1.Depending on Songjiangzhen s size,its performance has three forms of 36 persons,72 persons,108 persons and so on.研究结果表明:海峡两岸宋江阵同出一源,台湾宋江阵是由祖国大陆“传台”的,台湾宋江阵的繁荣正是两岸文化同源同根的一个铁证;台湾宋江阵的表演形式依宋江阵的大小,有36人阵、72人阵、108人阵等,现今的宋江阵以36人阵最多;宋江阵的道具除了兵器外,另有乐器及谢篮;宋江阵是台湾南部地区庙会最常见阵容最强大的表演队伍,尤以高雄县内门乡宋江阵最具代表性。
2.This paper explores the origin, style,performance and characteristis of the Drum Dance of the Miao people in Xiangxi.简略地探讨了湘西苗族鼓舞的起源、风格特点、表演形式及其特征。

1.The performance is similar to the "Festive Lantern".其表演形式与"花灯"近似,
2.The Performance Methods and Representative Movements of the Flower-drum Dance in the South of Henan Province;豫南花鼓灯的表演形式与代表性动作
3.The "Dragon Dance"has diversified models and forms."龙舞",其造型制作与表演形式多种多样。
4.Yingge Dancing: The Origin,Form,Value and Characteristics;论英歌舞起源、表演形式、价值及其特性
5.During the Song Dynasty, zaju, or just za, gradually became a special term for a new kind of performance.到了宋代,"杂剧"逐渐成为-种新的表演形式的专称;
6.Shakespeare and Japanese Theatre:Change of Performing Styles;莎士比亚与日本戏剧——聚焦表演形式的变化
7.On Transmission and Acceptance of Shiji through Art Derform of Each Dynasty;从历代艺术表演形式看《史记》的传播与接受
8.On the Innovation of Quyi from the Aestheticism of the Contemporary Audience;从当前观众的审美情趣谈曲艺表演形式的创新
9.On the Innovation of Modern Wushu Routine Performance Forms现代武术套路运动表演形式的创新研究
10.He mimed the part of a drunken man.他以哑剧形式表演醉汉.
11.It has complete procedures and a standard form.其形式完整,表演规范,
12.It is a large-scale dance played during the Spring Festival or other festivals or holidays.是年节时表演的大型舞蹈形式。
13.On the Performance of Form Techniques in Post-Modernism Novels;论后现代主义元小说的形式技巧表演
14.On the Formal Characteristics of the Folk and Palace Performing Arts in the Song Dynasty From the Historical Perspective;从史学角度看宋代民间表演艺术及宫廷表演艺术的形式特征
15.Usually the dancers are in pairs, and the number is limited.表演为双人对舞的形式,参加者人数有限。
16.Xiangsheng can be performed by one person or more, but the most common form is two people.相声可由一人或多人表演,通常的形式是一人。
17."Gaoqiao"performers usually tie two long stilts to their feet.高跷,是舞蹈者脚上绑着长木跷进行表演的形式,
18.eventually forming its own highly stylized music and performing techniques.最终形成了其高度模式化的音乐和表演技巧。

Performance form表演形式
1.The big string play is called "the live fossil" of the Chinese drama , has already been lost Tang Songda qu, the palace music, the primitive plays, the ancient times performance form and so on which have already been lost were retaining in this kind of drama.大弦戏堪称中国戏曲的“活化石”,早已失传了的唐宋大曲、宫廷音乐、原始剧目、古代的表演形式等,在该剧种中还原汁原味地保留着。
2.The article analyzed the importance role of local folklore during its developing process,which has a close connection with local folklore from not only its humanistic connotation,but also its performance form,profession denomination,plot manifestation,and accompaniment tune name.昌黎地秧歌艺术全国闻名并且早在20世纪50年代就走出了国门,对国际文化交流起到了积极促进作用,分析了昌黎地秧歌在起源及发展过程中当地民俗起到的重要作用,其人文内涵、表演形式、行当冠名、情节表现、伴奏曲牌都和当地民俗有着密切的联系,并着力从表演形式、行当冠名、情节表现、伴奏音乐等方面全面剖析了昌黎地秧歌与当地民俗鱼水难分的关系。
3)Presentation Format演讲形式表达方式
4)body performance形体表演
1.So we should know how to give vivid,accurate and natural body performance according to different characteristics of different roles to portray graceful singing images.因此要懂得并掌握按角色的不同特征 ,形象、生动、准确、自然地进行形体表演 ,塑造优美的舞台形象。
2.Fair-sounding voice assisted by exquisite body performance can expre.优美的声音加上出色的形体表演更淋漓尽致地表现了作品,使大众听、视觉的审美需求得到最大程度的满足。
5)performing shape表演形态
6)physique performance形体表演
1.The principal part of listening lies in strength; the main part of seeing is physique performance;the main body of feeling lies in the mood of an artistic work.听的主体是力的样式 ;视的主体是形体表演 ;觉的主体是意境。

表演1.戏剧﹑舞蹈﹑杂技等的演出。亦指把情节或技艺表现出来。 2.指做示范性的动作。 3.谓做事不真实,好象演戏一样。