1.Shixie and the spreading of Confucianism in Jiaozhi;士燮与儒学在交趾的传播
2.The 1075-1076 War was launched initiatively by the Song Dynasty to unify Jiaozhi,i.熙宁战争是宋朝主动策划的意欲统一交趾的战争。

1.I never had seen Cochin China!我从来就没有看到过交趾支那!
2.Jiao Zhi, which is called Annam in Song Dynasty.安南,即古交趾,宋朝时始称安南。
3.Inland Emigrants and the Unifying of Jiaozhi Region in Han Dynasty Southern Frontier;内地移民与汉代南部边疆交趾地区的统一
4.The Influence on the Economy of Beibu Bay Area after Ma Yuan s Crack-down of Jiaozhi Turmoil;论马援平定交趾之乱对北部湾地区经济发展的影响
5.SIGNIFICANT-- Mr. Twain, it will be observed, is suggestively silent about the Cochin China perjury.“意味深长——大家都会注意到:吐温先生对交趾支那伪证案一事一直发人深省地保持缄默。”
6.Toes, toes, touch your toes.脚趾,脚趾,摸摸你的脚趾。
7.A wrestling hold in which one competitor wrenches the other's foot.反踝关节扭脚趾一种一个迭手握住对方的脚的一种摔交握法
8.The man in the absolute shade uncrossed his legs and dug with toes at the earth.树干的浓阴里那个人把交叉的双腿放开,用脚趾掘着泥土。
9.Knees, toes, Knees, toes,膝盖,脚趾,膝盖,脚趾,
10.phalangeal joint【解】指[趾]关节
11.Thumb reconstruction with combined free hallux toe-nail flap and bone and skin flap of the 2nd toe transplantation足拇趾甲瓣与第2趾趾骨皮瓣组合再造拇指术
12.distal tuberosity of phalanx远节指(趾)骨粗隆
13.An even-toed ungulate.一种脚趾数为偶数的带脚趾动物
14.Head shoulder knees and toes, knees and toes.(头、膀、盖和脚趾,膝盖和脚趾。
15.Cleft or cloven, as a hoof.裂开的,分趾的如蹄子裂开的或分趾的
16.One of the digits of a vertebrate.趾脊椎动物的足趾中的一个
17.76.9% of the EDB send tendon to the fifih toe.趾短伸肌发出腱至第5趾的占76.9%;
18.Thumb Reconstruction with Free Big Nail Skin Flap without Phalanx不带趾骨的游离趾甲皮瓣再造拇指

Koji Pottery交趾陶
1.Koji Pottery is the commonly seen traditional architectural decorations with historical and cultural meanings as well as the significant value to be collected.交趾陶为台湾常见之传统建筑装饰,除具历史文化意义外更拥有收藏价值的地位。
3)Jiaozhi Region交趾地区
1.Inland Emigrants and the Unifying of Jiaozhi Region in Han Dynasty Southern Frontier;内地移民与汉代南部边疆交趾地区的统一
1.Anatomic measurement and clinical significance of toenail;趾甲的活体解剖测量及其临床意义
1.Results All of the transplanted toes survived and have had good long term functions.目的 探讨吻合足底深动脉与跖骨底动脉在GilbertⅢ型第二足趾游离移植再造手指中的应用及其疗效。
2.Results 12 fingers of the transplanted toes perfectly survived and 1 finger survived with the nail bed partial necrosis.目的探讨应用足拇趾甲瓣与足第2趾趾骨皮瓣组合再造拇指的临床应用价值。

交趾1.亦作"交址"。 2.原为古地区名,泛指五岭以南。汉武帝时为所置十三刺史部之一,辖境相当今广东﹑广西大部和越南的北部﹑中部。东汉末改为交州。越南于十世纪三十年代独立建国后,宋亦称其国为交趾。