Her opposed the asceticism of devotion to sciences, advocated the gay science.他反对为科学献身的苦行主义,主张快乐的科学。
11.Amending the Darwinism is an advancement of science修正达尔文理论是发展科学,不是反对科学
12.Reflections on Using Multimedia in History Teaching;在历史学科中运用多媒体教学的反思
13.The Reflection and Recreation of Developing Modes of University Disciplines in China;我国大学学科发展模式的反思与创新
14.Knowledge Forms of Literature and Art and Knowledge Practice of Anti-essentialism;文艺学知识形态与反学科的知识实践
15.Put Essence aside--A Reflection on the Literary Theory study;“本质的悬置”:文学理论学科性之反思
16.Retrospection on the Formation of Liang qichao s Concept of Historical Science;梁启超“科学史学”观的形成及其反思
17.Philosophical Reflection on Contemporary Dialogue between Science and Religion当代科学与宗教的对话及其哲学反思
18.Culture-anthropology:A New Perspective of Reflection on Science and Technology文化人类学:反思科学技术的新视角

anti science反科学
1.Scientism, anti science and pseudoscience are three closely related concepts in contemporary China which are used widely but with ambiguous meanings.(唯 )科学主义 (scientism)、反科学 (anti -science)和伪科学 (pseudoscience)是三个彼此相关的词语 ,常用做他称 ,多含贬义 ,用法宽泛 ,语意含混。
2.The word anti science seems clear in Chinese, but it has very different meanings or implications in different contexts.“反科学”表面上是一个清楚的词汇 ,实际上有不同的所指。
1.The Analyze of Political Force Antiscience in Germany,Soviet Union and United States in the 20th Century;二十世纪德、苏、美三国来自政治层面的反科学行为分析
1.The subject of anti-pseudoscience is the person and community that having scientific sense and the whole of society.马克思主义历来反伪科学。
5)the " anti-science " view"反科学"观
6)ironic science反讽科学
