仕宦,official career
1)official career仕宦
1.Lujiang He family’s marriage with royal families in the Eastern Jin and the Southern Dynasties and its official career;东晋南朝庐江何氏与皇室之婚媾及其仕宦考述
2.The major reason for this is their marriage with royals and their official career.究其原因,固然非止一端,但关键在于其家族之婚姻与仕宦
3.Both Pei of the Kingdom of Wu from the south and Pei in Hedong lost their high status they had had in the period of Wei and Jin, but difference between them in their marriage, official career and culture existed.仕宦特点显示:河东裴氏多仕于中央,司以文职;南来吴裴多仕于地方,以军功进阶。

1.They are not anxious social climbers.他们并不渴求仕宦功名。
2.Official was Pleased and the Spillover of Emotions Confusion--New Exploration of Official and Family Conflicts Problems in Tang Dynasty Novels仕宦得意与情感外溢的困惑——唐代小说中仕宦与家庭矛盾问题新探
3.HAVING WANTED NOT ONLY BEING AN OFFICIAL BUT ALSO TO BE RECLUSE --The Official s Mind of Zhang Hua in the Later Period from《Two Answers to He Shao》;既仕慕隐——从《答何邵二首》看张华后期仕宦心态
4.Analyzing the Official Mentality of Intellectuals in Yuan Dynasty from Jian Fu Bei;从《荐福碑》看元代文人的仕宦心态
5.The Illustration of Poet′s Consciousness in Pursuing Power and Reputation;关于诗人功名意识、“仕宦情结”的阐发
6.Xin Qiji' s Actual Political Position Shown by His Official Experiences从辛弃疾仕宦经历看其实际政治地位
7.Jianan and Zhengshi Writer s Officials as a Class Mindset and Their Poem Text;建安与正始文人不同仕宦心态及其诗文
8.Lujiang He family’s marriage with royal families in the Eastern Jin and the Southern Dynasties and its official career;东晋南朝庐江何氏与皇室之婚媾及其仕宦考述
9.Long Hu Bang Incident and LU Zhi s Official Career;“龙虎榜”事件与陆贽仕宦生涯的政治选择
10.On Bi-family in the Song Dynasty--Focus on Genealogy,Officialdom and Marriage;宋代毕氏家族论略——以世系、仕宦与婚姻为中心
11.Studies on Mongolians and Semu People as Officials in the South of China in the Yuan Dynasty;元代江南蒙古、色目侨寓人户的仕宦研究
12.Officials,Marriages and Cultural Achievements of the Wangs in the Song Dynasty;宋代三槐王氏家族的仕宦、婚姻与文化成就
13.A Study of Honhe People who Flourished in Lincang Area and their Official Career during Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China清代至民国流寓和仕宦临沧地区的红河人士考
14.Disseminating Culture--An Option of Officials in Dynastic Succession传扬文化——改朝换代时仕宦文人的另一种选择
15.Xie Family's development locus on the southern bank of the Yangtze is indicated by the change of place names related to Xie Family members'offical career,title of nobility;谢氏仕宦、爵位地名的变化,反映了其家族江左发展的地域轨迹;
16."He is an unassuming, generous man who takes after his grandfather.""其为人谦恭厚道,大有祖父遗风,非膏粱轻薄仕宦之流"
17.Lujiang s He Family s Official Career and Marriage with Royals in the East Jin and South Dynasties;东晋南朝庐江何氏与诸皇室之婚媾及其仕宦考述
18.On the essence of the system of viceroy and governor in Qing Dynasty;清前期督抚关系管窥——以清官张伯行的仕宦生涯为个案

1.Chinese Middle Ages society took clan as coordinate unit,and took the "government official" as basic measure of value.通过对中古房氏家族仕宦情况的研究,阐明房氏家族只是望族而不是士族的原因,为进一步研究房氏家族打下基础。
2.In this paper, based on the perspective of social and cultural development of the Tang Dynasty,had a more systematic explanation to the regional distribution status,the stratum distribution status,the official status,the educational status and marital status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.本文立足于社会文化发展的视角,对唐代进士群体的区域分布状况、阶层分布状况、仕宦状况、教育状况、婚姻状况进行了较为系统的阐释,力求在唐代社会历史发展的大背景下,给予唐代进士群体的社会状况以更为全面、更为明晰的展示。
3.The real implementation of the Tang Dynasty examination system brought new changes of intellectual circles’ official approach and survival status.士人在游学、游宦、经商的人生追求历程中,会遇到感情、家庭问题的种种困惑:或是因远离家庭而妻子感情外溢,或是仕宦途中偶遇美色诱惑而误入歧途,或是入仕掌权后面对家庭情感纠葛的评断……。
3)official personality仕宦人格
4)official mentality仕宦心态
1.Especially for the drama writers,drama scripts fully demonstrated their expectations of entering political stratum and the course of depression and helplessness and the official mentality of self-comforting in this special era.蒙古族统治的元朝,知识分子仕进无门,地位衰落,沉沦下僚,尤其是元代杂剧作家,在杂剧剧本中充分展现了他们对入仕的期望、走向仕宦之路过程中的苦闷和无可奈何之余的自我安慰这种特殊时代的仕宦心态。
5)Consciousness of pursuing repudation仕宦情结
6)desire of officialdom仕宦意识
1.Liu Yong and his desire of officialdom;论柳永的仕宦意识及其成因

《人格的模式和成长》  G.奥尔波特著。纽约霍尔特、莱因哈特和温斯顿出版社1961年出版。本书是作者关于人格心理学的代表作。1937年,奥尔波特出版了《人格:一种心理学解释》一书;可以说是本书的初版。本书除前言外,分为5编,共22章。第1编讲心理学与个体性,阐述人格、性格和气质的区别和关系,并对人格心理学作了简要的历史回顾;第2编讲人格的发展;第3编讲人格的结构;第4编讲人格的评量。最后一编对如何理解人格进行较高层次的理论分析,评论各个学派的人格观,并阐述了作者关于人格理论的人本主义倾向。在本书中,作者仍保持了两个基本指导思想:①强调人格的复杂性,承认它是由遗传的、气质的、社会的和心理的因素合成的;②在承认一般规律研究法的同时,特别重视个别规律研究法的价值。    作者在书中提出了关于人格的著名定义,即"人格是个体内那些决定个人特有的行为与思想的心身系统的动态结构"。他认为这个定义是当代有关人格定义的"合成"。这个定义的基本点在于把人格当作一种动态的(即由动机发动的)、生长着的系统。以这个定义为基础,作者又发展了著名的功能自律原理。功能自律指的是"任何一种习得的动机系统,其中所包含的紧张与这一习得系统所赖以形成的先行的紧张不是同一种紧张"。作者进而分析两种水平的功能自律:一种是持续性的,一种是自我统一的。前者是以生理变化为基础的动机系统,后者涉及一种高级过程,如兴趣、态度和生活方式等。当这种动机系统与认知过程相融合时,个人便形成了一种认知方式。本书还主张特质是描述人格最有效的概念。所谓特质是指"一种神经心理结构,具有使多种刺激在功能上一致的能力,有引起并导致同等形式(含义一贯)的适应行为和表情行为的能力"。作者把特质区分为个人特质和共同特质,并特别强调人格心理学家应集中研究个人特质。他又把个人特质区分为基本特质、核心特质和次要特质。它们对一个人的人格形成的重要作用依次递减。作者还把动机的功能自律原理与特质理论联系起来,认为特质是一种类型的刺激情境所唤起的功能上自律的反应倾向。