1.Emperor Guang Wu s Abolishing Zhou Mu and Reestablishing Cishi and the Development of the Zhou System During the Middle and Late Period of Eastern Han;光武帝“罢州牧置刺史”与东汉中后期州制的发展
2.On Cishi’s Military Power and the Provincial Military Function in Tang Dynasty;唐代刺史的军事职掌与州级军事职能
3.Before abandoning cishi and establishing the system of prefecture governors(zhoumu),yushi zhongcheng is the direct leader of cishi in Western Han.西汉在没有罢刺史、置州牧之前,御史中丞与刺史存在着统辖关系,罢刺史、置州牧后,这样的统辖关系就不存在了。

1.A Probe into the Phenomenon of Ci-shi Power exceeding during the Middle and Latter Period of Han Dynasty;西汉中后期刺史越权现象的历史考察
2.Bai Juyi, the Tang poet mentioned earlier, was once governor of Hangzhou.唐代著名诗人白居易,担任过杭州刺史
3.On Cishi’s Military Power and the Provincial Military Function in Tang Dynasty;唐代刺史的军事职掌与州级军事职能
4.In April, 907, the magistrate of Bianzhou, Zhu Wen by name, raised an army and proclaimed himself king, calling his regime Hou Liang or the Later Liang.907年4月,汴州刺史朱漫拥兵自立,建立后梁政权。
5.The district magistrate of Jiangzhou, an official named Wang Hong, wanted very much to make his acquaintance but was simply unable to reach him.江州刺史王弘很想跟他交往,可就是见不到他。
6.Don Juan is Byron’s masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19th century.他的代表作《唐璜》是19世纪初期的著名讽刺史诗。
7.Analyzing the Spiritual Characteristics of the Assassins in the Warring States Period through the Study of The Biographies about the Assassins in Shi Ji;从《史记·刺客列传》看战国时刺客的精神特征
8.Check for a history of allergies to airborne irritants and foods.检查是否有空中刺激物和食物过敏史。
9.Smith's sprint at the finish was really wonderful.史密斯的终点冲刺确实是了不起。
10.This was the first Presidential assassination in American history.他是美国历史上第一个被刺杀的总统。
11.Suzhou emBroidery has a long history of Brisk sales Both at home and aBroad.苏州刺绣畅销国内外已有很长的历史。
12.History have many irony.历史上有许多具有讽刺意味的事。
13.cardboard caricatures of historical figures.对历史人物的肤浅的讽刺画。
14.Analysis of Sarcasm Between Confucian Scholars(RuLinWaiShi) and Fortress Besieged(WeiCheng);《儒林外史》与《围城》讽刺艺术的浅析
15.A Comparison of Satiring Art Between Scholars and Fortress Besieged;《儒林外史》和《围城》讽刺艺术比较
16.By Analyzing the Text to Revive the Image of Assassins in Shi Ji;在文本解析中复活《史记》中的刺客形象
17.Re-Know the satirical artistic characteristics in RuLinWaiShi;《儒林外史》讽刺艺术特色的再认识
18.The Satiric Art Theory in the Wu s Criticism and Tian s Criticism of "The Informal History of Intellectuals;《儒林外史》卧评和天评中的讽刺艺术论

Ci shi刺史
1.Emperor Guangwu abolished Zhou Mu and re established Ci shi on the 18th year of Jian wu,before which Zhou mu system existed.确切地说 ,东汉时期的州制呈现出阶段性的发展特征 ,以建武十八年光武帝罢州牧复刺史为界限 ,其前为州牧制 ,它继承了王莽时期及更始政权的州牧制并有所发展 ,州为军政合一单
3)Jingzhou prefectural governor荆州刺史
4)function of Cishi刺史职能
5)state CiShi州刺史
1.The systems of state CiShi has been changed to that of ZhouMu twice during the period from emperor Wu of Han Dynasty,who first adopted the system of state CiShi,to the reign of Wangmang.自汉武帝设州刺史制度 ,到王莽执政时期 ,曾两次改州刺史为州牧。
6)feudal provincial system刺史制度
1.The feudal provincial system is the original creation of Han Wudi on the basis of the successful experiences of the systems for supervision and control of the officials in Qin and Han Dynasties.刺史制度是汉武帝在秦御史监郡和汉初丞相史出刺基础上的独创 ,是君主专制主义中央集权的产物。
