1.On the Reform of Northeastern China in the End of Qing Dynasty——Taking the Financial Reform of Fengtian When Zhao Erxun Governed Northeastern China as Centre;清末东北新政改革论——以赵尔巽主政东北时期的奉天财政改革为中心
2.On the Local Judicial Institution Reform and Practice in the Late Qing Dynasty Through the Example of Fengtian Province;清末地方审判制度改革及实践——以奉天为例
3.The reformation of the judicial stages and jurisdiction institution is the key content of the local justice reformation in the Fengtian province of the late Qing dynasty.审级权限制度的改革是晚清以奉天为代表的地方审判制度改革的主要内容 ,新式的审级权限制度的确立为地方审判制度的改革提供了前提 ,奠定了基础。

1.The army then took control of Mukden in a single day.然后仅用了一天他们就控制了奉天
2."The Incident of Gengxin" in Northeast China and the Response of Local Officials of Fengtian;东北“庚辛之变”与奉天地方官员的应对
3.Studies on Vocational Education of Fengtian Province in the Early Years of the Republic of China (1912-1929);民初奉天职业教育研究(1912-1929年)
4.On Industrial Education in Fengtian during 1905-1931;1905-1931年奉天地区实业教育述论
5.A Study on Wang Yongjiang and the Early Modernization of Fengtian Province (1916-1926)王永江与奉天省早期现代化研究(1916-1926)
6.Office of the Late Qing Dynasty Fengtian Trial Litigation at All Levels of Cultural Transtion奉天各级审判厅与清末诉讼文化转型
7.There are also about 2,000 Muslims and 600 Catholics in the autonomous region.全区信奉伊斯兰教的只有约2000人,信奉天主教的近600人。
8.The invading forces papalized their captives.入侵的军队使他们的俘虏们信奉天主教。
9.There had never been a Roman Catholic president of the United States.美国历史上从来没有过信奉天主教的总统,
10.They believed in god-given autocracy, and that the Russian people were "childish ".他们信奉天授独裁专制,认为俄国人民很“幼稚”。
11.complimentary daily newspaper.每天免费奉送报纸。
12.The entertainment industry has nicknamed him "a small heavenly king".娱乐界奉他为“小天王”。
13.A:The weather was awful during our trip to Fenghua.我们在奉化游玩期间天气很糟糕。
14.Principles people lived by before still hold true today.古人所奉行之道理依然适用于今天。
15.Children supporting their parents is nature's law and earth's way.子女奉养父母是天经地义的。
16.The new church will be dedicated on Sunday.星期天,这所教堂将举行奉献仪式。
17.Analysis on formation conditions of Xiaozhai "Tiankeng" in Fengjie,Chongqing City重庆奉节小寨“天坑”形成条件分析
18.Religion: Almost all of the inhabitants profess Christan and Roman Catholic, with66% belonging to the Ekalesia Niue, a Protestant church.宗教:居民中66%信奉埃克利西亚纽埃教(基督新教)10%奉摩门教,5%奉罗马天主教。

Mukden[英]['mukd?n][美]['m?kd?n, -'d?n, 'muk-]奉天
1.This paper curt research on all one s life,stories and theirs housewifery of 14 successful candidates of the Hui of the State and County that is under the jurisdiction of Shanxi,Jiangxi,Mukden and Hubei in the period of Ming and Qing,and emphases provides basis that they are the Hui and clue that farther lucubrate.本文考证了明清时期山西、江西、奉天、湖北所属州县14位进士的生平、事迹及其家世,重点提供了他们为回族的根据,以为进一步深入研究的线索。
3)Fengtian authorities奉天当局
1.Since the rice fields cultivated by Korean immigrants had pushed forward the development of agriculture in Northeast China,the Fengtian authorities carried out positive policies to encourage these Korean farmers.开始之初,奉天当局及东北地区官民对开发水田的朝鲜垦民采取了积极鼓励的政策。
4)Fengtian Province奉天省
1.On the Judicial Reform of Fengtian Province at the Turn of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China;清末民初奉天省的司法变革
2.A Study on Wang Yongjiang and the Early Modernization of Fengtian Province (1916-1926)王永江与奉天省早期现代化研究(1916-1926)
5)education of Fengtian province奉天教育
1.Especially after the northeastern new policies were carried out, the education of Fengtian province developed very quickly, a leap forward in the national educational development from the original less advanced are to the front row in a short time.特别是东北新政推行以后,奉天教育骎骎日上,由原来的后进地区在短时间内迅速跃居全国教育发展的前列。
6)Fengtian conference奉天会议
1.During the initial period of National government establishment, facing the change of domestic and foreign situations, the Zhelimu league nobilities had the Fengtian conference on October 13 to 17 in 1928, and had the Changchun conference on March 25 to April 19 in 1929.国民政府建立初期,面对国内外局势变化,哲里木盟王公们在1928年10月13——17日召开奉天会议,在1929年3月25日——4月19日召开长春会议。
