1.In the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage,the intangible cultural heritage at the hometown is the impor- tant point for the integration of intangible cultural heritage and school education.在非物质文化遗产教育传承过程中,家乡非物质文化遗产是非物质文化遗产保护与学校教育相结合的重要途径,也是学生知识习得与素质培养的重要手段,为非物质文化遗产保护和学生素质培养提供了实现的可能,是教育传承发展的重要支点和发展方向。
2.Firstly,he is sentimentally attached to Yunnan and his hometown;additionally,his homesickness comes from the urban modernization,and it makes him love and miss the past very much;finally,he makes it be an unique symbol of his poems.乡愁是雷平阳诗歌的一个重要主张,诗人的乡愁既饱含着对云南、对家乡的热爱和眷恋,又有着城市化进程带给诗人的乡愁。
3.This book displays the deepest emotion of Jiang s love for his motherland, for his people, for his hometown, for the truth and for the Party and her leader, and equally reflects the course of change in his heart from an old -type intellectual to a Marxist scholar.书中表现了姜先生热爱祖国、热爱人民、热爱家乡、热爱真理、热爱党和党的领袖的浓烈的情感,反映了一个旧式知识分子转变为马克思主义学问家的心灵历程。

1.My hometown is close to the sea.我们家乡临近大海。
2.I am yearning for the blue ridges of the mountains in my hometown.我想念家乡的青青山峦。
3.kentucky fried chicken肯塔基炸鸡(家乡鸡)
4.He is far away from home and wife and children.他远离家乡、妻子和儿女。
5.A power station has been set up in my home town.我的家乡建起了发电站。
6.He opened a vegetarian restaurant in his hometown.他在家乡开了个素菜馆。
7.There are many losses in his town.他家乡的人伤亡很多。
8.They grow rice in their home town.他们在家乡种水稻。
9.She sighed for home and friends.她思念家乡和朋友。
10.He languished for home.他苦苦地思念家乡
11.He is sighing for home and friends.他在思念家乡和故旧。
12.in my native place as a small child.在我少时留居家乡时,
13.His hometown is in an outlying mountain area.他的家乡地处边远山区。
14.He went back to his hometown and opened up wasteland for cultivation.他回到家乡开荒种地。
15.Tell me what your home village is like.告诉我你的家乡的情况.
16.The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour.海外游子思念家乡风味。
17.Great changes have taken place in my home village.我家乡有了很大的变化。
18.Beijing is ten times as big as my home town.北京有我家乡十倍大。

3)local native writer乡土作家
1.The Chinese local native writer,Mo Yan,has been much influenced by him.作为新时期崛起的乡土作家莫言,更是深受其影响。
2.Since then, many excellent local native writers of both mainland and Taiwan benefit a lot from the foreign literature and modern western ideological trends after the frequent engagements and communication with them.而五四以来中国众多的优秀乡土作家,无论是大陆还是台湾,也是在与西洋文学和现代派思潮的一次次接触和碰撞中,使自己的艺术思想逐渐成熟,创作底蕴逐渐丰富,最终在吸收其营养后形成自己独特的艺术风格,并完成了一大批优秀的乡土小说。
1.The Research of Mobile IPv4 Dynamic HA;移动IPv4动态家乡代理的研究
5)home address家乡地址
6)home update家乡更新
1.In this paper, an improved mobile IPv6 protocol is presented, which can reduce the binding cost by dividing binding update of the mobile nodes into the home update and the local update, and therefore improve the performance of t.本文提出了一种改进的移动IPv6协议,通过将移动节点的绑定更新分为家乡更新和本地更新两类来降低网络的绑定代价,使网络的性能得到改善。
