1.Polybius' Criticism of Historians波里比阿的史家批评观探析
2.In the history of human cultural exchanges,a number of great figures,including Polybius as one of these models,have been given birth to.在人类文化交流的历史长河中,涌现出了众多的伟大人物,波里比阿就是其中的典范,他身上体现了希腊文化对罗马文化的影响,可以看成是希腊文化与罗马文化最初交流的缩影,他的史学理论及其特点深深地打上了西方古典文化交流的烙印。
3.In the classical time, Herodotus and Polybius had contributed the ideas of whole and linking explanation of "world history" to descentants.在古典时代,希罗多德和波里比阿把整体、联系地阐述历史的“世界历史”观念奉献给了后人。

1.The Model of the Exchanges of Western Classical Cultures;西方古典文化交流的典范——波里比阿史学理论的形成及其特点分析
2.Then new pope summoned the Polos back to Acre.新教皇召令波罗一行回到阿克里。
3.My money is on " Apollo" to win this race.我把钱赌在"阿波罗"赢这场比赛上。
4.Aphrodite asked Cupid to punish Psyche.阿芙洛狄特要丘比特去惩罚波西卡。
5.Rafael Acosta: Bogota is in Colombia.拉菲尔?阿科斯塔:波哥达是在哥伦比亚。
6.The god Apollo, however, knew of Achilles' weak spot and told Paris about it.然而阿波罗神却知道阿奇里斯的弱点并告诉了帕里斯。
7.C: Yes, such as Dante Alighieri, Boccaccio and Ariosto.(是的,比如说但丁、伽丘和阿里奥斯托。
8.An introduction to Alto Ligonha pegmatite province in Mozambique莫桑比克阿尔特里哥纳伟晶岩区概貌
9.The Comparison between Euclid s Mathematics Thoughts and Archimedes s;欧几里得与阿基米德数学思想之比较
10.Bobby Adams was very quiet as Dr Smith examined him.史密斯医生给波比?阿达姆斯诊断时,波比静静地没说话。
11.KJV] Then went Boaz up to the gate, and sat him down there: and, behold, the kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by; unto whom he said, Ho, such a one![新译]波阿斯去到城门,坐在那里,波阿斯所说那个有买赎权的近亲刚巧路过那里。
12.Keywords: ultrasound, achilles tendon, mechanical properties, resonant frequency.关键词:超音波、阿基里斯腱、机械特性、共振频率。
13.Effective Comparison between Glucomannan and Acarbose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients葡甘聚糖与阿卡波糖治疗2型糖尿病疗效比较
14."It is five leagues from here to Hesdin, six from Hesdin to Saint-Pol, eight and a half from Saint-Pol to Arras.“从此地到爱司丹五法里,从爱司丹到圣波尔六法里,从圣波尔到阿拉斯八法里半。
15.Then went Boaz up to the gate, and sat him down there: and, behold, the kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by; unto whom he said, Ho, such a one!状态离线4:1波阿斯到了城门,坐在那里,恰巧波阿斯所说的那至近的亲属经过。
16.Watching a potato bake in a microwave is more exciting.看着微波炉里烤白薯都比这有趣。
17.it is still observed among the Bareas of Abyssinia.而在阿比西尼亚的巴里人中,现在也还是如此。
18.For example, they can see the boxing gloves worn by boxer Mohammad Ali.比如拳王穆罕默德?阿里用过的拳击手套,

5)Herbig-Haro shock wave赫比格-阿罗激波
1.The Forming and Distribution Characteristic of the Groundwater Resource in Ali Area of Tibet;西藏阿里地区地下水资源的形成分布特征
2.Investigation on Rodents in Ali District of Tibet;西藏阿里地区啮齿类动物调查

阿波里耐apollinaire, guillaume原名纪尧姆(或威廉)·阿波里耐·德科斯特罗维茨基(guillelmus[or wilhelm] apollinaris de kostrowitzki)。(1880.8.26,意大利 罗马? ~1918.11.9,法国 巴黎)波兰裔意大利出生的法国诗人。20岁抵达巴黎,但总是对早年生活有所隐瞒。在其短促的一生中,参与了20世纪初风靡一时的所有先锋运动。其诗作的特点是大胆,甚至是暴力、技巧性实验。由于他运用不寻常的口头联想和文字模式,创造出令人惊讶的效果,常被视为是超现实主义的先驱。他的诗歌杰作是《醇酒集》(1913)。第一次世界大战时脑部受的伤是导致他日后死亡的原因。