1.Expound the origins and evolution of cremation of qing dynasty;论清代火葬制度的渊源及演变
2.Since 1956,China has launched the interment feform from the traditional burial to cremation.1956年4月,我国开始了从传统土葬到火葬的殡葬变革。

1.He wants to is cremated, not buried.他要火葬, 不要土葬.
2.He wants to be cremated,not buried.他要火葬,不要土葬.
3.Of or relating to cremation.火葬火葬的或与之相关的
4.(Section A) Crematorium, Date & Time of Cremation Applied for(甲部) 申请火葬场及火葬日期
5.certificate of order authorizing burial/cremation of body授权埋葬/火葬尸体命令证明书
6.Cremation is more common than burial in some countries.在某些国家, 火葬比土葬普遍.
7.The forms of burial vary among China's ethnic minorities, including cremation, inhumation, ``water burial'' and ``sky burial'' (exposure burial).中国各少数民族的丧葬习俗各有不同,有火葬、土葬、水葬、天葬等不同的葬法。
8.The Viking funeral followed.接着举行维金式火葬
9.This was the moment.举行火葬的时候到了。
10.Cremation Permit/Order No.火葬许可证/令编号*:
11.The body was consigned to the flames,ie burned.尸体被送去焚化(火葬).
12.Application for private cremation安排私人火葬申请书
13.Cemeteries and Crematoria Office坟场及火葬场办事处
14.Pulverization of Cremated火葬后的遗骸代为研幼
15.The Manzu of Qing dynasty put cremation, which was not popular in the Hans, into practice.火葬,中原汉人不流行,然而清初满族却实行火葬
16.A heap of combustibles for burning a corpse as a funeral rite.火葬燃料指在作为葬礼仪式的火葬仪式上使用的易燃物
17.A furnace or establishment for the incineration of corpses.火葬场火化尸体的炉子或场所
18.In Song Dynasty,people failed in trying to forbid the custom of cremate.宋代火葬习俗屡禁不止,火葬与反火葬之争其实质是挑战与维护“华夷之辨”观念的一个缩影。

1.Three flue gas samples covering 9 corpses were collected from a crematory in China and measured for the concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs.对中国某火葬场9具遗体进行了二英类污染物排放测试,测试结果表明,烟气中二英类物质总浓度为89~350ng·m-3,毒性当量浓度为1。
4)convention of cremation火葬习俗
1.Though the convention of cremation had declined in Ming Dynasty a nd from the court there’s a detailed ban on it,some humble dead still had be en cremated.火葬习俗在明代已趋衰落,朝廷也有具体禁令,但一些身份低微的亡者仍有人以火葬之法处置。
5)cremation gravestones火葬墓碑
1.Recently cremation gravestones have been discovered in Baoshan,dated from Dali Kingdom down to Yuan Dynasty.近年来,保山市发现了南诏、大理国到元代时期火葬墓碑,墓碑内容证明,阿吒力教在保山市曾有过辉煌的历史,并影响了保山市的历史文化以及今天的民俗。
6)cremate in Song Dynasty宋代火葬
