1.Push Forward and Break out of an Encirclement——The Interpretation of YuHua′s "Brothers";挺进与突围——解读余华长篇小说《兄弟
2.The author chooses the word "brothers",and studies its particular meaning of "brother and sister",the cause and related situations,to provide some new materials for editing the dictionaries.本文刺取"兄弟"一词,对其独特的兄妹一义的表现、成因及相关情况作考索,为语文辞书编纂提供新材料。
3.《Brothers》 is Yu Hua new work.《兄弟》是余华搁笔十年之后带给读者的又一部长篇小说,它展示了余华在叙事领域的新探索。

1.like or characteristic of or befitting a brother.像兄弟、有兄弟的特点或者适合于兄弟
2.Characteristic of or befitting brothers; fraternal.兄弟的,兄弟般的以兄弟为特征或适宜于兄弟的;兄弟会的
3.Raymond Brothers Co. 7.0 percent雷曼兄弟公司 7.0%
4.a fraternal association [ order, society ][美]共济会, 兄弟
5.a fraternal association order, society ]美]共济会, 兄弟
6."The brother of Louis XVII!“路易十六的兄弟
7.a cousin - german堂[表]兄弟[姐妹]
8.the first cousin堂(表)兄弟/姐妹
9.The state or relationship of being brothers.兄弟关系兄弟的状态或关系
10.parallel cousin堂兄弟姊妹或姨表兄弟姊妹
11.A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother.兄弟不一定是朋友,但朋友永远是兄弟
12.For it is possible for" brother" to mean not simply a male sibling, but rather it could mean a brother Israelite.“兄弟”一词可能不仅指一个男性兄弟,而泛指任一信主的以色列弟兄。
13.Have your brother a videocorder?你兄弟有录像机吗?
14.They rushed him for their fraternity.他们争取他加入兄弟
15.The Brotherhood, we call it.我们管它叫兄弟会。
16.Perhaps the Brotherhood existed after all!或许兄弟会也真的存在!
17.Brotherhood of Asian Trade Unionists亚洲工会会员兄弟
18.IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers)国际电气工人兄弟

1.An Explanation to Brother-sister Contradiction in Folklore民间文学中的兄弟、姐妹矛盾关系解读
2.Story and novel, those closely connected brothers, those who have been enjoyed their spectacular attention for a long time, are now facing an awkward condition of being ignored and abandoned, because of the world is moving forward from oral cultural age to typographic age and now visual era.本文通过分析王蒙、余华和贾平凹的三部以兄弟俩为主人公的小说为例,试图寻找故事从小说中被解放出来后的痕迹和轨迹。
1.Writing about the Collective Revelry:Creation on Brother(First Volume);集体狂欢的写作——关于《兄弟》(上)的创作
2.Brings the Shackles and Handcuffs to Dance —— Brother: Continues to Criticize the National Incorrigibility and Pursues Warmth;带着镣铐舞蹈——《兄弟》:继续国民性批判与追求诗意的温情
3.Returning and Transcendence——On Yu Hua's Brother回归与超越——读余华的《兄弟
1.Comment on the Novel—Brothers;迷狂时代下的情感——对余华《兄弟》的解读
2.On Assessment Standard of Literature Works——Discussions about Brothers with Chen Sihe and others;论文学优劣的标准——兼与陈思和等关于《兄弟》的商榷
3.Brothers:From the Fable to the "Real me";《兄弟》:从寓言到“写真”
5)the shows audiences弟兄

兄弟【兄弟】 (杂语)禅林之语。自少壮居于丛林谙熟清规者,曰山中之兄弟。反于晚达之人。又法中同门之总称也。见象器笺五。