1.This paper analyses slavishness and flaunting in Xiren s character with Carl Gustav Jung s collective unconsciousness theory of personality mask.文章尝试运用荣格集体无意识理论中的“人格面具”这一原型解读袭人性格中长期受人诋毁的“奴性”及其“争荣夸耀”之心,并通过细读文本,试图找出证据说明袭人因晴雯之死所蒙受的冤屈,以期对该人物形象作一相对合理的评价。
2.The people s social psychology in the enemy-occupied area showed that their struggle of defying brute forces, their slavishness of having been obliged to be ruled and their inertia of indifference.沦陷区人民的社会心理主要表现为不畏强暴的斗争性,被迫统治的奴性,麻木不仁的惰性。
3.Meanwhile,he is also provided with strong ideas of slavishness,such as tractable, docilement, being worldly wise, etc.同时,他又循规蹈矩、驯顺服从、明哲保身,具有浓厚的奴性意识。

1.not servile or submissive.没有奴性或者不顺从。
2.bow in a servile manner.用一种奴性的方式鞠躬。
3.attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner.殷勤,举止逢迎、奴性
4."Overthrow the Thoughts of Slavery and Inhume Dogmatism" --Mao Zedong s Repudiation of Slaveriness;“打倒奴隶思想,埋葬教条主义”——毛泽东对奴性的批判
5.A person who has a servile or low nature.卑贱的人奴性或卑下的人
6.The Brilliance of Humanity;在神性与奴性的解构中重建女性的光辉
7.The Relationships between Selfishness,Meanness,Timidness and Servility--An Analysis of Tragical Character of the Characters in Shangshi;自私卑怯与奴性忠诚——《伤逝》人物悲剧性格分析
8.This phenomenon is not a manifestation of servility students, and this is precisely servility teachers and classes that contributed to the effort.这种现象不能不说是学生奴性的体现,而这种奴性则正是教师阶级所希望并努力促成的。
9.Love saw the enslsvement of sin ,and sought an instrument of emancipation.爱是看见了罪的奴性,就寻找一个释放的途径。
10.Decadence and Redeemableness--Try to Analyze the Slavish Consciousness in the Novels by Zhang Ai-ling;颓废与救赎——试析张爱玲小说中的奴性意识
11.Yu Qian and his poems in enslaved literature context in early Ming Dynasty;明前期文学奴性化语境下的于谦及其诗歌
12.female sexual slave trade贩卖妇女作为性奴隶
13.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser; avaricious, grasping, and penurious.守财奴似的与守财奴有关的,具有守财奴特性的;贪婪的、吝啬的且一毛不拔的
14.person who exploits others,esp financially or sexually奴役他人者(尤指在财务或性关系方面)
15.Slaves who had been dehumanized by their abysmal condition.被极端恶劣的条件剥夺了人性的奴隶
16.An Interpretation of the Validity of Lin Shu's Translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin林纾《黑奴吁天录》翻译之合法性探讨
17.Revolution Must Be Digging Up the Roots of Slave--Analyses on the Zourong s Cognition of Nationalism;“革命必先去奴隶之根性”——邹容国民性认识浅析
18.spoke in a servile tone; the incurably servile housekeeper; servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work.用卑躬屈膝的口吻说话;不可救药的、奴隶性强的主妇;例如擦地板、扫马厩之类的奴隶性的工作。

1.On the basis of summarizing the ethnic ideas of former Greeks,Aristotle,according to the Greek actual demand in his time,expounded what the differences were between Greeks and barbaric races,why barbaric races were accustomed to servility,how the servility of barbaric races influenced their autocracy,and why the Greeks’ keeping barbaric races in bondage were valid,and so on.亚里士多德在总结希腊前人民族思想的基础上,结合当时希腊世界现实需要,系统阐述了希腊民族与野蛮民族的区别、野蛮民族具有奴性的原因、野蛮民族奴性对其专制政体的影响、希腊人奴役野蛮民族的合法性等问题。
2.This kind of culture is not only the philosophical basis of indomitable vitality and super wisdom for existence,but also has predestined relationship with autocracy,servility.阴柔文化根本优胜但又容易产生流弊 ,既是顽强的生命力和高超的生存智慧等的哲学根据 ,又与专制政治和奴性等结下了不解之缘 ,于是就产生了很奇特很矛盾的中国人 ,产生了很奇特很矛盾的中华民
1.In his novels prior to 1985, Zhang Xianliang portrayed many female characters marked by the combination of maternal kindness, wifely tenderness, tough rebelliousness and slavish dependence.这一系列女性人物身上呈现出母性的宽爱、妻性的温柔、刚性的叛逆以及奴性的依附等性格特征。
4)Slavish Complex奴性情节
5)slavish psychology奴性心理
1.As most things, bound-feet has its own appearing and disappearing process, but slavish psychology, the shadow of this culture, would continue binding the women development although the custom of feet-binding has disappeared.缠足有其历史及解放历程,小脚文化体现的是奴性心理的实质。
6)the slavish consciousness奴性意识
1.Zhang Ailing,in the female’s position,takes females as corpus consciousness to write the experience of sex role in a female life and emotion,delineating the slavish consciousness in a female heart and filling up the blank of Chinese female literary history.张爱玲站在女性的立场,以女性为主体意识写出女性生活、情感中的性别角色体验,揭示了女性内心的奴性意识,填补了中国女性文学史的空白。
