1.The Significance of Sishengyuan in the Transform of Zaju;《四声猿》在杂剧转型中的意义

1.Southern Song Dynasty s Zaju is Different from Northern Song s;北宋杂剧与南宋杂剧是不同的杂剧形式
2.figurines of poetic drama of Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties宋-金-元杂剧雕砖
3.The Banner of the Zaju Opera in the Early Qing Dynasty--On WU Wei-ye s Zaju Historical Plays;清初杂剧的旗帜——试论吴伟业的杂剧史剧艺术
4.Scholar operas and southern operas;文人剧和南杂剧——明代杂剧艺术论系列之一
5.Zaju first appeared in the Tang Dynasty."杂剧"最早见于唐代,
6.A study of the minor roles of the comic performances in the Song Dynasty:XIAO,ZHENG and RUO;杂剧亚脚色“哮”、“郑”、“偌”考
7.On the Thought Structure of Yuan Zaju;元杂剧的思想结构——元杂剧文本结构研究之四
8.On the Complication of the Morals in the Tragedies in Yuan Zaju;评元杂剧艺术悲剧作品泛道德的复杂化现象
9.On Royal Zaju,Folk Zaju and Bachelor s Zaju of Song Dynasty s;两宋宫廷杂剧与民间杂剧的对立与互动
10.On the Original Form of Zaju in Yuan Dynasty from the Perspective of Yuankan Zaju从元刊杂剧重新审视元杂剧体制之原貌
11.comic aesthetic features of chandan in zaju of Yuan Dynasty;元杂剧搽旦角色的喜剧审美特征探微
12.On the Feminine Tragedy Destiny in Love and Marriage Comedy of Yuan Dynasty ZaJu Plays;论元杂剧爱情婚姻喜剧中妇女的悲剧命运
13.Correlations of Beijing Opera “Wangjiangting” with Yuan Type Drama;京剧《望江亭》与元杂剧原剧本的几点比较
14.The basic structural way of Yuan Drama元杂剧基本的戏剧构造方式——元杂剧文本结构研究之二
15.The purpose of Yuan drama is to tell a story, and the characters, in their representative narration, are storytellers.元杂剧以故事表述为目的,剧中人物承担着杂剧故事的叙述任务。
16.The Differences of Pattern between miscellaneous drama of Yuan Dynasty and Western Traditional Drama;元杂剧戏剧模式与西方传统模式的差异——元杂剧文本结构研究之一
17.The Creating and Cultural Meanings of Yuan Tsa-chu s Family Ethics Tragedy;元杂剧中家庭伦理悲剧创作及其文化意义
18.Study of Family Dramas and the Ethical Culture on Family in the Dramas of Yuan Dynasty;元杂剧家庭剧与元人家庭伦理文化探究

za ju杂剧
1.The Important Status of Dongping Shandong in the Development of Za Ju During the Previous Period of Yuan Dynasty;山东东平在元前期杂剧发展中的重要地位
2.Impact of the Neo-Confucianism on Za Ju论宋元理学对杂剧发展的影响
1.Guan Hanqing s dramas play an important role in Chinese drama history because of their rich contents,large quantity and perfect style.关汉卿的杂剧创作因其内容丰富、数量众多、体制完备而在我国戏曲史上占有重要的地位。
2.The vocal mimicry in Yuan dramas is a problem to be further discussed.杂剧中的口哨是值得深入探讨的问题。
4)poetic drama杂剧
1.In Guan Hanqing s poetic drama,various females of distinctive characters are portrayed,and great attention is paid to their living conditions and fate.关汉卿的杂剧极为关注女性的生存状态和人生际遇,为人们描绘了千姿百态的女性形象。
2.However, thorough study reveals that the scholars in Yuan Dynasty, who started with the stylistic evolution, did approach the stylistic characteristics of the poetic drama and the relationship between its origin and development, thus setting up the framework by stages of Yuan Dynasty and.与元杂剧创作的繁盛相比较,元代没有相称的戏曲理论。
1.On the calls for the imperial examinations by the underlings in the plays of Yuan;呼唤科举:元杂剧中下层文人的生命呐喊
2.Through comparisons between the figure of Li Cunxiao in plays, in the New Edition of Tales from the Five Dynasties and in Historical Novels of Late Tang through the Five Dynasties, this paper points out that Li Cunxiao is the primary protagonist of plays and novels.杂剧、《新编五代史平话》和《残唐五代史演义传》中均有李存孝形象,但杂剧和《残唐五代史演义传》保存了民间讲史的基本内容,而《新编五代史平话》的改编写定者则参考史籍,对讲史内容作了重大调整,在主题与结构上向正史靠拢,可以看作是古代通俗小说文人化的肇始。
3.Ma Zhiyuan s experience and plays show that Autumn in Palace is not to express the nation s emotion but it is a tragedy for the scholars at that time.马致远的生平经历、散曲创作及其杂剧创作表明,他的代表作《汉宫秋》杂剧主要不是在表现民族情绪,而是一部元代文人的时代悲剧,是马致远这个传统文人的人生悲剧。
6)tragedy of Yuan Zaju元杂剧悲剧

杂剧  古代戏剧样式。它是在前代戏曲艺术、说唱艺术尤其是在宋官本杂剧和金院本的基础上发展起来的,大约在金末元初之际,经历了逐渐完备的过程而趋于成熟,到元朝统一全国之后,杂剧进入了繁荣时期。    杂剧的体裁,首先是一本四折的形式,这是受宋杂剧演出时分为四段的影响。四折之外又可以加一、二个"楔子"。"折"相当于一场戏,但在一折中,场景却可有所变换。"楔子"的篇幅比较短小,通常放在第一折前,起类似序幕的作用;也有放在两折之间作为剧情的过渡,它是四折一本形式的重要补充部分。个别杂剧亦有突破四折一本的形式的。如《赵氏孤儿》为五折。一般说来,一本为一剧,但也有一些作品超出一本,如《西厢记》即为五本。    杂剧有三个构成部分:宾白、唱词、科介。三者交相配合,推动剧情发展,刻画人物性格。"白"有韵白、散白;还有"带云"、"背云"、"内云"等名目,各起串联唱词、交代内心活动、人物间交流的作用。元杂剧是一种歌舞剧,因而"科介"包括人物动作、表情、武打、歌舞以及音响效果等内容。唱词是杂剧中重要构成部分,在音乐上采用联套方式,由同一宫调的数支曲子组成,一折一套。至元代后期才出现南北曲联套的形式。曲的排列有一定格式,但又有多样的变化,要求每一支曲子的音乐前后必需衔接。曲文要协律,符合曲牌规定的格律,平仄要和协。押韵以当时北方话为准则,方式为全套通押一韵,但可四声通协,韵字亦可复用。此外,曲文中可加衬字,并可利用丰富的对仗形式:偶句对、鼎足对、连璧对、隔句对、连珠对,等等,增加曲文的修辞色彩。    杂剧角色分为三大类:末、旦、净。每类中又可根据人物身分分为正末、外末、小末;正旦、外旦、搽旦等等。杂剧采用一人主唱方式,由正旦或正末为主角,全部唱词都由主角一人唱到底,其他角色一般没有唱词。根据主唱人是正旦还是正末,杂剧又分为"旦本"和"末本"。但一人主唱并不等于一个角色主唱,正旦或正末根据剧情需要,在某一折中,可以改扮另一角色,担任主唱。    杂剧已经有比较成熟、比较完备的戏剧形式,为中国戏曲的发展奠定了艺术基础。