1.Looking into the Relationship between Du Fu and Chinese Herb from the Vantage Point of Du Fu s Life in Qinzhou;从杜甫在秦州的“药生活”看杜甫与中草药之关系
2.The compatibility to Confucianism and Taoism--Thought characteristic of Tu Fu when he Lived in Qinzhou;杜甫对儒、道两家思想的亲和——论杜甫客居秦州时期思想之特征

1.Cat Ghost in Qin Zhou文化人类学视野下的秦州“猫鬼神”信仰——以秦州区汪川镇为例
2.Probing into the Reason of "DUFU resigned his Government Post and Went to Qin Zhou"--Some Supplementary Suggestions about the Reason of "DUFU resigned his government post and went to Qinzhou";“少陵弃官之秦”探因——关于杜甫弃官流寓秦州的补充意见
3.Looking into the Relationship between Du Fu and Chinese Herb from the Vantage Point of Du Fu s Life in Qinzhou;从杜甫在秦州的“药生活”看杜甫与中草药之关系
4.Du Fu's Intimate Friend Ruan Fang in Qinzhou嘤其鸣矣,求其友声——杜甫的秦州知交阮昉
5.The Comparation Between the Du Fu QianXing Poems Written in Qinzhou and Wang fanzhi s Poems;杜甫秦州《遣兴》诸诗与王梵志诗歌比较——兼谈王梵志生活时代的判定
6.The compatibility to Confucianism and Taoism--Thought characteristic of Tu Fu when he Lived in Qinzhou;杜甫对儒、道两家思想的亲和——论杜甫客居秦州时期思想之特征
7.Lonely Poetic Inspiration and Sad Life Feeling--A Discussion about the Different Expression Forms of Psychological Experience Embodied in his Poems Written in Qinzhou;诗兴的孤独和生命的悲感——试论杜甫悲剧化的心理体验在秦州诗中不同的形式表达
8.Perfecting of Subsistence Allowances for the Urban Poor in the West--Taking Qinzhou as an Example完善西部地区城市居民最低生活保障制度的对策思考——以甘肃省天水市秦州区为例
9.Study On City Pattern of JiangZhou(ChongQing) City in the Period Of QinHan;秦汉时期江州(重庆)城市形态研究
10.Discussion on Tourism Cooperation of Dazhou Region in the View of Shaanxi-Sichuan Area;秦巴地区视野下的达州区域旅游合作探讨
11.Investigations on Lintao Surroundings as Starting Point of Great Wall of Qin Dynasty and Border Wall of Taozhou (Tao Prefecture);秦长城西端起点临洮地望与洮州边墙考
12.besides Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers, other famous ones include Liangzhou, Yizhou and The King of Qin Breaks Through the Battle Line.除《霓裳羽衣》外,著名的还有《凉州》、《伊州》、《秦王破阵乐》等。
13.BERTH VERSION" SHOULD CEASE --Comment on Collected Papers on Guangzhou Berth Relic Site in the Qin Dynasty“船台说”可以休矣——评《广州文物考古集·广州秦造船遗址论稿专辑》
14."Those were tombs in Han Dynasty, and what change can you tell between the Qin and Han pits."徐州兵马俑墓葬是汉朝时期墓葬,与秦朝墓葬有什么区别呢?
15.A Study of the Regular or Irregular Arrangement of Cemetery in Zhongshui,Weining,Guizhou Province during the Periods of the Warring-States,Qin and Han;贵州威宁中水战国秦汉墓葬群中的排葬、乱葬研究
16.Between Yi and Han--The Cultural Patterns Based on Archaeological Materials from the Warring States to Han Dynasty in Guizhou夷汉之间——从考古材料看贵州战国秦汉时代的文化格局
17.The Circulation of Farmland and Transformation of Operating Mode in Post-agricultural-tax Time-A Case Study of Shangqin Town in Ganzhou District后农业税时代农地流转与经营方式转变分析—以甘州区上秦镇为例
18.Aanlysis about the Representative Model in the New Farm Construction In the South of Shanxi--Research on the Case in the Qinmao village Shanzhou district Shanxi Province陕南新农村建设典型模式探析——陕西省商州区秦茂村个案研究

Qinzhou county秦州区
3)Qinzhou Road秦州路
4)stay in Qinzhou寓居秦州
5)Qinzhou Uprising秦州起义
1.The Qinzhou Uprising is an important one that responded to the Revolution of 1911 in the Tianshui Prefecture of Gansu.秦州起义是甘肃天水地区响应辛亥革命的一次重要起义。
6)poems written in Qinzhou秦州杂诗
