1.Administering Tibet in Qing Dynasty Looked from Conferring the Fifth Panchen to the Sixth Panchen to Beijing;从五世班禅受封及六世班禅进京看清朝对西藏的治理
2.The Panchen s Functions in the Management of Tibet in Qing Dynasty;班禅系统在清朝治理西藏中的作用
3.The Relation between Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama and Qing Dynasty’s Tibetan Policies清朝末期达赖、班禅关系与治藏政策研究

2.reincarnation of the Panchen Lama班禅喇嘛的转世灵童
3.After his arrival they will probably go all out to work on him to join their clique.班禅到拉萨后,他们可能要大拉一把,使班禅加入他们的集团。
4.Administering Tibet in Qing Dynasty Looked from Conferring the Fifth Panchen to the Sixth Panchen to Beijing;从五世班禅受封及六世班禅进京看清朝对西藏的治理
5.The Eleventh Panchen Erdeni(Gyansen Norpo)第十一世纪班禅额尔德尼(坚赞诺布)
6.Premier Zhou Enlai once met Panchen Erdeni Chosgyi Gyantsen.周恩来曾会见班禅额尔德尼·确吉坚赞。
7."The identification, confirmation and enthronement (or installation) of the Eleventh Panchen Lama"第十一世班禅寻访、认定、坐床
8.The Analysis of the Contradiction between the 9th Panchen Lama and the 13th Dalai Lama;九世班禅与十三世达赖失和原因探析
9.~The Eleventh Panchen Erdeni (Gyantsen Norpo)第十一世班禅农艺师额尔德尼(坚赞诺布)
10.In 1925 when the Eighth Panchen Lama of Tibet came to Beijing, he had Ying'Tai as his residence.1925 年,西藏的八世班禅入京,也曾住在瀛台。
11.The Four Visits of 10th Panchen's to Labrang and the Historial Significance十世班禅四次拉卜楞之行及其历史意义
12.The Relation between Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama and Qing Dynasty’s Tibetan Policies清朝末期达赖、班禅关系与治藏政策研究
13.The timing of the demonstration to take place before the Panchen's arrival in Lhasa was deliberate.他们选择在班禅尚未到达的时机举行这次示威,是经过考虑的。
14.In addition, the state has allocated 66.2 million yuan and 650 kg of gold for the construction of the funerary stupa and sacrificial hall of the 10th Panchen Lama.为修建十世班禅灵塔祀殿,国家一次就拨专款6620万元、黄金650公斤。
15.The annual financial receipts and expenditures of the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni will be subject to checking by the high commissioners.达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼每年的财务收支,由驻藏大臣稽查总核。
16.In the 45th year of reign of Emperor Qianlong (1780 A.D.)乾隆四十五年(1780年),六世班禅来京,因病在西黄寺内圆寂。
17.On many occasions the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni expressed their support for national unification and for the central government.达赖、班禅等多次表示维护祖国统一,拥护中央政府。
18.The Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Lama are the two leading incarnation hierarchies of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛两大活佛系统属于藏传佛教格鲁派。

Bachan 6th六世班禅
3)Ban Chan Lama九世班禅
1.In internal Tibet, the contradiction between Dalai Lama of the 13 generation and Ban Chan Lama of the 9 generation shrilled everyday.在近代西藏历史上,两大活佛系统的矛盾日益尖锐,九世班禅喇嘛于1923年逃离西藏。
4)The Panchen Lama班禅喇嘛
5)Panchen Returning to Tibet班禅返藏
6)the 10th Panchen十世班禅

班禅  西藏佛教格鲁派(黄教)中与达赖并列的两大宗教领袖之一。班,梵语班智达(pa╯╨ita)的略称,意为博学之士;禅,藏语意为大;班禅意为大班智达,即大学者。原为后藏(今日喀则地区)一带对佛学知识渊博的高僧的尊称。17世纪初,日喀则著名黄教寺院扎什伦布寺寺主罗桑却吉坚赞(Blo-bzang chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan,1567~1662)是当时黄教领袖,因精通佛学而被人尊称为班禅。明崇祯十五年(1642)蒙古和硕特部领袖顾实汗消灭与黄教为敌的藏巴汗,在西藏建立地方政权。清顺治二年(1645),顾实汗在罗桑却吉坚赞原有班禅尊称的基础上赠给他"班禅博克多"的称号(博克多,蒙语对智勇兼备人物的尊称)。康熙元年(1662)罗桑却吉坚赞圆寂,他的弟子、黄教另一领袖达赖五世为他寻找转世"灵童",从此黄教建立了班禅活佛系统。罗桑却吉坚赞为班禅四世,班禅三世罗桑顿主(Blo-bzang don-grub,1505~1566)、班禅二世索南乔郎(Bsod-nams phyogs-glang,1439~1504)、班禅一世克主杰·格雷贝桑(Mkhas-grub-rie Dge-legs dpal-bzang,1385~1438。黄教创始人宗喀巴的弟子)都是追认的。但也有人认为罗桑却吉坚赞为班禅一世。自班禅四世起,历世班禅都以扎什伦布寺为母寺。班禅五世名罗桑意希(Blo-bzangye-shes,1663~1737)。康熙五十二年清朝派官员进藏封他为"班禅额尔德尼"(额尔德尼,满语珍宝之意),赐金册金印。从此班禅的宗教地位得到清朝中央的确认。班禅六世贝丹意希(Dpal-ldan ye-shes,1738~1780)是第一个到过内地的班禅,他于乾隆四十五年(1780)先后到承德、北京,祝贺乾隆帝七十寿辰,当年冬圆寂于北京。五十六年廓尔喀(今尼泊尔)侵略后藏,班禅七世丹贝尼玛(Bstan-pa'i nyi-ma,1781~1853)退避拉萨,与达赖八世吁请清朝救援。班禅八世丹贝旺秋 (Bstan-pa'i dbang-phyug,1854~1882)二十八岁圆寂。班禅九世却吉尼玛(Chos-kyi nyi-ma,1883~1937)因受达赖十三世排斥,于1924年逃至内地,1937年返藏受阻,圆寂于青海玉树。却吉坚赞 (Chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan,1938~1989)为班禅十世,于1989年1月128日在日喀则圆寂。